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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Thought that the criticising fans was just a Turnbull Hutton thing. Clearly it's a club thing. Actually raging about those snidey lines about fans. What business bases its marketing strategy on regularly criticising its customers? Fucking moronic. There's an arrogance about that statement that defies belief. Maybe it's time that Drysdale fucked off and we got in a Chief Executive in with proper experience of running a business and motivating people. 


Edited by roverthemoon
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Am I right in thinking that Drysdale was sat around the Boardroom table during the whole Anelka thing. Yet didn't resign, speak out against it or even express one concern about it publically? If that's the case then it's shameful that he's anywhere near the club, never mind the Chief Executive. 

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4 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

Thought that the criticising fans was just a Turnbull Hutton thing. Clearly it's a club thing. Actually raging about those snidey lines about fans. What business bases its marketing strategy on regularly criticising its customers? Fucking moronic. There's an arrogance about that statement that defies belief. Maybe it's time that Drysdale fucked off and we got in a Chief Executive in with proper experience of running a business and motivating people. 


Cash flow issues, club blaming the fans, over budget on terrible signings...very similar to pre-implosion Pars.

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54 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

Cash flow issues, club blaming the fans, over budget on terrible signings...very similar to pre-implosion Pars.

Possible wishful thinking on your part I suspect. The difference is there is no huge, ongoing overspend. At Rovers we've even turned a profit in a couple of years. The budget is covered and any additional has been funded by third parties. The one thing you can congratulate our Board on is financial management. Their customer relations might be shite, but their financial prudence has been good  



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Fans watching their club being poorly managed and can do nothing about it is something Pars fans know plenty about.

Be thankful your board/owners aren't borrowing millions against your club and start syphoning it off to prop up other failed business ventures etc.

DAFC only exists due to the determination of our fans wanting to have a club to support. Despite the best efforts from masterton to liquidate DAFC, our fan base all pulled together to save our club from extinction. 

The generosity of our creditors (many of whom are fans) scrapping the monies owed to them was a huge factor in us fans being able to save our club. 

If the fans are right, the only problems RRFC apparently have is on the park?  And you should grateful it's only that. 

I'll never forget standing in San-Starko watching what all Pars fans felt was our last ever game, and I wouldn't wish that on any football fan of any club. 

Staying away when your club needs you most won't help matters   

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DAFC only exists due to the determination of our fans wanting to have a club to support. Despite the best efforts from masterton to liquidate DAFC, our fan base all pulled together to save our club from extinction. 

Didn't Masterton and his board take 0p in the pound?
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Possible wishful thinking on your part I suspect. The difference is there is no huge, ongoing overspend. At Rovers we've even turned a profit in a couple of years. The budget is covered and any additional has been funded by third parties. The one thing you can congratulate our Board on is financial management. Their customer relations might be shite, but their financial prudence has been good  

To be fair to the Board, on the whole they do a good job. Being in charge of Raith Rovers is hardly glamorous and they are Raith fans with the club's best interests at heart. They have done very well to keep the season ticket numbers up for the last few years.

They are undoubtedly frustrated with the current prospects for the club and they also don't take criticism very well.

However, I'm not sure why they think that dropping the price to £15 walk up, for games against the unfancied sides in the league, will lead to increased crowds. This seems a bit naive or just utterly cuckoo. They have watched the same stuff as us in the last few games. They must be able to see that fans won't be queueing up to get back to Starks.

Only a winning, successful side playing good football will increase the numbers paying at the gate. The only people who can influence this are the Board, by picking the right manager, who in turn buys the right players and gets the best out of them.
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28 minutes ago, Paco said:


Didn't Masterton and his board take 0p in the pound?


Yes they did. 

But masterton gave with one hand in order to keep the club afloat so he could rape and pillage it in other ways. Thankfully Lord Woolman seen through him, and released DAFC from the financial hold he had over us, and prevented him from fleecing the club into liquidation. 

