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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I can't believe that the mighty RRFC were held to a draw by this rubbish. Highlight of Morton's season so far?
  2. Great result all round. Celtic pumped and Moore has bought himself more time at Morton.
  3. I've not yet seen anything to suggest that we can't compete for the title. Pre-season favourites like Dundee & Falkirk didn't look anything special. If we're still hanging around the top come the next transfer window and are somehow able to add a bit of depth, I see no reason why we can't be contenders.
  4. I'd be very surprised if Hartley took a sideward step to Greenock Morton. It'd be career suicide.
  5. Should've paggered him and then shouted, "WHA'S NEXT?!" in a manic fashion.
  6. One more shift and I'm off for three weeks. Away to Spain for two of them. Get back, do two shifts and I'm off for a further five days. Braw. Braw as f**k.
  7. A wee glitch I came across today was when I drove my car in to a port-a-cabin and pressed Y to get out. I got out of the car at the front and couldn't get past the car to escape the cabin. Tried everything and had to end up shooting the f**k out of my car until it exploded so I'd die. Refused to put this game on when I finished work at 10pm as I know I'd still be playing it at around 4am. I'll get a wee blast before going out to work tomorrow.
  8. Where were you playing? I was up the Dunnikier on Wednesday and my drive on the 8th went a wee bit right on to the 9th. My ball was heading for a guy walking down the 9th so I shouted the obligatory "FORE!" disclaimer. The daft hoor just kept walking without covering his head and my ball missed him by about 5ft. I'd have had to call an ambulance if it lamped him, but on the plus side, we'd have gotten to play through.
  9. 1) The pause function was invented by a huge Man Utd supporter and he gave the function the number 11 sign as tribute to Ryan Giggs. The inventor, Mohammed Singh-Patel of South London, explained this saying, "Giggs goes past people so easily it's like he has been able to freeze his opponent!" 2) Monkeys are terrified of balloons.
  10. 1) Stephen King's IT was inspired by the day King's father, who had forgotten to book entertainment for King's 9th birthday, panic booked a mentally handicapped hobo to dress up as a clown and f**k about at the would be author's party for half an hour. The hobo lost it and tried to bite some of King's friends. IT is an abbreviation of Ill of Thought. 2) Dogs can't eat bananas.
  11. Then fly to Peru, get caught smuggling drugs and live the whole adventure over again. The circle of life!
  12. Lucky man. Rome is easily one of the greatest places I've seen. Enjoy. My RTBC: First game of golf in ages at 3pm. Getting paid while golfing as I'm on call today.
  13. I was sat in Methil bowling club one night (Cheap double vodkas, eh) and this rough looking lass came over, straddled my leg and said something about ending up back at her place.It probably would have come to pass but for two things... 1) My pals wanted to head back to Kirkcaldy. Understandably so. 2) Her fanny was burning my leg. I'd have pulled my cock out of her and it would look like it'd spent 40 minutes on a sunbed.
  14. I looked at one part of the BBC website to check my coupon at around 8pm last night at work and they still had us as winning 2-0.
  15. I'm much the same. Don't you think it builds up an element of complacency, knowing that you can let it go for a while? I'm finding it harder and harder to keep at it and have given serious consideration to just letting myself become a fatty.
  16. Can't sleep. Can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing as I've been plagued by nightmares recently. The worst being one when I was speaking to my not long deceased Dad who was really frustrated as he was holding a cure for cancer that would have seen him right if he had received it a week earlier. Grim.
  17. If Murray was spineless we'd be looking forward to Allan Walker screeching and flapping his way through next season again.
  18. I found it by mistake when I was going through all of the trainers to see if I could see a pair I fancied. Page 12 of the men's trainers or thereabouts.
  19. Does she at least wear them?I bought the wife a right smart pair of Adidas high tops for cutting about in and she's not even worn them once. Cheers! My wee boy will think that having the name on them is cool so it might stay.Wish I hadn't found the editor though. I'll be rivalling Monster for pairs of Adidas owned soon.
  20. I might do away with that bit as it seems a bit wanky.
  21. Found the editor on the Adidas website. Opinions please...
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