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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Cheers. You're alright for a Polar Bear and Killer Penguin avoiding Townie c**t.
  2. Is there more snow forecast for Fife? Every weather report I've checked has made out that it's going to be clear....
  3. Jimmy85 is a Polar Bear avoiding Townie c**t but he's hit the nail on the head here. Blair Skint Project seems like quite a bright chap, why he'd get in league with a patter pinching dingus like Twisteh is beyond me.
  4. Who else would you point out to the Dundee Utd board as an outstanding candidate? McGlynn is as ready as he'll ever be for a step up to a bigger club.
  5. It's really bad up here. Under the nice fluffy snow lies about 3 inches of solid ice. I had to plan my route home last night to try and avoid any big hills as the car was sliding back down them whether I had the brakes on or not.
  6. Div, Swampy makes me uncomfortable through cringeing at posts of his that I haven't had the good sense to skip over. I get embarrassed for him so can you ask him to tone down the laughable attempt at rebellion? Cheers.
  7. Swampy is the most tragic person on this board. He thinks that he's being clever and that his fighting the power sets him out as some sort of cool rebel that folk will have a grudging respect for. What he tragically doesn't realise is that he bores people to tears and folk end up skipping posts where he might have made a decent point because they just assume that he'll be posting his usual bland shite. They say that for every good thing that happens in the world, something bad will happen. Is Swampy karmic compensation for Dunc in the P&B world?
  8. Fife Police have directed them to the Halbeath road area of Dunfermline. I went to pick up my auld man last night as the taxis weren't running for a while and it was horrendous. My car wouldn't even go up the slight incline of St Clair st and I had a few wee uncontrollable skids towards the pavement and other peoples cars. I don't think I went any faster than 20mph all the time I was out. It's braw being able to sledge with the kids, build snowmen etc but I wish it would begin to ease off now.
  9. Braw day here, no snow at all. Those weather experts, Fife Police, have predicted that it's going to get brutal though. I've been along to Sainsburys to stock up on soup, rice and jaffa cakes.
  10. Only in the garden. We weren't feeling too great so we didn't bother with the big hill around the corner. Did you get out?
  11. That is quality. The poster behind Jake Jones is one of the funniest regular posters so it's no surprise that the alias has it's moments. Got to love the Donkey though. Carrots!
  12. I got sent home from work tonight with pay! I love the snow.
  13. Kilt, if you were in the situation where a lion was going to rip your throat out and eat your innards, would you shoot it in the face with a Magnum or would you put trust in the brotherhood between animal and man?
  14. Gies a shot! The parking bit outside of my house is like an ice rink just now. I called in for an emergency holiday as my car is going nowhere.
  15. You were right! I'm going to sledge my tits aff tomorrow.
  16. Raining along here. Hopefully it'll snow in the early hours and me and the wee man will get away sledging too.
  17. Fair point my wise chum. I'm just terrified that they grow up disrespecting the good stuff that they get. The best side of myself stems from being brought up quite poor. I strive for good things and appreciate them but have something to think back to when I cannot afford something I really desire. Does that make sense?! Totally understandable Keith. At the risk of contradicting my reply to The Phoenix, I hope to be in a situation financially where I can bribe my kids through school/Uni with the promise of a car in return for top grades.
  18. I maybe just think this just now but my kids will be getting nowhere near the amounts I've seen on that other thread. Did The Grinch not teach these guys parents anything?!
  19. Take half of it and buy him something he really needs with the other half?
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