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37 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:



To be fair to the Board, on the whole they do a good job. Being in charge of Raith Rovers is hardly glamorous and they are Raith fans with the club's best interests at heart. They have done very well to keep the season ticket numbers up for the last few years.

They are undoubtedly frustrated with the current prospects for the club and they also don't take criticism very well.

However, I'm not sure why they think that dropping the price to £15 walk up, for games against the unfancied sides in the league, will lead to increased crowds. This seems a bit naive or just utterly cuckoo. They have watched the same stuff as us in the last few games. They must be able to see that fans won't be queueing up to get back to Starks.

Only a winning, successful side playing good football will increase the numbers paying at the gate. The only people who can influence this are the Board, by picking the right manager, who in turn buys the right players and gets the best out of them.


You don't actually need that part, it's a subjective viewpoint anyway. Just fucking win all the time and crowds will come back.Raith season_attendance.JPG


It's a scarily good correlation between league position and crowd attendance. It's interesting to note how staying in one place for a couple of seasons causes the crowd to drop off a bit during the last McGlynn through to the Murray seasons, before shooting up when hearts, rangers and Hibs came down. It's also worth noting that the denizens of Kirkcaldy did not come flocking back to see Calderon's tiki taka master classes, and McGlynn actually got slightly higher crowds for his launch it style of football for the same transition from 3rd to 2nd tier seasons.

If you actually take the "Glory years" - 92-97 out of the equation our crowds are pretty consistent.

As someone on Fantalk noted, there is no price elasticity in football, there is no reservoir of stay away fans who'll come flocking back if the price was just the right side of £15. Football will never be a case of value for money.

Edited by renton
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25 minutes ago, renton said:

If you actually take the "Glory years" - 92-97 out of the equation our crowds are pretty consistent.

As someone on Fantalk noted, there is no price elasticity in football, there is no reservoir of stay away fans who'll come flocking back if the price was just the right side of £15. Football will never be a case of value for money.

Totally agree. Which makes these statements blaming the fans even more ludicrous. The bottom line is the club view fans as a nuisance at times and a resource to be milked as opposed to valued customers who they need to build a positive relationship with. 

Throw in that the most likely way to attract the more casual fan back to Starks Park in the short term is through word of mouth from existing fans or us persuading our lapsed pals to return, then that snarky statement looks even more misjudged. 

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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:


To be fair to the Board, on the whole they do a good job. Being in charge of Raith Rovers is hardly glamorous and they are Raith fans with the club's best interests at heart. They have done very well to keep the season ticket numbers up for the last few years.

They are undoubtedly frustrated with the current prospects for the club and they also don't take criticism very well.

However, I'm not sure why they think that dropping the price to £15 walk up, for games against the unfancied sides in the league, will lead to increased crowds. This seems a bit naive or just utterly cuckoo. They have watched the same stuff as us in the last few games. They must be able to see that fans won't be queueing up to get back to Starks.

Only a winning, successful side playing good football will increase the numbers paying at the gate. The only people who can influence this are the Board, by picking the right manager, who in turn buys the right players and gets the best out of them.


Agree with a lot of this. There is a lot of good happening and financially they are sensible - which is the bottom line to having a club in the long term. But a lot around the club is still amateurish especially in terms of marketing/PR and communication with fans. Always has been, probably always will - until we get someone in the Boardroom who understands that you get the backing of people by respect and encouragement, not by berating them or telling them they aren't good enough. 

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From the outside looking in some of these statements from the Rovers board come across as utterly amateur.

You wont attract more fans by, erm, criticising fans. Numbers will always correlate with how the team is performing and league position.

An injection of professionalism is absolutely required here.

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Not even 1000 home tickets shifted for the cup tie with Hearts yet, according to the FFP. That's appalling but pretty indicative of a number of factors - we're appalling, it's 20 quid, it's on TV, the hassle of needing a ticket. Surely there'll be a cash gate for home fans.

