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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. Posters have been banned for suggesting that it would be a good idea to hurt specific players. Just some cautionary advice. You can thank me later.
  2. I understand all that, and am very clear that no causality can be drawn at this point - what I was a bit concerned about was the "fucking stupid" behaviour where people - who subsequently tested +ve for CV19 - had attended parties celebrating the league win. I dont think for a minute that these people caught it in George Sq (like you I think the outdoors is basically fine) or even the parties themselves. Given the timeframe its more likely they caught it ahead of the Sunday............however the rather obvious concern is that those infected nuggets (be it only half a dozen as you mention) went to parties, sang loads of songs and infected their pals who then go home etc etc ......well, you get the picture? I would have thought that this was really obvious, sorry if I am telling you something you had already worked out.
  3. For clarity, I agree on the outdoor bit. CMO, however, also pointed out that in contact tracing interviews a number of those infected stated that - as well as being in George Sq, they had also attended celebratory house parties........ Perhaps another reason the police are - today- asking for daily reminders from both clubs to remind the hard of thinking among the respective supports .
  4. Difficult to work out which bit is the most tragic. That you think "best team at head to heads" is a thing, or that you went out of your way to Google green swimwear.........
  5. Apparently he is correct. https://www.thenational.scot/news/19161910.covid-update-scotland-small-number-cases-linked-rangers-fans-celebrations/
  6. I disagree. Gordon is one of the biggest problems with the programme and he has been at the helm of - what is now considered - a very poor sports show for too long.
  7. ........and I thought that glue sniffing had gone out of fashion in West Lothian
  8. Read the Hibs figures and didnt bother looking at other clubs as it was clearly drivel.
  9. That would result in him reducing his post count by 50%..........................actually thats a great idea !
  10. 5 minutes into the match, Beaton booked Gogic for (his first) run of the mill tackle that even RCTV struggled to talk up as a yellow. For a guy whos entire career is built on snapping at the heels of midfielders he was on eggshells for the next 85 minutes. If he had subsequently been sent off, would the same levels of angst have been displayed? I doubt it. Lets not pretend that the only decisions that change matches are those inside the box.
  11. I think you are missing the point - some of us are capable of separating a comment about other matches and what happened yesterday. I dont see any Hibs fans disagreeing with this bit in bold, indeed if you read the match thread I think all Hibs fans said that the second one looked like a dive. But this thread is about Sportscene, and the point we are making is that Kerr and Faddy spent an inordinate amount of time analysing the penalty and some of it was complete drivel. As @Loonytoons said earlier ; Kerr's comment..."there's no contact" Kerr's following comment " he puts his leg over his knee" yes he does, that's contact. Kerr's further comment "he got there first but it's not a penalty" Faddy's input "he got his body in front...it's not a penalty" As they say, opinions are like arseholes - and there are plenty of both on Sportscene.
  12. On the pen, very similar to the one Man City got yesterday. Torres got himself between the defender and the ball, bundled over, penalty. Struggle to see otherwise there or in Dingwall. Agree Boyle dived later tho........silly boy.
  13. Boyle gets booted up and down the pitch most weeks, the refs do nothing and the pundits say nothing. Couple of softish pens for us and suddenly it's newsworthy. I don't suppose they had an opinion on the entire County bench and half the team attempting to get him red carded for that tackle on the touchline?
  14. Hilarious stuff. Hibs should tweet a picture of Boyle in Speedos just for the craik
  15. Richard Gordon crying once again, trying to coach the presenters into saying Boyle dived. Hibs living rent free in Aberdonian heads now. Delicious stuff
  16. I live close to the centre of Edinburgh and - while I dont follow rugby - have never seen anyone shitting in the street after a rugby game, football match or anything else for that matter. I am sure it must happen, but "regularly"?
  17. I know its one of their pals that just passed away, but its a bit indulgent to use the end of the programme as Alexanders eulogy when we should be hearing Yogi going bananas.............
  18. We can remind the walloper that the guy who "may have" dived grew up as an Aberdeen fan. His tears will taste beautiful this evening.
  19. Well deserved 3 points today. 6 points clear of the sheep, that will do for the time being.
  20. Amusing, Yogi just called Boyle a diving c**t
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