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Everything posted by Exiledjag

  1. No need for this sort of language. My father (long gone) was a Morton fan and as a boy when I became interested in football he took me to see our local team - Partick Thistle. Been hooked ever since. He could have let me join all my school/football pals who supported either Celtic or Rangers but no too much trouble around those two at the time. He told me Thistle was the place for me. Show a bit of respect.
  2. You mean the ref did his job and your player ruined it, at least for Arbroath! What do you expect when your player makes two reckless tackles in the space of a few minutes. Point the finger at Allen not the Ref!
  3. Appreciate your positive comments about The Jags. It was an excellent performance from our perspective. However we must also recognise that we could only manage a home draw with Hamilton and a loss to Queens Park. So we really need to achieve a higher level of consistency if we are to challenge for the title/play-off position IMO we need to get the defence back to playing at last season's level. But in fairness we have a relatively new back four with two new full backs plus Holt moving to centre from full back. We also have Brownlie returning from a serious injury and Muirhead out for at least 6 weeks (so I am told). I am sure given time we will get the defence sorted. A start could be made now by reinstating Snedden in goal. As far as ICT are concerned I was expecting a much harder game given the recent play-off results. I especially expected more from Samuels but he was fully occupied trying to help out your full back deal with Tiffoney. When he did get forward he found Milne too much for him. I am not too familiar with ICT players but you seem to have lost a lot of directness and goal threat from midfield. Best of luck for rest of season except when you play The Jags@
  4. New Jags home strip 'is a belter'! Takes me back to the 1950s-1960s. Let's hope we can find some players just as good to wear it!
  5. Still a soft centre in midfield. Would prefer Docherty to Bannigan and prefer someone with more physical presence to either D or B.
  6. He can't make runs anywhere his legs have gone. As said previously we shouldn't be signing players discarded by one of our main rivals.
  7. Could Csmmy Ballantyne (who has just left Montrose and is looking for FT football) be our future right back. Like Harry Milne at Left Back many consider Ballantyne the best right back in League One. A back line of Ballantyne, Mayo, Holt, and Milne would be excellent with Akinola and Muirhead as cover. Looks solid.
  8. The Scottish Football Community should be reflecting and identifying ways to help the victim of Goodwillie's heinous behaviour. For example, the compensation that Goodwillie, I believe, failed to pay to his victim. Also educating young players on their legal and moral responsibilities to make sure, as far as possible, such a heinous act doesnt happen again. The current situation with Mason Greenwood suggests there is a long way to go to achieve the above level of education and moral behaviour.
  9. I have just seen the statement from the Club that Goodwillie will not be selected to play and that his contract is being 'reviewed'! So common sense has prevailed. A big well done to all the Raith fans, sponsors and stakeholders who made this about turn happen. There is no doubt Goodwillie will be due compensation, perhaps the full value of his contract. It would only be right that the 4 Directors who voted in favour of signing the player and the manager and assistant manager who requested the signing be required to foot the bill. They should all then resign for failing to act in the best interests of the club. I don't see why the club should have to suffer further financial detriment over and above the damage already done including to its reputation and integrity. We keep hearing how individual players are not bigger than the club, recently Rudden and Thistle, well now we know the Club is not bigger than the fans or its community!
  10. Not a criminal court but it did go to a civil court and Goodwille (and his pal) lost! If I recall correctly the judge in his ruling had nothing good to say about the pair.
  11. I have been a long time admirer of Raith Rovers FC however after the last few years I would need to qualify that by saying I admire the football team but not the club. Having just read the Club's statement about Goodwillie in which the emphasis is that signing Goodwillie was a football decision (and a little bit about rehabilition) words like pathetic come to mind. Most clubs when signing players pay attention to background factors such as behaviour, character, honesty etc even signing young players includes chats with and character references from school teachers. Raith must be the only Club that ignores these other factors and tries to justify signing a player of Goidwille's character by saying its a football decision. Rubbish. Signing Goodwillie is a financially based decision designed to reinvigorate the club's promotion bid in the hope it will launch them towards the SPL. Its a decision totally at odds with the club's values as a community and family based club. As far as rehabilitation is concerned did Raith Rovers give any thought at all to the impact the likely media interest and controversy might have on the young lady concerned who no doubt has been trying to rehabilitate her life. I would assess the Club's character as mercenary and shameful. Oh well that's Kirkcaldy off my visiting list.
  12. I recall a game at firhill where Ian McCall brought on a couple of subs around the 70 min mark. Reading the BBC report after the game and looking at match stats, line up etc I realised only then that Gordon had been playing from the start. Totally anonymous for 70 mins then subbed. This is not uncommon
  13. Quite a view actually which is why the Clyde Board issued a really hollow statement about how they were giving this young man (DG) the chance to rebuild his life! Yeah, and not a single thought for the victim! What about her life? They took advantage of a bad situation by signing a player who in normal circumstances they wouldn't have been able to afford and let's be Frank wouldn't have looked twice at them.. All Clyde did was soil their reputation and integrity and I know I will never go to see them! Are RRs doing the same?
