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Scary Bear, on 20 Apr 2014 - 15:23, said:

Next summer!!! Ahhhhhh!!!

The guys had 2 years to learn his trade. If we're still this bad by next summer I want someone else in. Bring back McGlynn.

No thanks, shit football and papped out of the cups in the first round, now it's shit football with a wee cup run, heady days :thumsup2

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No thanks, shit football and papped out of the cups in the first round, now it's shit football with a wee cup run, heady days :thumsup2

Have you forgotten the Scottish Cup Semi-final? To be fair that was the exception. Murray has definitely done well in the Cups, and we could still equal last seasons 6th placed finish, due mainly to our brilliant start to the season. If Murray could just even things out a bit he'd have it made. Nobody expects much more than 7th place, it's just the racing into it then collapsing thing that pisses fans off.

With McGlynn the football was shit, but he did have the knack of grinding out results and he had us challenging for titles every so often to break up the relegation battles.

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I don't think anyone would blame our fans for our woes this season, and at times the performances have been poor, but I thought Lee Robinson's post-cup final interview on the website was really interesting when he touched on the topic of the fans.

Anyone who thinks that giving the players a hard time from the stands is in any way helpful, should probably go and watch it.

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I blame the 'fans' that are constantly yelling abuse at the players as soon as they do something wrong, the last few games, especially yesterday, you can tell when we were passing the ball about down next to Falkirks box, nobody wanted to take a shot...which can only really come down to the fact that if Anderson took a shot, fucked up, his name would be dirt thereafter etc.

Yesterday, I was sitting in the front row and a guy a few seats along, yelled to Robinson at one point, just after Robinson passed the ball to booth "don't pass to him, he's f*ckin useless". I have no idea what the guy was trying to accomplish with that considering booth has been probably our best player the majority of games this season...all that would have done was knock booths confidence a bit.

As Michael W says, the players and management need to take responsibility but the fans aren't helping.

You pretty much heard it all at some point. Whether it be how a person couldn't wait for Booth to go back to Hibs because he's shite, or the abuse of Smith for failing to get his head to a cross which was 3 foot above him when he was in the air. Similar to the Anderson incident, when the ball broke to Fox at the edge of the box with a few minutes to go he took a ping which then sailed over the bar. The fans then proceed to slaughter him but nobody else was taking any risks.

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Scary Bear, on 20 Apr 2014 - 16:44, said:

Have you forgotten the Scottish Cup Semi-final? To be fair that was the exception. Murray has definitely done well in the Cups, and we could still equal last seasons 6th placed finish, due mainly to our brilliant start to the season. If Murray could just even things out a bit he'd have it made. Nobody expects much more than 7th place, it's just the racing into it then collapsing thing that pisses fans off.

With McGlynn the football was shit, but he did have the knack of grinding out results and he had us challenging for titles every so often to break up the relegation battles.

I hadn't forgot the semi final, but that really was an exception, McGlynns record in cup comprtitions was woeful, must have cost the club plenty in lost revenue, challenged for the first division league once under his tenure with shit football, I'm not sure what the answer is but we have to give GM the start of the season and see if he can improve, give him some targets, win the league and one of the League or Scottish cup, if he can't do that then sack him :blink:

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As Michael W says, the players and management need to take responsibility but the fans aren't helping.

You pretty much heard it all at some point. Whether it be how a person couldn't wait for Booth to go back to Hibs because he's shite, or the abuse of Smith for failing to get his head to a cross which was 3 foot above him when he was in the air. Similar to the Anderson incident, when the ball broke to Fox at the edge of the box with a few minutes to go he took a ping which then sailed over the bar. The fans then proceed to slaughter him but nobody else was taking any risks.

That's pretty much what I was getting at, you hear all the time from fans "somebody just take a ping" or something like that, but as soon as one of the players do and miss, the same fan would then be yelling "ya useless p***k". It's not helping.

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I hadn't forgot the semi final, but that really was an exception, McGlynns record in cup comprtitions was woeful, must have cost the club plenty in lost revenue, challenged for the first division league once under his tenure with shit football, I'm not sure what the answer is but we have to give GM the start of the season and see if he can improve, give him some targets, win the league and one of the League or Scottish cup, if he can't do that then sack him :blink:

For me, he has to get us back to playing football on a regular basis, by that I mean football that I don't grudge wasting my time watching; The type of football we were playing in September and October 2013. Then he's an improvement on McGlynn and he'll probably get better results, just as he was getting at the start of the season.

If he could keep up his run of luck in the Cups that would also help. Especially the Scottish Cup.

The key is consistency. At the moment the highs and lows are too extreme.

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That's pretty much what I was getting at, you hear all the time from fans "somebody just take a ping" or something like that, but as soon as one of the players do and miss, the same fan would then be yelling "ya useless p***k". It's not helping.

