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How do you clear your 'cache'?

^^^^^^^ needs to delete the porn before the missus finds it.

Zane Lowe is playing/played the new Kasabian song on Radio One tonight. Can anyone tell me, is it "Velociraptor"?

Smurph mentioned something the other day about a new Kasabian song called "Switchblade Smiles", could that be it?

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How long is acceptable to open a bottle of red wine, leave it for a few days, then finish it off? I opened a bottle over a week a go, and finishing it now. It tastes slightly more sour. Just your average run-of-the-mill red? Ta.

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How long is acceptable to open a bottle of red wine, leave it for a few days, then finish it off? I opened a bottle over a week a go, and finishing it now. It tastes slightly more sour. Just your average run-of-the-mill red? Ta.

You'll be dead in the morning. Cheers!

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My daughter just asked me what would happen if the whole world was upside down and I don't really know the answer!:lol:

Look at a map of the world upside down and marvel at how weird it looks. Who decided to draw it that way up anyway??!

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Just got a letter through from Strathclyde's finest...I've been caught bang to rights doing 63mph in a 50 zone. Am I right in thinking that since it's a temporary limit while there are roadworks being carried out, that they can only fine me and can't actually give me any penalty points?

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How long is acceptable to open a bottle of red wine, leave it for a few days, then finish it off? I opened a bottle over a week a go, and finishing it now. It tastes slightly more sour. Just your average run-of-the-mill red? Ta.

It'll taste fairly crappy, but aside from a possible black shite afterwards it won't have any health effects.

Ideally, a red wine should be opened and left to breath for roughly an hour before consuming and then should be re-sealed with a cork or similar if not finishing in one go and finished within 3 days.

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Just got a letter through from Strathclyde's finest...I've been caught bang to rights doing 63mph in a 50 zone. Am I right in thinking that since it's a temporary limit while there are roadworks being carried out, that they can only fine me and can't actually give me any penalty points?

No. You will still get points.

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How long is acceptable to open a bottle of red wine, leave it for a few days, then finish it off? I opened a bottle over a week a go, and finishing it now. It tastes slightly more sour. Just your average run-of-the-mill red? Ta.

Bung it in the fridge for a while, and it'll taste fine..

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