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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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This is exactly what would happen folk at either extreme of the argument then a sliding scale in between with everyone else. 

Forbwhat it's worth this is utter shite bag behaviour from the management of the club to send the manager and captain out to front this. There should have been boardroom representation or I don't know someone employed to run things on their behalf like a ceo? 

McGlynn is saying the right things in that awkward way he says them. I do believe this will have shaken him and I do partake in the opinion that he got caught up in this pursuit of promotion and probably a good bit of pressure from the board and himself as well.

It was a monumental f**k up and he's trying to own his share of it. There are folk still calling for his head from our own support and many others but it's never that straight forward few things in life are and he should stay on until the summer when things can be looked at away from the intense scrutiny we have right now. 

The legalities have to dealt with appropriately and f**k me will they be sensitive to negotiate those as ultimately the club don't have a leg to stand on and lime it or not he is an employee who has done nothing wrong whilst under his employment with us.

However what are we actually doing as an organisation to "build bridges" because unless I'm mistaken we still can't produce a programme or have raith TV for example and I doubt anyone who cancelled subscriptions or donations has started paying back in. 

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Because it's not more important what he's done off the park, this is all about his ability as a football manager. 
His comments today were absolutely shit, he's admitted he had a major hand in the signing which makes the mental gymnastics over the past few days to try place all the blame on the signing on Sim look a bit ridiculous. His talk of having a wife and daughter so he understands just make him look more ridiculous, because despite that, despite the public outcry by the Raith fans he still chased Goodwillie, a rapist. 
Raith will quite rightly get a shed load of stick, and hopefully miss out on sponsorship while they continue to laud a rape apologist. 
^ Obsessed
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2 hours ago, RavyDavy said:

Great comeback, top bantz and so original 👌🙄

You'll need a lie down now, must have been exhausting for you there. 

I can actually imagine you struggling to type that comment through tears of laughter at your own 'joke'.

God, that's cringe worthy.

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18 minutes ago, Brashy's Boots said:
1 hour ago, 101 said:
The more people talk about how long he's been at Raith and how he gets the club makes it even more outrageous that he thought signing Goodwillie would be a good idea.
If he really does like Raith you would imagine he would walk and try and keep some dignity.

^ Also obsessed

If only your hall of fame manager had been as obsessed with preserving the 139 year integrity of your football club then we might not be here.

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You know what I've been thinking on this and I think it's time for the supporters to unapologetically get behind John McGlynn and the team. Yes he's made a catastrophic error, he seems to clearly understand the gravity of that error and like anyone that hasn't committed a heinous crime he should be given a second chance. Clearly my opinion is clouded by my opinion of John and what he's done for this football club but we all make mistakes in all walks of life.

I believe we need to start walking forward as a club. I caveat that with much more work is required across the club to ensure this sorry episode never repeats itself and we make tangible and measured decision to mend bridges with the community that the club serves.

Just my two pence worth.

Edited by OhnononoGeordieMunro
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3 hours ago, Paco said:

Yes, the club should definitely be apologising directly to her at some stage. I’m not comfortable with the club naming her without permission, but clearly they can use language to make it clear who they are referring to.

The board of directors and the CEO are fucking cowards, frankly.

Agree with this entirely. 

I'd hope that the apology is done in private as anything public will look insincere and like the club is doing it only to help their reputation.

I believe that John McGlynn is genuinely sorry for his part. I also believe that his actions were dictated by his desire to fix an obvious problem on the playing side of things and that he looked at Goodwillie's acceptance at Clyde as a gauge. 

He's fucked up big time but I'm moving more towards allowing him a chance to win us back...

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3 minutes ago, Ebanda's Handyman Services said:

He's fucked up big time but I'm moving more towards allowing him a chance to win us back...


I don't think McGlynn will walk, he'd have done it by now. I also suspect he'll have the backing of the board. Can't punt McGlynn without the remaining board being held to account and walking also, which, for the moment, I don't think will happen. Any reshuffle will happen in the summer imo. If we don't go up then I reckon McGlynn will call it a day and it'll come out that it was his decision 'took the club as far as I could' more so than 'the aftermath of the DG saga was too much to handle'. 

For the remainder of his tenure and this season I'll get behind the team and that includes McGlynn. 

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20 minutes ago, Raithie said:


I don't think McGlynn will walk, he'd have done it by now. I also suspect he'll have the backing of the board. Can't punt McGlynn without the remaining board being held to account and walking also, which, for the moment, I don't think will happen. Any reshuffle will happen in the summer imo. If we don't go up then I reckon McGlynn will call it a day and it'll come out that it was his decision 'took the club as far as I could' more so than 'the aftermath of the DG saga was too much to handle'. 

For the remainder of his tenure and this season I'll get behind the team and that includes McGlynn. 

Couldn’t have put it better. 👍🏼 Let’s get behind the team for the rest of the season. 

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19 minutes ago, Frank conner said:

What about big Jim and his denial? Wind your neck in twat.

I don't give a shit about the rubbish you post on here , but at least have the decency not to have a user name related to a former manager who would be disgusted to have anything to do with you.

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