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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I wouldn't normally be bothered but it is an opportunity to try and win a game. At this stage we need to beat someone, anyone at any point in any game. Kilmarnock to rin out 3-1 winners.
  2. Erm I'd imagine we are still paying a good portion if not all his wages. Wouldn't surprise me if we've begged Clyde to take him for free until the end of the season.
  3. Anyone else keeping tabs on Britney "living her best life" on social media since the recent court ruling?
  4. Because we have denied him the opportunity to earn those bonuses.
  5. Should we just open a new thread to discuss he who shall not be named. Folk can then do their nut in there with fellow posters who also wish to vent.
  6. Love a pub with a proper old wood bar and a collection tin on it.
  7. We lost the unbeaten run against thistle and despite everything that's happened since there is some kind of weird symmetry about playing them again. Rovers to win. Blind faith/drunk based prediction.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/captain-tom-foundation-charity-daughter-b2018320.html Wow I am so shocked by this revelation, how will I recover from this crushing blow.
  9. The line up mentioned a few posts ago. Five at the back does not work with who we have. Go back to the closest version of the team at the start of the season and start playing again. I think McGlynn has lost the changing room in part due to mental tactics and folk out of position.
  10. Ultimately we rovers fans support the club regardless of who owns it or manages the team. People have their own line in the sand for going back or not. Realistically change will be a long time coming and a lot of compromise will be needed and expectations need to be managed. Other fans can put the boot in that's their perogative and we do deserve it. Their motivation for kicking the arse out of it is down to them. The raithtv guys stood up for whatbthey felt was right so that gives you an idea on their moral compass for those questioning the return to their unpaid roles.
  11. I think we'll win this, I can't explain why and it's against all kind of sense or reason but that's football.
  12. I'm interested in these conversations with volunteers to get them back, and who has told them to work it? For example will we have a programme again, are raith TV coming back?
  13. Before the season started I saw Berra as a wise old head, someone who would guide players through matches and do stuff on the training pitch. Not the absolute rock in our defence and probably one of our most valuable players. Next season he'll be a year older and we might need a serious rebuild of that defence. As a side note I wonder if Dick is the weak link in there because he doesn't have the attributes of tumilty or MacDonald last season and it makes it all lobsided?
  14. Perhaps tag were on an installment plan for the sponsorship.
  15. I'm sure the club are probably quite happy with him speaking to other clubs.
  16. Can he play as a wing back to give us some balance with tumilty?
  17. The autism thing is hardly the most outrageous comment to make. Neurodoversity is something the world is only really starting to recognise and explore now, there will be numerous generations never diagnosed because there was little to no understanding when they were in their formative years. We can all see that John is socially awkward with being interviewed and we've seen him react to criticism, its not a massive reach to say he is fixated on this sport. I don't believe for one second the poster is blaming this decision on John McGlynn being on the spectrum rather just raising a point as to why he may struggle at this time to fully comprehend everyone's reaction to to the signing.
  18. Absolute pisser about Langs injury, i wish the the big handsome b*****d well.
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