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Anyone remember the poster who claimed to have a stray dog in the garage which he'd been feeding for a week and didn't know whether to phone the SSPCA or not?

Well there is no point feeding the fox COS ITS FECKING DEAD!!!!!!

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Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

Surly Ministers/Priests god pushers of any faith are not in it for the money but for the love of God. Or am I be naive.

Religion is big business, they generate a wad of cash, I sure some churches subsidies others, so the word keeps getting out. hypocrite.gif

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Tried this on the E Chat thread but diddly squat.

I have an i Pad 1.

I can use it to type posts on other forums,but for some reason,I ca'nt use it on P&B.

I can click on a post to relpy and the reply box comes up,but the keyboard des'nt appear to allow me to type anything.

Anyone know what (if anything) 'Im doing wrong and how to fix this?

Have tried a mates i Pad 2 and it works fine

Cheers UTN

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

The churches benefit from bequests by rich dead people. Some specific to a church in an area, some general. Might help pay for the ministers

The church of England is one of the biggest property owners in europe holding shopping malls, London offices and the like.

Dunno of the church of Scotland is as wedged up, but probably does nicely. Should be annual accounts somewhere.

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Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

They used to get a pretty modest wage but a big Manse to live in. Don't know what it's like now, I think they've sold off most of the Manses and they still get a low salary. They probably get to go to Heaven though, which you could see as a non taxable benefit on top of a pension, the scammers.dry.gif

Correction. Looks like they're on £40,000 a year, not bad for one gig a week. My link

Edited by welshbairn
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Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

Church roofs are full of lead.

Some of the congregation tithe 10% of income, or more, to the church, not just the fiver in the plate. I mind the Stornoway Gazette published a list of churches and their income when I lived there, the one at Back came out top, sure it was something daft like £8,000 a month.

Radio 4 did a piece last week on churches and the lead, they cant get insured now as 9 :o a night are being hit.

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Anyone here ever suffered a sinus infection?

On Saturday i felt a little pressure on my cheek on my right hand side, and since then its slowly gotten more painful and now on both sides. It is literally the most pain I've ever been in, in my whole life. It gets a lot worse when i lie down and it got the the stage that after my nightshift the other night I lay in bed from i got in at 8, till 6 at night before finally getting some sleep. Got an emergency appointment and was subscribed cocodamol and some antibiotics, but if anything its getting worse. Anyone had any experience of this, and how long will it last? does it just go away in time?

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I've also put this in the La Liga thread in Misc Footy, so sorry if you've read this there:

Quick question for the La Liga buffs.

I'm heading over to Barcelona on the 31st March for my stag weekend. Barca are currently scheduled to play Athletic Bilbao on Sunday 1st April. I know that all league games are initially scheduled for the Sunday then moved to accomodate TV etc.

My question is, when will be the earliest that we'll know if the game is going to be the Saturday or Sunday evening? We're getting in just after lunchtime on Saturday, so should still have time to get tickets for that evening. Ideally Sunday night would be better as it would mean less rushing about.

Hopefully tickets won't be an issue as the corresponding fixture last year had a crowd in the region of 75,000 so quite a few empty seats there. Would anyone see any issue getting tickets as well?

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