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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Based on this thread, I caught ep. 5 on iPlayer last night. Being one of the more ‘mature’ posters on the board, I was half expecting to be completely discombobulated by ‘in’ jokes and yoofspeak but NO !!! Found it to be an absolute breath of fresh air and the “Why Are We Shite” segment was a hoot. Shall definitely watch again. It also gives me a reason to stop listening to the “From the Cretaceous Period” with Cosgrove & Bernard Manning. Anyone know if earlier progs are still available.....couldn’t find them.
  2. Revenge for Hearts having the sheer effrontery to invite the Halkett to Tynie. [emoji149][emoji149]
  3. Hopefully someone has managed to make the laddie see sense. 'Bloopoonditis' has been the deathknell of too many promising careers.
  4. Oh I don’t know.........isn’t it the case that Defoe and Davis are costing Sevco around 60k / week combined for what appears to be very little end product ? [emoji149][emoji149]
  5. Is Möet on the menu at Corntonvale or is she going to have to become Mags Heaney’s poodle in order to earn those wee extras ?
  6. From Sevco’s favourite news source, BBC Scotland Sport - Hearts have confirmed the signing of Livingston captain Craig Halkett on a three-year deal. The 23-year-old centre-back has agreed a pre-contract agreement and will move to Tynecastle at the end of the season. Halkett has made 36 appearances this campaign, scoring five times. Hearts manager Craig Levein said: "He's a talented player and is at an age where he can continue to develop and progress. This club is the right place for him to do so." Halkett, who switched to the West Lothian club from Rangers in 2016 but is out of contract this summer, helped the Lions to back-to-back promotions and has played a key role this season with Premiership safety virtually guaranteed. He has been capped by Scotland at Under-19 level and has racked up a total of 144 appearances for Livi, scoring 15 goals. [emoji149][emoji149] Oh, Bennett......... ETA - Of course, it could be an April Fool of quite epic proportion if this turned out to be Levein and Budge trolling the shit out of Sevco. If only.
  7. Honestly, that pair are the creepiest c*nts since Brady & Hindley. 🤮
  8. “Media” you c*nt. You dare to adopt the persona of a legendary yuppie 80’s serial killer, yet have pathetic grammar skills........how very dare you !
  9. Vanguardbears Against Republicans ?? Packie is a shoo-in.
  10. I’ll bet Damien is wielding a hard-on whilst he’s taking these pics of his mammy, the dirty wee scamp that he is........🤮
  11. Just been re-reading this thread and can I just say that it’s life-affirming beauty is truly wondrous. In fact, GP’s should just write the URL of the Banter Years onto the prescriptions of patients suffering from depression, it’s guaranteed to cure their ‘blues’ 🤣 and save the NHS a fortune....... Huge shoutout to Mon Dieu/HibsFan and all other contributors for this awesome work. [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]
  12. Don’t forget “a box of Fallopian tubes”. HTH. [emoji56] On a slightly different note, what is happening with Milky Gem these days ?
  13. Do you have any idea just how difficult it is to find size 11 slingbacks ?
  14. Your desecration of Her Maj’s English is quite nauseating. C*nt. [emoji41][emoji149][emoji149]
  15. I have absolutely no idea who this walrus is. Does that make me socially inadequate ?
  16. Is the wrong answer. The simple, and correct, solution here is for Scarf to pack his bags pronto and head for the hills. This wee scrote’s behaviour is probably the result of his parents plonking him in front of the telly / using PS as a surrogate babysitter so they could slob it in bed all day eating Krispy Kremes and smoking crack. Why these terrible people didn’t just employ a live-in governess or fire the wee shite off to boarding school is beyond my ken. [emoji1351][emoji310]
  17. Just seen this ........ https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/feb/25/mark-hollis-lead-singer-of-talk-talk-dies-at-age-64-reports-say?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other So sad. Such a talented guy. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/feb/26/mark-hollis-talk-talk-reluctant-pop-star-who-redefined-rock?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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