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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Someone asked this after the arbitration fiasco. The answer then, as now, is obviously YES.
  2. Derek Ferguson :- "Oh, it's in!" Richard Gordon :- "Do we have a goal, Derek.?" Derek Ferguson :- "No".
  3. I think it's a test of the ladies' knowledge.
  4. Is it :- A. A type of shaped pasta. B. A genus of Australian starfish. C. The next £5m + player to be linked to Sevco.
  5. Check out LeodhasXD profile. Did she do his too ? Similar style.
  6. I knew that of course. Besides, the staff at Waitrose would have been horrified to see Princess Par squashing the lychees and buffalo mozzarella.
  7. Which type of scummy behaviour does this post refer to, sweary grandparents or child in a food trolley ? Or were you going for the double points score ?
  8. All Sevco players are stars, superstars, talismanic midfielders, tyros, marksmen, magicians, netgeniuses, target of *insert name of European superclub*, goalwizards and box-to-box midfield generals. Even uber-*** Jimmy Bell is a "staunch valet to the heroes of Ibrox". (copyright Mr. Let's Go)
  9. This story has been picked up by CNN and they are showing video. Looks serious. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/aug/12/reports-of-serious-injuries-after-train-derails-scotland-stonehaven
  10. This sounds highly suspect. Has it occurred to you that she might not be scoffing a mushroom supper and is actually deep-throating the brother-in-law ?
  11. Southside of Capital City. In my 50+ years, I have never seen rain like this. Quite awesome and the lightshow isn't too bad. Thankfully we live at the top of a hill.
  12. "Expect" being the magic word here. She expects SPFL action here.
  13. "The Scorer of the First Goal will receive a brand new Bicycle....." Hearts planning a similar incentive scheme courtesy of Successful Businesswoman.
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