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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. I'm going Toronto Octoper 13th for 4 days then NYC for 3 days. I've just secured tickets for the NY Knicks, I might get tickets for an ice hockey game too, I wanted baseball or NFL but that's all that's on offer. I'm presuming even though Basketball is the most boring spectator sport ever they might have some good scran and it's the maddison square place so hoping it's worth it no matter how boring the sport is.
  2. Ahah apologies my man I only wrote that for comedic effect, I hate vapes in all their forms and flavours.
  3. I once saw two dogs off their leads and they ran round a corner into each other before their owners could see each other, they started scrapping, they weren't fighting dogs so it was relativley calm and then when the owners came round the corner the female owner who had the smaller dog started screaming and kicked the slightly bigger dog to try and stop the fight and the other male owner without missing a beat stepped up and kicked her dog mid combat to level the score. It makes me glad my dog is a labrador shitebag.
  4. This song is doing big numbers very quickly, you may have seen it pop up, I've seen people get very nerdy and political over it but fundamentally I think it's just a belter of a track, if you think it's shite that is fair but trying to make it some culture war issue is trying too hard imo.
  5. Absolutley gone at the idea that a Rangers fan on Pie and Bovril declaring themselves as hating Britain and being a republican that's pro Independence is "sticking your head above the parapet".
  6. Aye I think the shows progressively got worse tbh. Didn't enjoy the last season anywhere near as the first of the Netflix ones. Realistically they should just have the Albanians wiping the lot of them but I imagine it'll end with a Sully vs Dushane head to head.
  7. The Scottish coefficient receiving a boost. Warms the cockles so it does.
  8. Don't worry you guys, you can sleep easy knowing it's absolutely inevitable Malik Tillman will score the winner against us for PSV.
  9. Just out of curiosity has anyone tried "Todd Cantplaywell" yet? If you're feeling spicy you could replace that A with a U.
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again but Raskin looks like he could be a monk in the Name of the Rose.
  11. They could've at least stumped up for a blue razz elf bar imo.
  12. Swiss fans are so cute throwing the scrunched up balls of paper.
  13. Was top for assists for us last year and literally did the exact same cross against Livingston at the weekend for Danilo goal...
  14. Pretty much sums up the half. Usually his output gives him the benefit of the doubt, he was class in the Europa final run but he's been utterly shite this season. Looks a mile off it. We had a decent start and looked dangerous for about 5 mins and then we've faded. Formation switch up has made us look so much worse.
  15. I didn't think Matondo was in our Euro squad currently but could be wrong. Looking forward to this one tonight, hoping we can build some momentum here even though I really can't see us getting past the next round either way.
  16. Can we just take a second to pause and remember they won the game and they're still losing their heads like this.
  17. I was responding to you quoting me before, whatever you're ranting about it was clearly aimed at me... I don't get the in-joke but Stormzy is fucking pish for the record.
  18. I know you guys are absolutley and utterly consumed with losing your heads online but if I was the type of weird guy that made alias "dotting accounts" then I wouldn't be stupid enough to dot my own posts or people that were arguing with me. Also kinda rich considering both of you guys have spent far too much time down voting posts of mine that have zero relevance to things you actually care about or dislike. I'd say that's pretty immature behaviour. That's the last I'll say on this unconvincing attempt to spam this thread with anything other than criticism of your beloved political heavyweight heroes.
  19. Referees are mostly shitebag hall monitor types and they should be less protected imho.
  20. RuMoore

    EA Sports FC

    Just played my first kick off game. It's horrible. Everything felt so slow and clunky, it doesn't feel smooth at all. It's like on UT when you have utter shiters that move like they're trudging through cement. They used to have a red indicator for the player you were and then a white one for who you'd select (could be wrong but the point lands) if you pressed to change player but for some reason they're both now pretty much the same colour so you barely tell which player you're in control of. I didn't expect much but this feels like it's regressed.
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