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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Its maybe a case of better the devil you know. If he had a mass clear out and the players he brought in didnt work or take too long to settle in he will be under pressure. With the players he has offered contracts to he must be confident he can get more out of them. Tho curious to see if that means Mensing and Cardle have both been offered terms as well

Cardle was asked by someone on twitter if he was still at/staying at Raith and his reply was "free agent!".

Doubt we will be seeing him next season.

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I'm astonished that Murray has looked at that squad and decided that only 3 players haven't been good enough this season.

He can't really have offered Dougie Hill a new contract?

Your never happy are you?

To give Murray some credit: The three guys he's released have all been first team starters for the majority of the season. He's pretty much gutted the central midfield positions. Given that Ross Callachan's name wasn't on the list and the fact that he's played the full 90 in the last 4 (5?) games. Means that he's intent on bringing him through as well. With Vaughn getting some game time as well, we might only be looking at the one replacement for the two outgoing midfielders.

As for Hill, probably, yeah: But let's look at this: Murray doesn't have 90 minutes left in him, and that's chiefly why the 3-5-2 wasn't a long term solution. In two of the three games he tried it he had to go off and change back to a 4-4-2. Ellis, I'd keep as back up, but he isn't getting any faster. Malone is gone and Mensing might re-sign, but only if he didn't get a move down south. So really, you are looking at rebuilding the central defence as well, and Hill is still a solid first division player, this season's disciplinary record aside.

We are also certainly losing Graham, and probably Cardle as well. It would've been easy for Murray to tinker about the edges, but it looks like he is going to go for a more comprehensive rebuild, as he'll be probably be replacing 1/2 strikers, 2/3 defenders (central and full back cover), a left winger and a central midfielder. Assuming all the existing players re-sign as well.

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Reece has not progressed since he signed his 3 year contract when he was 17, he is too slow which was highlighted in the recent game with Falkirk and I would be astonished if we dont sign anotherfirst choice left back before the start of the season. I would love to be proved wrong but I dont think I will.

He was up against a very decent, very fast player out on that side that day, and while he got left for toast a couple of times, he got a lot better with his positioning as the game wore on (and compare to our other recent left backs, malone and Dyer, neither of whom were any faster than Donaldson). Against Livi he was very good, to say he isn't progressing is wrong. He still has stuff to learn but overall he is getting better and already looks tehcnically able enough to compete in the first.

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Pretty surprised that only 3 aren't being offered new contracts. I expected it to be around double that although I doubt Mensing, Graham and Cardle will sign new contracts with us. Not through knowing anything or that, just a feeling and what i have read on here/in the papers etc.

That would leave us with

GK-McGurn, Laidlaw


Cb-Ellis, Hill, Murray?



Cm-Walker, Callachan, Vaughan


St-Spence, Clarke

Don't know if i have missed anyone. Still plenty of room in there for Grant Murray to improve with his own signings.

That squad is presuming that Graham goes to Partick, Mensing tries England and Cardle just doesn't sign up again.

Interesting summer ahead.

Edit to add - in the time it took me to write this, everything got covered by others :lol:

Edited by kev23
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Pretty surprised that only 3 aren't being offered new contracts. I expected it to be around double that although I doubt Mensing, Graham and Cardle will sign new contracts with us. Not through knowing anything or that, just a feeling and what i have read on here/in the papers etc.

That would leave us with

GK-McGurn, Laidlaw


Cb-Ellis, Hill, Murray?



Cm-Walker, Callachan, Vaughan


St-Spence, Clarke

Don't know if i have missed anyone. Still plenty of room in there for Grant Murray to improve with his own signings.

That squad is presuming that Graham goes to Partick, Mensing tries England and Cardle just doesn't sign up again.

Interesting summer ahead.

Pretty much my thoughts. Murray is being smart if he intends on using Claachan, Donaldson and Vaughn more (and the first two as regulars) given that they will probably be cheaper (Donaldson and vaughn already under contract, I doubt Callachan could commmand a big contract or attnetion elsewhere) that means he is freeing up money to try and attract better than what he already had in several positions.

