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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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One home game to go...

Positives from the season:

1. I'm glad the Board have at long last mentioned they held a Strategy Day again and look forward to seeing the report published.The strategy just seems to be to hold our current mid-table position in the Championship, while trying to push on a bit for promotion. Not particularly inspiring, but realistic. More importantly, they realise the style of football has to be more attractive. Hopefully bringing through more youth players was also discussed.

2. Another mid-table finish.

3. Reaching the Quarter-finals of the Scottish Cup.

I can't be really be arsed with a list of negatives. Suffice to say I'll be buying a season ticket, unless the price is daft, but I'm still not convinced about the manager. He really has one season to prove he can get the team playing well enough to put bums on seats again.

Murray can't be questioned too vigorously, as in terms of league position and progress in the cups, he's done as well as most Rovers fans could expect. However, he really needs to get a team on the park that people actually want to see. Not just Rovers diehards, but other people in the area who could possibly be persuaded to pay £17 (or £9, either would be good) for the privilege of watching 90 minutes of football at Stark's Park.

If he can't improve how we play, he should forget that and just try and improve home results. It was great winning 3 home games in a row recently and claiming Hibs scalp. Keep working on getting better home results, and don't let the players off with performances like that one last night.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Why tinker with the formation in a bid to plan for next season (if that's what Murray's thinking was) when we have no clue who will be here next season? If last nights formation was all down to next season Murray is obviously looking to hold onto the bulk of the squad we already have. No point planning ahead if you've not got a rough idea of the players you want to keep. If we're getting horsed by a part time team playing 3-5-2 then scrap it immediately and go back to the drawing board...or in Murray's case persevere with it and make like for like subs. Again this goes back to one of our downfalls, we're devoid of any plan B when things turn to shite. Use pre season friendlies to gauge whether different formations work with players that are at least signed be that new players or re-signings. If you go by last nights squad then Cuthbert coming in MIGHT suggest McGurn is away at the end of the season.

Edited by Raithie
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I'll make no bones about it, I'm not a Murray fan and would gladly see him go at the end of the season, I just want to see some consistent decent football with the emphasis on winning the game, the home games this season have been pretty rotten, it won't attract new fans, lapsed fans or keep the fans we have now.

I was just thinking that one of the most enjoyable games was the Q.O.S 3-4, even no we lost it was entertaining, one of the worst was the Falkirk 0-0, one of the worst Falkirk performances at SP and GM shut up shop with 15 minutes to go "I'd rather get a point than lose the game", a terrible attitude IMO.

If he does stay next season it will be interesting to see who he keeps and who he gets in, I've got say Barr has been a good buy it's a pity he wasn't fit at the start of the season, hopefully he can find a few more gems.

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Just been to Starks Park to place my scarf on the fence, Office staff asked me to hang it in the front fence as Turnbulls final journey on Thursday will be heading up Pratt Street past the ground, there is only my scarf there just now though so if any fans have any old scarfs please go down and hang them on the fence before Thursday.

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You can tell, that Grant Murray has been unsure the last few weeks on whether Martin Scott deserves another contract or not, yesterday has to have given him the answer. The man does not know how to play football. A mate yesterday mentioned that he'll be at East Fife next season. He wouldn't get a game for East Fife. Allan Walker and Fraser Mullen are heads and shoulders above Martin Scott.

I thought he did really well when he came on against Qos. On the flip side he looked more interested in scrapping than playing football against Falkirk.

Might keep him as an impact sub.

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I'm away in Moscow at the moment but just got a mail from my dad telling me about Hutton. Really sad news, a big loss to Scottish football as well as to Raith.

Probably need to step back and let a bit of time pass before deciding the most appropriate tribute in terms of naming stands or whatever - but he certainly merits something a lot more than just a token minute's silence.


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I thought he did really well when he came on against Qos. On the flip side he looked more interested in scrapping than playing football against Falkirk.

Might keep him as an impact sub.

He has had 2 decent games this season. The first Livi away game in which he scored the only goal of the game. And the queens home game in which he came on and turned the game in our favour. Do you think he's worth a years salary for next season? Or release him and bring in someone that does what he does far better though? Like Davo? He's going to be released from Dundee in the summer, so I would rather we brought him back than offer Martin Scott another deal
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Looking to next season I'd be hoping to keep McGurn, Thomson, Barr, Watson, McKeown (never thought I'd say that), Callachan, Ando, Conroy, Stewart & Vaughan ... I think what we have the now is a pretty decent side tbh, as for why they play either good or horrendous without any consistency is another discussion ...

McGurn nothing needs mentioned, I enjoy our back line with McKeown-Watson-Barr-Thomson and i feel if we can add a creative man in the middle with Callachan whilst keeping Conroy/Ando at either side we would have a decent midfield to ... Up top Vaughan/Stewart can't stop scoring when paired so again I think we are ok there ...

Ofcourse it wouldn't be a world beating team, but it would be another season building on a consistent team who have showed in glimpses they can do very well ...

The only question I now have is how can we play so well 1 week to look like school boys the next ? Murray ? Guess another year will show us ....

