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19 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Do dogs understand words or do they understand intent of what you say? 

To expand, if you said "dinner" or "walkies" in English your dog would understand it, but if you said it in, for example, Japanese or Swahil, would the dog understand what you mean?

Decades ago, we accidentally discovered what our dug's name used to be (she was a rescue). She was in her bed while we were talking, and at the sound of the word "dwarf" she jumped up and got very excited. Took a minute to work out what was going on and find the word she'd reacted to, but she lost her fucking mind when we said it again.

Found it a bit interesting that, years later, she remembered that sound even though it was being said with a flat affect and clearly wasn't directed at her.

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19 hours ago, Left Back said:

They don’t understand words at all, they understand sound.  If you associate a sound with an action they learn that.  It doesn’t matter if the sound is a whistle, an English word, a Swahili word or a made up jibberish sound.  I use different words/sounds to get my dogs to do the same action.  They know they only get rewarded by responding to their own sound.

If I told one of my dogs to sit in Swahili they’d probably do it while they try and figure out what it is I’m after because that’s their default position.  If I tried to get them to do anything else with an untrained sound I’d have no chance.


Research shows they do understand words.

I get where you're coming from and generally inflection, irrespective of the word used, is likely to illicit a similar reaction from the dog.

An example being saying something in an excited way in gibberish will get a dog excited irrespective of what gibberish you might be saying.

Throw in a word they don't like and they will likely react differently though.

If I said "walk" in an excited way to my last pooch he'd be jumping all over the place.  If I said "bibblety bobblety" in the same way he'd still be excited. If I said "bath" in the same excited way he'd bolt.  Definitely could tell the difference in the words.

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21 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Do dogs understand words or do they understand intent of what you say? 

To expand, if you said "dinner" or "walkies" in English your dog would understand it, but if you said it in, for example, Japanese or Swahil, would the dog understand what you mean?


20 hours ago, Left Back said:

They don’t understand words at all, they understand sound.  If you associate a sound with an action they learn that.  It doesn’t matter if the sound is a whistle, an English word, a Swahili word or a made up jibberish sound.  I use different words/sounds to get my dogs to do the same action.  They know they only get rewarded by responding to their own sound.

If I told one of my dogs to sit in Swahili they’d probably do it while they try and figure out what it is I’m after because that’s their default position.  If I tried to get them to do anything else with an untrained sound I’d have no chance.

Dugs do have a limited vocabulary of words they understand, but are far, far more attuned to the tone of what's being said, rather than what's actually being said.

Which is why you see some idiot members of the public failing to control their dogs when it's appropriate to, because they're giving "obey me" commands in a tone of voice that they also use for "would you like a biscuit?"

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I'm guessing this was at one of your 'private' parties..

Meeting of the local Red Dwarf Appreciation Society


...Cosplay Sex Club.


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8 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

Not quite sure where to put this so...

Looking for somebody that could do a digital drawing (caricature/cartoon style) which I could get printed on a tee. 

Had a look on Facebook but not seen any I liked.

Look on Fiverr or Etsy, just search caricature.

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12 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

Looking for somebody that could do a digital drawing (caricature/cartoon style) which I could get printed on a tee. 

Had a look on Facebook but not seen any I liked.

That would need to be a very small drawing, but it seems it can be done:


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1 hour ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

On train down Glasgow and inbetween Perth and Stirling somewhere  just past a massive land excavating site right next to rail road, any idea what it is? Almost looks as if they are digging out a massive lake or man made loch?

U wot?

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Strange one, this. Scott and I have been watching the old Batman TV series. He mentioned to me that the actress playing Catwoman was different to the one in the 1966 movie. 

I said I knew. Lee Meriwether was in the movie and Julie Newmar in the show. Then, offhand, I mentioned that I thought Lee Meriwether was better in the part. It was as if I'd slapped him. He wasn't having it and was quite vocal about Julie Newmar. Unusual for him. Anyway, we were left at an impasse. So, I thought I'd check with a wider audience - who's the better one?



or Julie?


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13 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Strange one, this. Scott and I have been watching the old Batman TV series. He mentioned to me that the actress playing Catwoman was different to the one in the 1966 movie. 

I said I knew. Lee Meriwether was in the movie and Julie Newmar in the show. Then, offhand, I mentioned that I thought Lee Meriwether was better in the part. It was as if I'd slapped him. He wasn't having it and was quite vocal about Julie Newmar. Unusual for him. Anyway, we were left at an impasse. So, I thought I'd check with a wider audience - who's the better one?



or Julie?


Based on looks only (which, let's face it, is all that matters) it has to be Julie so I'm with the young lad on that.

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