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Not at all impressed we'll be keeping Hill and Clarke. Would've had them both out the door, We've lost Watt too obviously, although he made no impact anyway, and Graham, Cardle and Mensing may all well leave so from that angle we should have a few new players coming in.

I would advocate a defensive overhaul but interestingly the 48 goals we conceded last season is bested only by Hamilton, Partick Thistle and Morton (who conceded 47). Falkirk conceded the same amount. Livi, Dunfermline, Cowden, Dumbarton and Airdrie all conceded significantly more. Were we perhaps too harsh on our defence?

I'd still suggest we need at least a new first-pick centre back, and that's if Mensing stays. Murray and Ellis should only be back-up, and Hill should be down in the Second Division.

Edited by Paco
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Not at all impressed we'll be keeping Hill and Clarke. Would've had them both out the door, We've lost Watt too obviously, although he made no impact anyway, and Graham, Cardle and Mensing may all well leave so from that angle we should have a few new players coming in.

I would advocate a defensive overhaul but interestingly the 48 goals we conceded last season is bested only by Hamilton, Partick Thistle and Morton (who conceded 47). Falkirk conceded the same amount. Livi, Dunfermline, Cowden, Dumbarton and Airdrie all conceded significantly more. Were we perhaps too harsh on our defence?

I'd still suggest we need at least a new first-pick centre back, and that's if Mensing stays. Murray and Ellis should only be back-up, and Hill should be down in the Second Division.

I think it was just more the amount of times we threw away games when we were in a winning position.

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He was up against a very decent, very fast player out on that side that day, and while he got left for toast a couple of times, he got a lot better with his positioning as the game wore on (and compare to our other recent left backs, malone and Dyer, neither of whom were any faster than Donaldson). Against Livi he was very good, to say he isn't progressing is wrong. He still has stuff to learn but overall he is getting better and already looks tehcnically able enough to compete in the first.

So what relation is he to you?

Edited by starks mad
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Craig could be back in a Rovers shirt as he's been released by partick

Also weatherson from falkirk or Russell. Could also see barr n smith from hearts featuring at some stage in pre-season

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Craig could be back in a Rovers shirt as he's been released by partick

Also weatherson from falkirk or Russell. Could also see barr n smith from hearts featuring at some stage in pre-season

Is this a guess or do you have a source?

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The "flamingo" may very well be a knobend; but, as you say, he scored two less goals than Clarke but did so on a part-time contract mostly from the bench.

He is a hungry East Coast lad that Raith [iMO] should be looking to sign up as opposed to Fizzy Pop league journeymen like Pat Clarke who has done hee-haw since he he scored three goals @ Clyde about a thousand years ago.

Mr. Clarke is on F/T terms and is constantly injured.

Coult is on P/T terms and has scored two less goals than a F/T journeyman.

Go figure.

Coult has been released by Cowden. No way could I see Rovers signing him. Would do well at 2nd Division level again.

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Coult has been released by Cowden. No way could I see Rovers signing him. Would do well at 2nd Division level again.



This has just been tweeted by Lewis Coult:


"Signing tomorrow night who's the team though #LCSignedUp"


Whether it's Rovers or not remains to be seen!


Hope it is just for the comedy factor alone. The boy is a total belter!
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Donaldson is capable enough.

If we're going to keep justifying the cost of our youth system, we actually need to start having faith in the players it's producing. If we're just going to ignore the likes of Donaldson and Callaghan yet again, then we need to bin our youth system as soon as possible because we're just pissing money we can't afford to spend down the drain. The youth system has to start bearing fruit, but it isn't going to if the players aren't given a chance to prove themselves. If they're not good enough, fair enough, but it's becoming increasingly tiresome watching players play badly for weeks with impunity because the only replacements we can muster are youth players: that's unnacceptable, and it's an attitude that we need to move away from.

I'll be disappointed if Hill and Clarke are still here next season, though it appears we've offered them a deal seeing as though nothing's been said. We can get better players.

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Donaldson and Callachan (and Laidlaw) played 90 minutes in a win at Almondvale, something the so-called first team haven't managed since 2000. They're good enough. Get them playing.

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