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Ray Patterson

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Everything posted by Ray Patterson

  1. A shame PNG can't field for shit. Fair to say they threw that away today, golden chance to beat the hosts.
  2. Congratulations on becoming leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.
  3. I don't know why but he's always seem like a slightly more sinister Alan Partridge to me. Seems like a right pompous piece of work.
  4. Probably already been mentioned, but today I learned that the last American Civil War Widow died in 2020! Apparently it was common for older veterans to marry younger women in the early 20th Century as the veterans could claim pensions for dependents. Helen Viola Jackson was born in 1919 and married her 93 year old husband aged 17 in 1936, who died in 1939.
  5. Literally just popped in the app as I hit post
  6. Still not seen my SSC ticket in the official app. Starting to get worried
  7. I like the fact that BBC Scotland will be doing their own coverage of Scotland's games, but still don't see why they can't do it for a UK-wide audience. It just seems odd to have two sets of teams, potentially more with Radio Scotland, 5Live, Radio nG as well. Are Pacific Quay just not trusted by Salford, ironic given they actually produce far more football than their English counterparts.
  8. I think from the outside you can see the logic of the move, but for a Full-Time club with players already based in Inverness it really doesn't work. The decision to pick Kelty is wild for several reasons, Kelty are your direct league rival next season, it's also a bit of a hassle to get to, it's a bit away from the Motorway. It's also an astroturf surface, which your manager has been on public record lambasting. If ICT picked some place near Perth, I think that would be much more palatable to everyone involved. It's a shame to see Caley Thistle in the position they're in, and to be bluntly honest, it seems to be almost completely down to Scot Gardiner - who seems to be completely incompetent at running a professional football club, but thinks he's quite good at it. League One looks particularly poor next season, with just yourselves and a poor Queen of the South side as the sole FT clubs, so it really should be an easy division for Inverness to win - but you just can't see it working.
  9. Obviously haven't seen Ajax this season Just had a quick look, Killie will be seeded in QR2 if Pafos beat Omonia in the Cypriot Cup final and Maccabi Petah Tikva win the Israeli State Cup Final. That would mean a much easier list of opponents including:
  10. Sensible move imo. It's 28 games now - but that could potentially become more as the league hopefully grows. Say Monifeith and Dundee Uni join the league, suddenly you're looking at 21 games + an 10-12 split then it's a 30/34 game season, plus the four cup competitions it's a better length of season at this level. If the clubs really want more games then they could add a group stage to the League Cup. Although personally, I'd like to see the Midlands League teams join the Forfarshire Cup once we get the 2004-05 edition finished. The big issue of the new format is if you have lieu games from weather and cup postponements, so the league will be hoping that there isn't a team in 13th with about 6 games in hand. You'd need to put at least two break weeks in at the end of Jan/start of Feb to finish off the pre-split fixtures.
  11. Think the boy involved in it ended up doing more stuff with Glasgow City?
  12. Going to go full conspiracy theory here but wouldn't be surprised if there's been a few call centres in Tel-Aviv phoning international numbers this evening.
  13. Depends massively on whether or not United or Dundee are at home, weather etc. Around 100-200 is the ballpark figure. I would say Lochee Utd are probably the best supported club, pretty much always north of 150 even for cup games etc, but can get 300+ if it's a game with something riding on it. Broughty have grown their support too, again north of 100 most weeks. Lochee United are the club you would suspect will go up in the next 3-5 years or so, almost always there or thereabouts and have said that they're willing to go up. The likes of Broughty, East Craigie and North End have had really good seasons since the "new" league formed a couple of years ago, but Panmure have been the standout until recently. Tayport and Lochee Utd have probably struggled because they've spent the money on Licencing, but the Scottish Cup berth every year has certainly helped them in the medium term. Always been surprised how little media attention the Midlands League gets from DC Thomson compared to say Highland League by the P&J and the East of Scotland by Scotsman. I would say definitely worthwhile taking in a game, the standard is actually quite good if you see one of the better clubs, and the hospitality the clubs provide is top notch (as is the scran) - it's not bad for £6 through the gate.
  14. While being the moaniest person on twitter, Ewen Murray at the Guardian got every detail bang-on about the new Sky deal. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/aug/11/spfl-and-sky-discussing-new-295m-tv-deal-to-show-60-premiership-matches While The Sun (shock) broke the news of the TV deal from 2020 but got nearly every detail - including length of deal and numbers included and even the start date (which was later edited) wrong. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/3459660/sky-sports-100m-scottish-football-bt-sport-rights/
  15. The reportage when it comes to commercial agreements tends to be awful. The main journos I would trust are Martin Ross (SportBusiness) and Stephen McGowan (Daily Mail). There are others that are pretty good as well, but I wouldn't trust a red-top when it comes to detail. Many of the rest either parrot press releases (often poorly), post clickbait or get stuff fed from people pushing an agenda.
  16. They have the Scottish Cup rights, but those expire in May. Expect they'll extend that deal. League Cup is until 2027 - exclusively live to them. They also have all Scotland matches until Euro 2028, although they'll sublicence games to BBC and others when it suits them. They'll probably take the 20 Premiership games Doncaster was on about from next season too.
  17. Can't believe the sanctity of GTF Day is no longer respected. Mods lock this thread pls.
  18. Championship - 9th - 4th - 12th - Championship You've unfortunately reminded me of Mellonball there.
  19. I'm not sure that's completely true in all honestly. The BBC (network) went all out for Darvel, and in the past have done some pretty big stuff for Scottish Cup stories.
  20. Pretty sure Sam North visited them in one his videos and they were relatively keen on going up to the SPFL.
  21. Presume they'll have a clash that weekend? That seems quite a ridiculous one to get wrong!
  22. Dundee's run last season was pretty bad towards the title as well.
  23. If Sky wanted to, they could stick the Bottom Six games at 13:00 on the Sunday and it wouldn't clash with the EPL's 16:00 Kickoffs
  24. Some of you need to have a word with yourselves. You're on for your best season in decades, and at very worst you'll be two knockout games away from the Premiership. Plus we still have a tendency to bottle things from here. This Airdrie side absolutely embarrassed us at Tannadice only a few weeks ago as well, so it's fair to say McCabe has a knack for beating the better sides in the division.
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