The article also notes Hearts have sold out their 3500 allocation, so looks like the police are insisting on a 3000 limit in the North Stand again. 339 seats needlessly going to waste.

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5 minutes ago, Paco said:

Not even 1000 home tickets shifted for the cup tie with Hearts yet, according to the FFP. That's appalling but pretty indicative of a number of factors - we're appalling, it's 20 quid, it's on TV, the hassle of needing a ticket. Surely there'll be a cash gate for home fans.

The article also notes Hearts have sold out their 3500 allocation, so looks like the police are insisting on a 3000 limit in the North Stand again. 339 seats needlessly going to waste.

It's on BBC. Why would the more casual fan bother their arse pay to sit in the cold when they can watch in the warmth of their own home with a beer. And if Rovers don't show up and the game goes pear shaped you can switch over to Ice Road Truckers. 

Only a matter of time before the club issue a statement calling the stay away fans kuntz 

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"There will be quite a lot more player news in coming days, hopefully, as we continue to build for next season and beyond. All decisions taken are for the long term benefit of the club and the players concerned, and I am sure the vast majority of supporters will accept this and understand what we are trying to do here."

And yet we sign Scott Roberts, who is a bench warmer at best and who will surely be released at the end of the season. A player like Roberts doesn't add to the strength of the pool because he is simply not good enough.

The only player news in the coming days of any interest would be extensions to the contracts of M'Voto, Benedictus and possibly McHattie. and then we could really start to build for next season with Cuthbert, Callachan, Matthews, Stewart and Bobby Barr already signed. But I'm struggling to think of anyone else currently at the club who'd be an asset next season.

Anyway, what does it matter because once they're signed, if they're any good the board will sell said player for peanuts and dress it up  as a major success. It looks as if the board are frightened to ask a club for a decent transfer fee in case it scares the interested party away. But that's exactly what supporters want the board to do - grow a pair, stand up and tell them to pay the money or f**k off. The board would be immensely popular if they'd only do just that.


Edited by Beachbum
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You don't actually need that part, it's a subjective viewpoint anyway. Just fucking win all the time and crowds will come back.Raith season_attendance.JPG
It's a scarily good correlation between league position and crowd attendance. It's interesting to note how staying in one place for a couple of seasons causes the crowd to drop off a bit during the last McGlynn through to the Murray seasons, before shooting up when hearts, rangers and Hibs came down. It's also worth noting that the denizens of Kirkcaldy did not come flocking back to see Calderon's tiki taka master classes, and McGlynn actually got slightly higher crowds for his launch it style of football for the same transition from 3rd to 2nd tier seasons.
If you actually take the "Glory years" - 92-97 out of the equation our crowds are pretty consistent.
As someone on Fantalk noted, there is no price elasticity in football, there is no reservoir of stay away fans who'll come flocking back if the price was just the right side of £15. Football will never be a case of value for money.

Aye, okay. In which case scratch the 'playing good football' part. Let's have winning hoofball. Return of the Mack(Glynn)?
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From the outside looking in some of these statements from the Rovers board come across as utterly amateur.

You wont attract more fans by, erm, criticising fans. Numbers will always correlate with how the team is performing and league position.

An injection of professionalism is absolutely required here.

Turnbull Hutton regularly came out with this sort of statement. Eric is just carrying on the tradition.

Not even 1000 home tickets shifted for the cup tie with Hearts yet, according to the FFP. That's appalling but pretty indicative of a number of factors - we're appalling, it's 20 quid, it's on TV, the hassle of needing a ticket. Surely there'll be a cash gate for home fans.

The article also notes Hearts have sold out their 3500 allocation, so looks like the police are insisting on a 3000 limit in the North Stand again. 339 seats needlessly going to waste.

Premium season ticket holders get in with their season ticket. Not sure how many that accounts for.

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