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Pretty gutted today that it seems my wee one doesnt like fish fingers, gone is my excuse to cook an amount of them a one year old couldnt dream of eating at 1130 every day then cite "I hate waste" whilst hoovering them up.

Those of you with weans of similar age, what do you give them for lunches? I feel wev got our one stuck in a wee rut of the same stuff all the time

Wraps seem to go down really well. Houmous; ham & cheese; grated carrots & raisins; falafel. Just whatever we have in the fridge. Now and again I'll sneak him a corner of my baynes cargo but don't tell his maw that!

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My wee girl was born this morning by emergency section. I will leave any more details than that for the good lady to tell you if she wants to but all is ok now and wee have a happy and healthy wee baby girl.

7lb 15 oz at 01:21 this morning

:) :)


You couldn't have got her out a couple of days earlier then ya arsehile! :P;)


Hearty congratulations to both. :)

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My wee girl was born this morning by emergency section. I will leave any more details than that for the good lady to tell you if she wants to but all is ok now and wee have a happy and healthy wee baby girl.

7lb 15 oz at 01:21 this morning

:) :)



Congrats Rugster and Mrs Ruggy.

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I was taken in Thursday afternoon with reduced movements and they decided to induce. The drip creates the most horrific contractions which were every single minute. Eventually got an epidural (absolutely amazing btw) got fully dialated to find out baby in distress and back to back. Had to go for emergency c-section and lost 2 pints of blood. Eugh. So going to be here at least a few more days! Other than that it was great...

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I was taken in Thursday afternoon with reduced movements and they decided to induce. The drip creates the most horrific contractions which were every single minute. Eventually got an epidural (absolutely amazing btw) got fully dialated to find out baby in distress and back to back. Had to go for emergency c-section and lost 2 pints of blood. Eugh. So going to be here at least a few more days! Other than that it was great...


Sounds like you're going to be on the iron tablets. The wife practically clanged every time she went to the lavvy for six months.


Err...just kidding, you'll be fine. Rugster can hum the beginning of 'Iron Man' when you come back into the room   :unsure:

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I was taken in Thursday afternoon with reduced movements and they decided to induce. The drip creates the most horrific contractions which were every single minute. Eventually got an epidural (absolutely amazing btw) got fully dialated to find out baby in distress and back to back. Had to go for emergency c-section and lost 2 pints of blood. Eugh. So going to be here at least a few more days! Other than that it was great...

Very similar to my wife when we had Sam. The main thing is that your baby is absolutely fine and healthy. Enjoy the mayhem now guys 😃.

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Hope you've got plenty N-R-G, m8.

You'll need it.

I'm at 2.5 years and 10 months. Absolute unmitigated fucking chaos and energy drain.

Wee man borderline hyper and is CONSTANTLY talking to me, climbing on me, demanding I keep playing with him, and testing the limits of what he can get away with. Mini lass at fast crawl and stand up stage, gets absolutely everywhere she shouldn't, loves the taste of shoe soles, rearranging the content of bins, exploring potties, gets upset whenever I leave the room, will only sleep on the big bed so live in constant fear of her falling off onto the wooden floor -> sleepless nights.

This shit gets more manageable as they learn to take care of themselves/each other, right?

Happy Monday's :lol:

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6 and a half weeks in. So far so good. Got a good routine going. Feeding is going well, she smiles ever time she farts, doesn't cry too much and sleeps enough that me and my wife can get enough rest to operate. There's still the occasional night where she will resolutely refuse to sleep, but for the most part it's going fairly well.

A lot of people talk about the first six weeks being hard but I'm more worried about when she's a bit older and can actually move and properly wreak havoc. Looking at Friends/family with toddlers, they seem more stressed than us with newborns.

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My wee girl was born this morning by emergency section. I will leave any more details than that for the good lady to tell you if she wants to but all is ok now and wee have a happy and healthy wee baby girl.

7lb 15 oz at 01:21 this morning

:) :)


Congratulations xx  She is gorgeous  :)


I was taken in Thursday afternoon with reduced movements and they decided to induce. The drip creates the most horrific contractions which were every single minute. Eventually got an epidural (absolutely amazing btw) got fully dialated to find out baby in distress and back to back. Had to go for emergency c-section and lost 2 pints of blood. Eugh. So going to be here at least a few more days! Other than that it was great...

Sounds like you've had a bit of a time of it.  They do say it's a pain you forget...until the next time...


Enjoy every minute of it, I'm sure it's all worthwhile now  :)

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Thank you all for your good wishes and congratulations. Hannah is understandably still in hospital with our wee girl considering the circumstances but getting better as time progresses.



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