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Murray lost me months ago and it would take an astonishing turn of events to get me on his side. It's the fact he's either very stubborn and refuses to change things in the belief it will work (hint: if it hasn't worked for the first 60 minutes it's unlikely to work for the last 30) or, perhaps more worryingly, he can't see there's a problem. Last night was a prime example where it was so blindingly obvious that the formation wasn't working it should have been changed after half an hour, or, at the very worst, half time. To keep that formation going for the 90 was, in my opinion, indefensible.

It wasn't just last night...his decision to keep playing Scott up front (or in the number 10 role) at the start of the season, to keep Barry McKay on the pitch for 90 mins away at Caley, to refuse to change anything away at Linlithgow, to keep playing long balls up to Nade, to keep Vaughan benched all season. I could go on and on...

I wish Murray would prove me wrong and get the team playing better football. We all realistically knew that promotion was a hard ask this season but honestly 4th was entirely achievable this and last season. Wasn't that the Board's actual aim on where they wanted to finish? Some fans may question all the negativity and the so called "Murray abuse" but fans from every other club this season have commented on how poor a team we are to watch. How many times have we dominated a game and won comfortably...I honestly can't think of many...actually make that any.

I'll probably wait and wait to make a decision regarding a new season ticket as his decision on whom to retain and release wont affect me. After all his decisions last close season were widely met with approval, as were his signings, which suggests it comes down to his training, tactics, formation and style.

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Murray needs in my mind to improve on the signing front and if it's some part-time players so be it ! because fans are wanting entertained win or lose and quite frankly some of the full time pros at the moment aren't performing Fox,Scott,McKay, Conroy who doesn't do it enough consistently. Can we get part-time players to do a better job for less money definitely.

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Murray lost me months ago and it would take an astonishing turn of events to get me on his side. It's the fact he's either very stubborn and refuses to change things in the belief it will work (hint: if it hasn't worked for the first 60 minutes it's unlikely to work for the last 30) or, perhaps more worryingly, he can't see there's a problem. Last night was a prime example where it was so blindingly obvious that the formation wasn't working it should have been changed after half an hour, or, at the very worst, half time. To keep that formation going for the 90 was, in my opinion, indefensible.

It wasn't just last night...his decision to keep playing Scott up front (or in the number 10 role) at the start of the season, to keep Barry McKay on the pitch for 90 mins away at Caley, to refuse to change anything away at Linlithgow, to keep playing long balls up to Nade, to keep Vaughan benched all season. I could go on and on...

I wish Murray would prove me wrong and get the team playing better football. We all realistically knew that promotion was a hard ask this season but honestly 4th was entirely achievable this and last season. Wasn't that the Board's actual aim on where they wanted to finish? Some fans may question all the negativity and the so called "Murray abuse" but fans from every other club this season have commented on how poor a team we are to watch. How many times have we dominated a game and won comfortably...I honestly can't think of many...actually make that any.

I'll probably wait and wait to make a decision regarding a new season ticket as his decision on whom to retain and release wont affect me. After all his decisions last close season were widely met with approval, as were his signings, which suggests it comes down to his training, tactics, formation and style.

great post,worthy of a greenie

Turnbull did great work for Raith, but naming a stand is something I wouldn't agree with.

Plenty of other worthy servants that could be considered for this honour


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Mcgurn, Thompson, Watson, Barr, Hill, McKeown, Callachan, Anderson, Conroy, Stewart and Vaughan. If we have those guys signed up for next season il be delighted. Having Vaughan and Callachan come on so well saves us having to sign 2 extra players as they have proven they are more than capable

I'd like to try and tie the likes of those 2, Watson, Barr and Anderson on 2 year deals. Let's start building a team rather than constantly scrambling at the end of the season while we try and renew one year deals. I know that was due to the restrictions and financial climate at the time but we are in a better position now and should be looking forward

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There was a solitary Dundee Utd scarf on the wire at the office, it will be appreciated none the less.

T'was my RR v DU semi final scarf. Do you think we would have been in a position to have reached that semi without Huttons guidance in the boardroom? That's why I chose that scarf. I hope some-one at SP or some fan will move it out front for me as I am on hols next week.

Edited by rrfsee
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Seems to be a lot of complaints about Murray's unwillingness to change things but when he uses a meaningless end of season game to try something different everybody goes ballistic when it doesn't work. He obviously can't win with a large section of the support. No wonder he can be risk averse

For me it's been a slightly above average season. Quarter finals of the Scottish Cup and comfortable mid table with absolutely no threat of relegation for a change. That's progress from last year especially with the key injuries we had earlier in season. Would have liked to have put in a better challenge for fourth and played slightly more entertaining football but hey ho.

Next season is the real test of Murray. He needs to refresh and strengthen the team and have us properly challenging for a play off. If he fails to do that then it's time to move on and look for a manager who can achieve that. But he has more than earned the chance with his last two years. I'd like to think we'd all support him and get behind the team and cut out the grumbling when things don't go exactly according to plan.

Edited by roverthemoon
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T'was my RR v DU semi final scarf. Do you think we would have been in a position to have reached that semi without Huttons guidance in the boardroom? That's why I chose that scarf. I hope some-one at SP or some fan will move it out front for me as I am on hols next week.

yeah mate your scarf was in office to be put on front fence last night.
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