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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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As mentioned already i would take Billy Brown, he has already stated previously he would want to manage the Rovers and if we do get the compo for John hopefully its enough to bring him in and we can use Murray as AM and Ellis as a coach. The Cameron thing would be a gamble and we wouldnt want another Dalziel..

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I'm fairly surprised that McG was on Hearts radar, even more surprised that McG was willing to risk working under Mad Vlad. Even if he went to Hearts and did a not bad job, chances are he'll be unemployed again this time next year.

The absolute worst thing about this is the timing. Pre season training is meant to start soon and we have half a squad, any signings we were on the verge of making are almost certainly going to be on hold while this is sorted out one way or the other. Any body thinking aobut putting pen to paper will almost certainly be thinking again, and looking elsewhere.

Cameron would be an absolute fool to take the Rovers job now, our squad is incomplete, Cowden's is, if we are reduced, once finding a manager, to trawling the dregs in late July early August then we will be dead certs for relegation and Cowden must fancy thier chances of finishing above us in that scenario.

That's worst case anyway, unless the board have got Smith pushing on, and have him dealing with getting the players in, I dunno what we will do.

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I'm fairly surprised that McG was on Hearts radar, even more surprised that McG was willing to risk working under Mad Vlad. Even if he went to Hearts and did a not bad job, chances are he'll be unemployed again this time next year.

The absolute worst thing about this is the timing. Pre season training is meant to start soon and we have half a squad, any signings we were on the verge of making are almost certainly going to be on hold while this is sorted out one way or the other. Any body thinking aobut putting pen to paper will almost certainly be thinking again, and looking elsewhere.

Cameron would be an absolute fool to take the Rovers job now, our squad is incomplete, Cowden's is, if we are reduced, once finding a manager, to trawling the dregs in late July early August then we will be dead certs for relegation and Cowden must fancy thier chances of finishing above us in that scenario.

That's worst case anyway, unless the board have got Smith pushing on, and have him dealing with getting the players in, I dunno what we will do.

Maybe he'll be just in time to return to Starks and rescue our season, after we make a disastrous managerial appointment to replace McGlynn.

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In my eyes, Cameron would be the outstanding candidate for the job and less risky than promoting current players within the club. I know Daziel wasn't a brilliant manager for us but Mickey seems to have proven himself a decent young manager at Cowdenbeath. It seems to have gotten a couple of 'beath fans on here slightly concerned that McGlynn looks to be leaving anyway. I would love to see Cameron back at Starks as manager. He'll probably want to have a crack at the first with his Cowdenbeath squad plus there's a lot of work to be done to get Rovers ready for the start of the season. We've only half a squad at the moment!

Those worried that Cameron's legend status could end up tainted, the same could be argued for an Ellis/Murray partnership. Good servants to the club (particularly Ellis) but completely untested at managerial level. Could be a disaster, but on the other hand, might be brilliant. They might the the new Nicholl/Harvey!

I wouldn't be opposed to it, and as others have said it would keep things consistent at the club. They know the players, club, the fans and the good work McGlynn has done and would most likely want to continue it.

If McGlynn does leave (and it seems to be looking that way), it will be a massive loss to Raith. He's been fantastic. I'll save my best wishes though until it's been rubber stamped wink.gif

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Neither did Nicholl

Yes but he inherited a squad. Whoever takes the Rovers is likely going to have to still fill four squad places and god knows what kind of time they'll have to do it and what quality they can find.....

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Ah shit.

I'm going to need a new avatar.

You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've looked at your avatar, knowing I know who it is but not being able to figure it out.

Now it all becomes clear ;)

Really can't grudge McGlynn his move, if he goes, he has been fantastic for us and improved us year on year until last year when his budget was slashed, yet still in the last 1/4 only Ross County did better than us, with our good form saving us from relegation.

If he does go whoever takes over has their work cut out to finish building next seasons squad, so the timing isn't great I suppose, hopefully as others have suggested JM would sort us out with loan players.

Also remember guys it could be worse........

At least we know what league we're playing in next season :D :D

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If/when McGlynn goes I'd be inclined for us to take the easy and cheapest option of appointing either Smith or Murray. We really need to get some players in asap and I think we'd be better served by someone who already knows the squad and the type of player that we need to get in before the season starts.

Murray has no experience but I'd be quite happy with us taking on someone looking for a break in management rather than appointment some failed manager currently out of a job.

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For those suggesting Laurie as assistant it's worth bearing in mind he's only 32. He'll want to move into coaching, certainly, and he definitely loves the club but he may well have his eye on a few more years playing time yet. Let him serve a wee apprenticeship helping out with the reserve squad this season and take it from there.

If we were to go with Grant Murray I'd prefer to see a wise head alongside him. Even if that were Paul Smith, who presumably won't want to go full-time either as Rovers manager or Hearts' assistant, then that would be fine by me.

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