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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Well there's a surprise.

We've gotten rid of Malpas to clear the decks yet still can't attract a higher calibre candidate than McKinnon. That's pretty disappointing. Then when you read comments suggesting that Brechin struggled to score more than 2 goals in a match and had a tendency to lose late goals, well it is hardly inspiring.

His involvement with the SFA also concerns me - this could easily turn out to be change for changes sake.

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Maybe people are failing to grasp that the board maybe did aim higher, but after initial meetings, these so called higher end of the scale managers wouldn't be able to work with the budget that the board of directors provided them. Just a thought mind...

Adams or Pressley maybe initially fancied it, then thought "how much are you going to pay me? Is that all the players I'm allowed? I'm out!"

Let's get behind McKinnon if it is him. Track records at this level mean jack shit. On paper and from the outside Grant Murray looks like fecking Mourinho compared to his peers. Dust down and get on!

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We've gotten rid of Malpas to clear the decks yet still can't attract a higher calibre candidate than McKinnon. That's pretty disappointing. Then when you read comments suggesting that Brechin struggled to score more than 2 goals in a match and had a tendency to lose late goals, well it is hardly inspiring.

His involvement with the SFA also concerns me - this could easily turn out to be change for changes sake.

You've been swayed by a single P&B comment?

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Strange time to announce the managerial position, perhaps the club just wanting to try clear things up after Malpas going earlier ... Pretty much McKinnon anyway so no real surprise by the sounds of it, just got to hope his first task is to start signing up a few of the lads !

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Now that McKinnon has pretty much been confirmed, I now feel comfortable saying that Gary Naysmith had all but signed the paper early last week. He attended a board meeting were he was told that the job was pretty much his, but the board changed their mind at the last minute due to the fan reaction.

I'm not sure how I feel about the board pandering to our every whim. I think we were all in agreement that fan power got Davy McGurn his new contract, and that's definitely a good thing, but football fans are generally idiots. I'd rather Eric and co. made the decisions as it's been proven time and again that they do know what's best for our club.

We spoke in detail to four of the very best candidates from a very long list of applicants. Only one, Ray, was formally offered the job and we are very pleased that he has accepted.

It looks like Eric has took the opportunity to call you out as a fibber.

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We spoke in detail to four of the very best candidates from a very long list of applicants. Only one, Ray, was formally offered the job and we are very pleased that he has accepted.

It looks like Eric has took the opportunity to call you out as a fibber.

He's hardly going to say anything else to be fair.

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Welcome to Starks Park Ray, may your stay be a happy one and your eventual departure be down to you being headhunted by a European superpower after guiding us into the Champions League, rather than being chased down Pratt St by the San Starko faithful...

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