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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. "Hamilton have gone with a 4-4-2. They are dropping back a little bit to take care of Scott Brown. They have two targets up front, so if they do get good quality up to them, they will become a threat to Celtic's centre-halves." Packie Bonner maintaining his diligent research on Celtic's opponents.
  2. JTS98 doing a very good impersonation of disenfranchised Soviet citizen, post-1991. [emoji16][emoji56]
  3. Shoorely not. He's well aware that he had an extremely lucrative contract that proved to be very expensive for Sevco. [emoji16]
  4. Decided to tune in today and have to say that Cowan and Cosgrove were not bad........ until they brought on this c*nt Bradshaw who immediately wants to rake over the coals of the last 14 weeks like a dog going back to it's vomit. "OFF BUTTON"
  5. Come on, you live in 'Murca. You've got loads of checkout options.
  6. Comparing the mismanagement and ineptitude of your "successful businesswoman" owner to the death penalty is certainly one of the more interesting takes on the situation at HMFC.
  7. Wrong, actually. It's already been picked up by a couple of streaming channels. German sports channel De-motion and also US newcomer Bedshitter. (Thanks to Junior_Arab.)
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/jul/27/denise-johnson-singer-with-primal-scream-dies-aged-53
  9. As far as I'm aware, nothing in my post is incorrect / but obviously I'll be happy to be corrected by a sanctimonious, precious know-it-all such as yourself.
  10. Ooh...... controversially, I think Mr. Let's Go might do Walking Away before El Chubster does.
  11. Have Lille been trading whilst insolvent for the past 8 years ? Did Lille partake in European competition after fraudulently obtaining a UEFA licence ? Do Lille owe their existence to religious intolerance and hatred.? Etc., etc.,............
  12. That's a shocking slur on the Capital's hansom cab owners. You are obviously a bad person with a heart of stone.
  13. First time seeing that footage of Craig 'Wealth Off The Radar' Whyte being led from court. Astonished that he was huckled into, and driven away in, a Ford Focus estate. Would have expected it to be a Maybach limo or Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. Perhaps he was put off using one of his luxury vehicles by the wee neds with the "Watch yer motor fur ye, mister?" patter. Also, the vitriol and threatening language used by RaPeepul towards the man who rescued their club (albeit temporarily) from the clutches of David Murray for one of Her Majesty's pound coins is absolutely shocking.
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