  14. The only reason RRs signed DG is because their promotion bid has faltered in recent weeks. It makes perfect sense from a footballing perspective. A team in contention for promotion needs a proven goalscorer. Clyde did the same and with partial success by getting to league 1. From a moral point of view the signing stinks! The CPS let the young woman down very badly and so have Clyde and RRs. Such is the lure of the SPL and access to immediate wealth. You might make the play-offs but I doubt you'll win the league. Perhaps it would have been better to sign a couple of good defenders - conceding 3 goals at home against the bottom club!
  15. I like Cochrane a lot and when he first broke into the Hearts team I thought he had unlimited potential. However the first time he played v Celtic he made the mistake of taking Scott Brown to the cleaners. The second time he played v Celtic he was carried off on a stretcher and hasn't been the same player since. I cringe everytime I see and think about Brown's tackle on this young man and get angry when I hear people like Willie Miller praising Brown. After his tackle on Cochrane the football authorities should have shown Brown the door!
  16. Dear Brechin FC & Fans I came on this site a few days ago and had a rant at all things Brechin. My comments were based on anger at events over the past year and on reflection we're completely out of order! Over the past few days I have reflected on my comments and the pelters I received in response - which I have concluded were richly deserved! I occasionally let my emotions run away with me as I did in this instance. So I would like to say sorry and offer my apologies. I am sincere in saying that I do have sympathy for what has happened to your club and like PT Fans you will be feeling a sense of injustice. However I hope that whatever league you find yourself playing in you win it and return to the National Leagues very soon. Its time to start a new era for both our clubs and I look forward to our next meeting on the football field. I hope that you can accept the apology offered. Best of luck in the future. A very contrite PT Fan.
  17. I don't know if Killie fans will agree but although the Championship looks to be very competitive next season Killie have two big advantages that should help you get straight back to the SPL. Firstly and if he continues to support the club you will have a good financial backer and secondly, you have a good, proven manager in Tommy Wright! He will get rid of the deadwood the club has gathered over the years, sign good replacements and get the team organised. In fact I suspect if given the chance by the Board he will undertake a reorganisation of the entire club! I expect Killie to be in the mix for a return to the SPL!
  18. Double cup win, top 6! Sensational season. Big well doneto all at St Johnstone.
  19. Well done tonight. Good victory and of course promotion. I thought you were going to thump Killie, 2 up in 12 minutes the perfect start! Looking at the SPL it's going to be a very tight league next season from 3rd place down to 12th. With the money behind them I am sure Ross County will strengthen their squad so no obvious candidates for relegation! Best of luck next season and please finish above your near neighbours!
  20. My comments recently have not been kind to Dundee FC. As a long time admirer, since the days of Alan Gilzean, its time to move on from Nelms and last season. Nelms won't be around forever but Dundee FC will go on! I watched highlights of the game with Killie and two things made an impression. Firstly, I thought Dundee were impressive and still capable of some really good football and deserved to win. Secondly. While I appreciate the game was between a struggling SPL team and the 2nd place team in the Championship the quality on show was way above where we are at the moment. I was even impressed by Morton to the extent I wondered what they have been doing all season! I think we are looking at a very hard forthcoming season To tonight's game. Assuming Dundee have no problems with regard to fitness I see no reason why at worst Dundee won't manage a draw. There were a lot of things about Dundee that were impressive in the first game but I particularly liked Charlie Adam. His composure, know-how and passing ability could be the difference! Best of luck for tonight!
  21. Thank you Zen Archer. I am calm now. There is much more I could say about this matter but given your encouragement this is my final word. Thanks again.
  22. I actually did think about the above and especially for the clubs like Falkirk Ayr, Inverness and the other clubs who were denied the opportunity of promotion, unlike Cove, Raith and Dundee Utd. The reality though was that these clubs were demoted or their survival threatened. So for me and I acknowledge they were treated unfairly they were not treated "as unfairly" and Am I not correct in saying these clubs actually voted for this shambolic approach! You might like to think about that!
  23. I don't think you do know this twerp of a PT fan! This twerp of a PT fan was a fan who was hoping (and supporting) your team would make the Play-off games and join us in the Championship! Go to your Falkirk thread and check! The fact I have an issue with the SPFL treatment of the demoted teams and yet 'spared' *Brechin might be in conflict with your views but that's just tough! The SPFLs treatment of these 4 clubs was contradictory and Brechin were given different and favourable treatment! As I said I have sympathy for the fans and the players but not for the organisation called Brechin Football Club. I can accept you might view this as inconsistent. As far as I am concerned there is an element of justice in this relegation! Oh and BTW I actually live not too far away from Glebe Park and have heard all the local gossip etc!
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