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We have an appointment with the consultant on Friday, where they decide if she's getting to give birth in Perth or having to go to Dundee.

We're also booked in or a few classes, don't ask me what for though, I stopped paying attention at that point.

EDIT: First proper kicks have just been felt :D exciting stuff. Unfortunaltely I'm not there to feel them, I'm a bit gutted.

Edited by die hard doonhamer
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Aye midwife came out to our house first as well, basically to check your not a complete dickhead, I remained at work or they'd prob be waiting to take De Marcus off us.

They wouldn't need to visit you to know that though ;)

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it's been a long long time since i posted in this thread!

to all those who gave advice during the pregnancy - i thank you.

to all those starting the adventure - good luck and enjoy every minute. i honestly can say its the greatest thing thats ever happened to me.

Layla is 15 months now, running everywhere ang getting funnier by the minute.

we had a wee scare recently though, when i discovered two hard lumps, on holiday, at the bottom of her ribs. i freaked big time, took her to hospital and was told it was cartlidge and it was nothing to worry about, now waiting to go and see GP back here. here's hoping it is nothing to worry about, just dont trust foreign docotrs! she is not in any pain at all, they are hard to touch adn she doesnt notice im prodding them. am i over reacting??

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My son is now 1 year old, well was a few weeks ago and i was wondering when is ist best for a 1 year old baby to go onto whole milk?

Charlie was around 14 months when he went onto full milk (I think). Certainly wasn't much older than that, if he was.

It's brilliant when you make the switch, makes things so much easier when making up bottles.

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we had a wee scare recently though, when i discovered two hard lumps, on holiday, at the bottom of her ribs. i freaked big time, took her to hospital and was told it was cartlidge and it was nothing to worry about, now waiting to go and see GP back here. here's hoping it is nothing to worry about, just dont trust foreign docotrs! she is not in any pain at all, they are hard to touch adn she doesnt notice im prodding them. am i over reacting??

To be honest, it sounds like ribs to me! You know the floating ribs at the bottom of your ribcage? But then, I'm not a doctor. If it worries you, get it checked out for your own peace of mind. :)

G_Man - my boy was on cow's milk at 11 months. HV said it was fine (but I'm still breastfeeding twice a day on top of the milk he gets). I never heat it up - he gets it cold from the fridge and wont touch it if it's warm. Also, could you try giving him it from a sippy cup instead of a bottle? He *might* take more that way? And as for the poop - jabs made my boy a bit 'looser' and more frequent...

Edited by Reina
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Feck knows where that went :huh: I just made a post and it completely disappeared. Went straight back to the blank reply screen.

Anyway, to repeat what it said, Thomas went onto cow's milk at exactly one year old. We were told to wait until he was one and took it literally. It would have been the week he turned one. He never batted an eyelid and took it just the same, albeit he gets it heated, not cold. However, as he was never breastfed that's maybe not surprising. I imagine it tastes exactly the same as formula in reality.

EDITED to add: Thomas has never had any supplements to his milk and other food. He eats a good varied diet. Never seen any need.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Shouldn't matter, G, baby jars are specifically made up to be nutritionally balanced and have to be by law. Life would have been much easier if Cal would have eaten food from a jar... little sod would only eat 'home-made' food. *sigh* Used to do my box in!

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To be honest, it sounds like ribs to me! You know the floating ribs at the bottom of your ribcage? But then, I'm not a doctor. If it worries you, get it checked out for your own peace of mind. :)

G_Man - my boy was on cow's milk at 11 months. HV said it was fine (but I'm still breastfeeding twice a day on top of the milk he gets). I never heat it up - he gets it cold from the fridge and wont touch it if it's warm. Also, could you try giving him it from a sippy cup instead of a bottle? He *might* take more that way? And as for the poop - jabs made my boy a bit 'looser' and more frequent...

I moved Ruairidh onto cows milk at spot on a year but he'd been getting it in porriage from weaning as the HV said it was fine as it was cooked and then in wheatabix from 11 months. Again though I was also still breastfeeding twice a day as well. He also was off a bottle and onto a sip cup from 9 months. I rarely used jars as they were far too expensive compared to just puréeing some fruit and veg in the beginning and then not putting salt and liquidising up what we had once he was about 8 months onwards. They were handy if out.

Ruairidh is 2 today and I'm 12 weeks pregnant today! Really has been the quickest 2 years I've known! He's opened some presents but is more delighted with the balloons! We're up at mum and dads so having a wee family get together this afternoon.

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Weetabix is Cal's favourite breakfast - what I do is: he gets 2 of them (which is more of them than I can eat!) and I squish them up and then pour cold milk on top. Then I put it in the micro for 45 secs and it's the perfect temp for him. He's now feeding it to himself really well :D

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