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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I always said about One that if he wasn't 30st and he learned to header a ball, he'd be some player. I don't think we'll re-sign him though. Not because McGlynn let him go previously but on health and safety reasons. If he hits a wayward thunderbolt and it strikes the railway stand, the Fife College guys would be killed in the collapse. No more videos because of Armand!
  2. I was going to write, "Blink182, I've not heard them for ages!!" but have come to the conclusion that it wasn't funny in the slightest. We're all a bit edgy right now regarding our striking options and it just wasn't appropriate.
  3. I haven't been keeping up with this at all so can some kind soul please summarise Livvy's current situation. Is today some kind of D-day for them?....
  4. Comediennes are not fucking funny. "I had a threesome but two people didn't turn up" is just not funny. I could write better stuff than that and I'm a boring c**t.
  5. Agreed. I'd see the point if you couldn't understand what the person was trying to type but the spelling police tend to rear their pedantic heads even when it's an obvious typo.
  6. Kung-Fu Panda. Proper laughed out loud at loads of this film. Brilliant, one of those films I'll probably stick on if I see it on the Movies again and again. 8/10.
  7. My comment was nothing personal Delton. I merely used you as a vehicle to have a pop at that loveable young scamp VikingTon. My first Raith game (That I remember anyway) was in 86. I probably did still pish my pants on occasion around 83/84 though.
  8. It may well be. Does that mean that we should give up hope before a league game has even been played? I'd rather look forward to the season than just sneer at how shite we are already perceived to be.
  9. Exactly! I'd rather the team get the kick up the arse in a cup that we can't draw Rangers or Celtic in. Wow! That was really enlightened. Here I was wondering why the club didn't just buy cheap Junior players instead of players that the gaffer thinks will compete in the 1st division.
  10. I know, it's a pain in the arse. We started to worry that someone had been hacking our account. A 'Sold Out' message would save folk any hassle. If any reason comes up that I can't go, I'll give you first refusal on the tickets, Ok? Face value of course.
  11. We got the same message when trying to book tickets for Glasgow. It's basically a generic message to tell you that it is a sell out, nothing wrong with your payment details.
  12. I have 2 tickets for the Saturday night in Edinburgh. B) Bids can start at £150 each........
  13. Why do we call relegation crunch matches '6 pointers'?
  14. We've had two confirmed swine flu cases at my work. Lucky buggers will get off for weeks on full pay and not have anyone around them interupting important parts in films. 'Tis true, they may die, but just think of how peaceful it'd be not having anyone around you for days. It'd be like Castaway with mod cons.
  15. I'm Not Ok is also a fantastic MCR tune. It featured on Burnout on PS2 and made the game that little bit better.
  16. We're all gutted. Please come to our town as someone with fantastic banter like you can only improve the place, albeit temporarily.
  17. Aye, Hissy's a looker. His wife mirrors that fact though, she's very nice looking. Carol picked out Darren Smith from the current Rovers squad. When asked why, she said that she likes her men to be "Mean looking". B)
  18. Why the hell do they jump down the chimney when there's a perfectly good big door on the front of their house?
  19. Also, showing the poor wee bugger a big glass of red wine when she's posted that she is dying for one but obviously can't drink.
  20. I'm training all week so no chance of me getting it off either. Bryan Gunn manages Norwich now eh?
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