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Going to Gleneagles next weekend and eating at Andrew Fairlies the Friday night. Is the matching wine worth it, when doing the taster menu? An extra £85 a head for what is essentially less than a bottle of wine seems a bit steep.

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How long would it take to travel to the nearest star (not the Sun)?

The nearest star is Proxima Centauri at a distance of 4.2 light years. At a speed of 150,000 miles per hour from a passive slingshot maneuver, it would take about 17,900 years to reach this star.

In other words, your tea would be cold when you got there.

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Going to Gleneagles next weekend and eating at Andrew Fairlies the Friday night. Is the matching wine worth it, when doing the taster menu? An extra £85 a head for what is essentially less than a bottle of wine seems a bit steep.

I would say no, but I'm not a big wine drinker. A fiver bottle from Tesco is good enough for me. The food is fucking superb though, you kucky b*****d!

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In other words, your tea would be cold when you got there.

Aye, he'll need to bung it in the microwave once he's in orbit. Lucky if it's not frozen solid.

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Going to Gleneagles next weekend and eating at Andrew Fairlies the Friday night. Is the matching wine worth it, when doing the taster menu? An extra £85 a head for what is essentially less than a bottle of wine seems a bit steep.

Had a wee google to check the food prices, and found this. Not sure who wrote it but I don't think I'd ever tire of punching him.


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Going to Gleneagles next weekend and eating at Andrew Fairlies the Friday night. Is the matching wine worth it, when doing the taster menu? An extra £85 a head for what is essentially less than a bottle of wine seems a bit steep.

I've not been to Gleneagles for about a decade but I reckon you'd struggle to find a good bottle for under £50 and, even then, you'd not want to drink the same wine with every course on what, I guess, would be a 5/6 course menu.

So I think doing the 'wine matching'/'tasting menu' thing may be a more expensive option but is enjoyable. Just don't get tanked up first. Have nothing more than a small fino sherry before the meal and pace yourself as you're eating. This is absolutely vital in expensive establishments.

If you have a couple of pints and a matching pair of drams first then such meals are best avoided. Tasting menus are the scourge of the drinking classes. The individual portions are meagre, the service is slow, you'll order extra wine while waiting for the next course, you'll moan that you're hungry, your Mrs will think you're being a drunken boor, you'll have a row, she'll stomp off at the end of the meal so you'll order a couple of large Laphroaigs by way of consolation so the whole thing will cost you twice what you've budgeted.

This is what I heard from a friend, anyway.

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Going to Gleneagles next weekend and eating at Andrew Fairlies the Friday night. Is the matching wine worth it, when doing the taster menu? An extra £85 a head for what is essentially less than a bottle of wine seems a bit steep.

Not at Gleneagles, but we did the taster menu at Fonab Castle in Pitlochry and had the accompanying wines. The sommelier took is through each wine and told us a bit about where it came from and what made the particular grape taste the way it did. I found it really interesting.

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Do as I say, not as I do type post.

Time and place, Mozza. The time to have a good bucket is not when your 'significant other' expects you to behave in a way as to hint that you're enjoying his or her company rather than what you're imbibing and the place is certainly not an establishment that charges for a bottle what you'd reasonably expect to pay for a small vineyard.

So I heard.

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Nandos again tomorrow GD?

Never been to Nandos Mozza, though I've heard very contradictory things about it.

I'd imagine you could get a bucketful of wine in Nandos for £85. Possibly literally.

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Yeah they do that at Gleneagles too. I didn't have the wine pairing but you get a decent glass full for each course. The food is worth every penny though. Last time we were there Andrew Fairlie was standing at the door welcoming everyone in.

If I was paying that much I'd want the cnut in the kitchen working rather than having a sly smoke at the door.

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Right at the end of TV programme credits, it usually finishes with something from the production company, e.g. Archer has that annoying "made... in Georgia".


Question: What was the popular TV show which had a kids voice saying "I made this!" as one of these?

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Right at the end of TV programme credits, it usually finishes with something from the production company, e.g. Archer has that annoying "made... in Georgia".


Question: What was the popular TV show which had a kids voice saying "I made this!" as one of these?


The Simpsons


edit: No it fucking wasn't.  The X Files

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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£85 for wine :lol: :lol:

Years ago when I worked in Ayr a mate and me would sometimes buy our wine from Whighams wine merchant.

( Was down in their cellars once for a Christmas tasting , but that's another story )

Anyway I went to France a lot and he went to Italy so we considered ourselves something of wine experts.

Aye Right you say and now I would agree but we were young and stupid!

Whig hams had  two bottles of wine on display, one at £100 and one at £120. Bearing in mind this was late 70's early 80's this was serious dosh. We would often walk along the shore at lunchtime debating whether we should buy a bottle between us to se if it could really be THAT good?

This went on for weeks and weeks until eventually we decided that we would just knock it back in about ten minutes and then deeply regret spending the money. So Oddbins it was then!

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