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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. You are looking back to possibly 2016 for the last time Bairns fans felt the confidence to slag off opponents. If life truly is a rollercoaster our carriage has been broken on the downhill track for fecking years.
  2. Seen that Falkirk, now being described as “Scotlands Premier Comedy Club”, the board truly need to get to f**k.
  3. I wouldn’t trust Holt to identify someone better. Let’s face it our forward line was shit last season and hasn’t improved any this season despite what the board and Holt say about recruitment.
  4. I totally agree with this. The managers you mention all have one thing that we seriously lack right through the majority of our board, Dof and management team that is football experience in their current roles. We are a learning experiment at the moment and that is our downfall.
  5. Walter gave me some great memories watching Scotland and for that I will be forever grateful. Will never forget the France game at Hampden when Caldwell scored. RIP
  6. Still think empty stands is the best way to get the message across to this board, even those that have bought season tickets staying away.
  7. Thing is, he's not telling us anything 99.9% of Falkirk fans don't know anyway. The delusions of grandeur days have well and truly gone with this mob at the helm.
  8. I'm no saying McInally but we need an experienced gaffer to get us out this shite or at least an auld heed at the club a younger gaffer can bounce off.
  9. I totally agree with you. We have a relative rookie manager, a rookie DoF (not sure we need one) and a board that Phil Rawlins aside has zero experience in the world of football. It would appear we are well and truly f*cked.
  10. Mate you are preaching to the converted. We know we are in a fight and it was mentioned by quite a few at the q&a on Tuesday night to Sheerin that his style of football is getting us nowhere. It was also mentioned to him that we lack the type of player with the heart for the fight to get us out this league. We're shite and we know we are. Our board just need to wake up to this.
  11. According to bet365 stats we have had 4 on target and 4 off, 4 corners too. Peterhead have had 0 shots on or off and 0 corners, Peterhead victory incoming.
  12. I was glad it went the way it did. I was there and they didn't get an easy ride. The majority of the question were well thought out, researched and exposed them for what they are. If we had walked out or shouted, swore etc they would have used that against us. In the past when we have protested and directors cars have been damaged it has shown us up in a bad light. I think we are going about things in the right way and it is them who have came out of this badly.
  13. This is where I think we really lack football experience in our club. Slagging off current/ex players wouldn't happen with experienced guys like Alex Smith, Alex Totten there. We have a board, Phil Rawlins aside who have zero football experience. We have a manager who is really learning his trade and a DoF who is new to the role. It's been mentioned on here before but we should have gone for some experience to get us out this league. We can't keep going with the turnover of players/managers etc but we have to if the current board keep getting it wrong. I honestly think Sheerin would maybe benefit with an old head in there assisting with the team and the DoF role if we really need one should have gone to an experienced person. With the mess we are in we cannot afford to be used as a learning experience.
  14. If you have any ex Falkirk players in your ranks we are well and truly fucked. Even if you have any players who have passed through Falkirk on the train or in the car we are fucked as they will no doubt raise their game against us. Could I please add that if any Peterhead fan feels the need to boo anything please refrain just incase our precious wee darlings think it's us booing them, we don't want to upset them.
  15. Last Minute Winner has to be Deans and Colburn doing a duet to Erasure "Give a little Respect" and they could have a group of us fans in the background booing and holding up "Get to f**k" banners.
  16. I agree and I actually think for once the majority of other clubs fans aren't ripping the pish out of us fans. On the whole most have shown sympathy for the fact our board are so out of touch with our feelings and treating us with utter contempt.
  17. Jeezo our board truly are a piece of work. It says something when we have fans of other clubs feeling the urge to vent their anger at them.
  18. The older boy, Ken I think his name is asked a question at the meeting under the main stand that McKinnon, Lex Miller, Margaret Laing etc etc attended and came across really well. He firmly hit the nail on the head last night.
  19. The boy that asked the question had clearly done his research and spent a bit of time on it. Deans showed him and the question absolutely no respect, utter disgrace.
  20. The moment the penny drops and Gary Deans thinks, f**k me this isn't going down well.
  21. Most of the comments, not direct questions from the audience are not being picked up on the video, they were probably the most cutting too. Hetherington strolling about like a silent movie star was though
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