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Plus one on the chewed food. He thinks it's hilarious as well to just give his food to the dug. He'll stare right in my eyes while I'm saying "Don't do it!" and with a grin of the truest evil will proceed to drop food for the mutt which is waiting anxiously at his feet. Usually cheese, sausages or toast, all stuff both he and the dogs love.

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Showed the wee man how to use an iPad.


Big mistake, tantrums galore when it's time to GTFO.


Oh aye, when mine was shown the wonders of touch screen technology and particularly YouTube toy review videos he near enough wanted it 24 hours a day. We now ration his usage severely and he gets it for around 10 minutes before bed to chill out, or if he's being fussy when we go out to eat he gets it to keep him occupied so we can enjoy our meal.

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Bit of a awkward scenario yesterday. Didnt know whether to skelp the weans arse or give her a pat on the back...

She was torturing the poor car who was lying on the couch taking clumps of his fur etc. After several unacknowledged rows I decided to get between her and the cat. So I sat there with my arm holding her far enough away that she cpuldnt reach him.... Problem solved?

Nope. She went and retrieved a coathanger upon which her days clothes had been hanging and used it to gain the necessary reach to give the cat about 3 rapid to the head.

I was seething and proud in equal measure. Sourcing and use of a weapon at 13 months may not be something I wish to encourage

On the serious note you'll know yourself what the answer is! When my nephews and niece were a wee bit younger and pulled my dog's tail or threw something at her they were swiftly told off and had it explained to them that they mustn't "be bad" to the dog.

But as you say, pretty impressive logical behaviour for such a young tot! :lol:

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Bit of a awkward scenario yesterday. Didnt know whether to skelp the weans arse or give her a pat on the back...

She was torturing the poor car who was lying on the couch taking clumps of his fur etc. After several unacknowledged rows I decided to get between her and the cat. So I sat there with my arm holding her far enough away that she cpuldnt reach him.... Problem solved?

Nope. She went and retrieved a coathanger upon which her days clothes had been hanging and used it to gain the necessary reach to give the cat about 3 rapid to the head.

I was seething and proud in equal measure. Sourcing and use of a weapon at 13 months may not be something I wish to encourage

Shows some pretty good problem solving for a tot to be fair :lol:

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Ours threw a dirty protest over the wean's presence in the house, culminating in a massive pish all over the changing table while staring square into my eyes. Went to stay with my mother until he died, which I think he was fairly happy about anyway, as he never liked me to begin with.


(yes, I know that reads like I could be talking about the wean, but I'm too tired to re-write it for clarity)

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Wrestling on the floor with the boy last night and he bit me on the chest, hard. Went to tell him off for taking it too far and that being unacceptable, but before I could get the words out he says "Hhhmmmm, delicious!". Couldn't tell him off for laughing. Creepy wee eejit that he is.

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Wrestling on the floor with the boy last night and he bit me on the chest, hard. Went to tell him off for taking it too far and that being unacceptable, but before I could get the words out he says "Hhhmmmm, delicious!". Couldn't tell him off for laughing. Creepy wee eejit that he is.


That's your neighbour's influence.  Only a matter of time before he wakes you up with a 3 lb persuader to the skull.

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What's the going rate for stuff like drop-in art/crafts/etc. classes, either generally pissing about or structured? If not drop in, prices for 'courses'.


Your local council plus local churches, libraries, shopping centres and community centres will probably do art classes, toddlers groups, drawing classes, messy kids (they paint with oats, child friendly paints and yoghurts etc) and book groups and the like for free or a very small contribution. They certainly do in West Dunbartonshire. Round here there's a local church toddler group we go to where he does crafts, which is once a week and costs a £1, there's also several Book Bug classes held locally which are council run and free to attend where they read and draw (held in numerous local libraries plus the local shopping centre), plus the messy kids thing is also about a quid, and that's just a few off the top of my head.

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Cuddly toys, anyone else made the mistake of buying one? I bought my wee boy a 'Bing' cuddly toy for his birthday last week. Now seems to be the only thing he can fall asleep with and it stops him being upset.

Also, dummies, best age to stop or should we not have started? Managing to just keep them for bed time now though. Cuddly toy is better than a dummy, right?

Maybe I will be better in October with the 2nd one!

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There's nowt wrong with a kid taking a cuddly toy to bed with them and if it's a comfort to them then sound. On dummies, what age is he? We took our boy's dummy away at age 2.5 and he's been fine with it. Certainly don't want them walking around with it in at age 3.

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We took our daughters away about 18 months, but that was because she had developed a rash round her mouth which someone suggested might be caused by the dummy.  She only ever got it in bed, but it was 2 weeks of hell then she was fine.


She is 2.5 now and she goes to bed with her toy sheep and dog and her "cover" which is an animal print muslin. 

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It can be useful for a child to have a toy that they settle with as it forms part of their routine. It can also mean if they sleep over elsewhere at any point, they have that bit of familiarity to calm them. Recommendations usually suggest having just the one toy that they're attached to in bed with them (no toys is a bit bare, more than one can be overstimulating) is beneficial.

Dummies are an area that I tend to think f**k other people's opinions and do what's right for your child. None of mine had them past the age of 3 months and three out of my four boys gave them up themselves. If it concerns you, perhaps try swapping the dummy for Bing and see how you get on. One of the quickest ways to get rid of them is to just take it away and put up with a few nights of crying. You'll know your child best though. You'll be able to figure it out.

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Not sure what the big deal is about dummies; the MIL went on at us about it for a while. It's not like there are any adults wandering around sucking on the things (well, not since the rave scene died off). We just started whipping his away when it fell out after he went to sleep, and we'd only give him one when he asked. He forgot about them fairly fast. Think he was two - certainly wasn't using them by the time he started nursery.


I still have the Big Ted that an uncle bought for me when I was born, however, although I haven't needed him for cuddles since I was seven or so   :P

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I don't particularly like dummies. My son had one for about 3 weeks but didn't really take to it, girls were same. Youngest however sucks same two fingers I did. I was 23 when I finally stopped!

Was a kid in swimming pool yesterday with one in.

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