When was the last time we had a team with players who could score from outside the box? Apart from Cardle's wonder strike against St Johnstone, I can't remember many of our players having a successful ping from outside the box. It's been a while since we had a player who was good at scoring from outside the box. Who was the last one who did it regularly? Brewster?

Just remembered Smith's goal against Dumbarton. Think that was outside the box. Would have been better if we weren't 3-0 down at the time.

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Have you forgotten the Scottish Cup Semi-final? To be fair that was the exception. Murray has definitely done well in the Cups, and we could still equal last seasons 6th placed finish, due mainly to our brilliant start to the season. If Murray could just even things out a bit he'd have it made. Nobody expects much more than 7th place, it's just the racing into it then collapsing thing that pisses fans off.

With McGlynn the football was shit, but he did have the knack of grinding out results and he had us challenging for titles every so often to break up the relegation battles.

I expected to be fighting for 4th, as im sure our board did when they gave Murray his budget and allowed him to make 5 additional signings.

Massive underachievement. The fans haven't really been that bad, our performances have absolutely woeful so its understandable that people aren't happy.

When the players show a complete and utter lack of any urgency, fight or organisation as per yesterday, you are simply going to piss people off. That's the nature of football.

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Giving some serious consideration to getting a season ticket. As a straw poll, who here will get a ticket for next season, and did you have one for this season?

Had one for the past two seasons. Third time lucky. Course I'm getting one! Bring the pain!

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Giving some serious consideration to getting a season ticket. As a straw poll, who here will get a ticket for next season, and did you have one for this season?

Depends who's managing the club. Then we'll see how much the club shift. If Bert is still here next season, get ready for more turgid pish.

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I'm bored so just for fun here's a question. I appreciate it's all assumption at this point.

Lets assume the money we've managed to make from our cup/TV games and that finishing 7th this season has left us with a no bad wee sum of cash for X, Y and Z. If we had some disposable dosh left over would you all prefer:

a) the board use it to punt Murray (taking into account compo) but leaving us with the same group of players but the option to bring in a new manager.


b) use it to strengthen the squad but with Murray still in charge.

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Neither, The Board should use it to ensure the long-term financial viability of the club. Any surpluses should be used to pay off loans and reduce our borrowings.

We will start next season with a playing budget which Grant Murray will have to manage within.I wouldn't give Murray any more to strengthen the squad. Players will want to play in the Championship next season. It will be high profile.

I don't think Murray is a good manager but rather than punt him I would punt the people around him (on the cheap) and bring in someone that can help him.

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Giving some serious consideration to getting a season ticket. As a straw poll, who here will get a ticket for next season, and did you have one for this season?

I didn't have one this season, but will probably get one for next season. This is in no way reflective of my happiness with the team, it'll just be cheaper. Plus a guarantee of usual seats for Rangers games, and tickets for the inevitable cup finals.

I don't think Murray is a good manager but rather than punt him I would punt the people around him (on the cheap) and bring in someone that can help him.

Who? Smith or Ellis? Smith is a very capable coach and Ellis is just starting out (and is also a club legend and a good friend of Murray, it seems).

I absolutely would not start next season with Grant Murray in charge, given a choice - however we've given him a two-year deal (and it was the right call at the time, seen the board taking a bit of stick for that - absolutely nobody commented at the time) so he has two years to prove his doubters wrong. We can't afford to sack him, simple as that. The form since November deserves it though, he's very, very lucky to still be in a job. If we hadn't won at Easter Road and it was Stenhousemuir in the Ramsdens Cup final I really don't think he'd still be here.

Edited by Paco
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I recognise that shouting abuse doesn't help the players as Lee Robinson mentioned in his interview. They would probably do better if we gave endless positive encouragement. There is also the chance at an away game especially that you're sitting next to a relative of the players you're abusing. As an aside, Grant Anderson's girlfriend was in the crowd on Saturday and looked a bit shocked at what folk were shouting. Luckily Grant was playing reasonably well and not getting the usual dogs abuse folk give him.

But having said all that, the team have been dreadful in the league for weeks. I sit there having paid my £18 and even though I know the players have talent given how they started the season, Hibs, Rangers etc, -they sometimes play as if they had never met each other and are not quite sure what a football is. It's hard not to get frustrated and shout or groan loudly. I don't think our fans are any worse than anyone else's. we're just discussing it because we have won 2 in 16. An absolutely horrific statistic.

We can't afford to sack Murray even if that was the right thing to do. The start to the season and the cup runs and cup win are enough for me to give him the summer to rectify our problems and see how we develop from there. The jury is out but I have a little faith that he could improve next season.

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I'm bored so just for fun here's a question. I appreciate it's all assumption at this point.

Lets assume the money we've managed to make from our cup/TV games and that finishing 7th this season has left us with a no bad wee sum of cash for X, Y and Z. If we had some disposable dosh left over would you all prefer:

a) the board use it to punt Murray (taking into account compo) but leaving us with the same group of players but the option to bring in a new manager.


b) use it to strengthen the squad but with Murray still in charge.

Option (a) every time.

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