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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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We don't, but from purely a footballing perspective we didn't/don't need that.

It was perplexing that he didn't feature again, but we didn't see nearly enough of him to make a call as to if he was good enough or not. Certainly wouldn't have kept him at all costs.

Edited by CALDERON
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Ok so depends how you want to look the term "at all costs" but I'd certainly have made every effort to retain him as he had more about him than either Thorsen, Osei or even Court in that Dev' side. 

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He was said to literally do the opposite of what he was told every time he was allowed on the park, that's why he disappeared. The goal he scored against Ayr took a massive deflection, it wasn't the wonder strike many remember it as. Not good enough, talk of keeping him "at all costs" is mental.

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Each to their own, my recollection is he was the only one that dared to have a pop against Ayr, and he took the game to Hibs when he came on at SP only for Hughes to sub the LB and put JC back in defence. as for talk of doing the opposite of what he was told, 1st anyones heard of that.

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Coustrain made an appearance for Limerick tonight in some form of charity cup game. Tbh, while I thought he looked not bad (certainly ahead of Roberts), both him and Osei didn't/haven't done enough to merit time under two managers. I don't think either of them were good enough long term. Coustrain not following instructions at Ayr was something which was definitely mentioned before. 

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Each to their own, my recollection is he was the only one that dared to have a pop against Ayr, and he took the game to Hibs when he came on at SP only for Hughes to sub the LB and put JC back in defence. as for talk of doing the opposite of what he was told, 1st anyones heard of that.

Coustrain was part of the triple sub against Hibs and went straight into the left back position that match.
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8 hours ago, rw89 said:

Coustrain made an appearance for Limerick tonight in some form of charity cup game. Tbh, while I thought he looked not bad (certainly ahead of Roberts), both him and Osei didn't/haven't done enough to merit time under two managers. I don't think either of them were good enough long term. Coustrain not following instructions at Ayr was something which was definitely mentioned before. 

It was the Raith TV guys who mentioned it. Something like Hughes told him under no circumstances should he go back beyond the half way line, and within minutes of going on ended up back in the 6 yard box.

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Sounds like a fair shout to me. A player from last season coming back? hope it's him and not Johnson, J Thompson or Roberts. Who else does it leave, McHattie, C Barr, Mcmanus, Loan players, Hardie, Handling.
I wouldn't be surprised if it is Coustraine

If it's Roberts I will rip up my (non-existent) season ticket, burn my (non-existent) scarf, then chain myself to the railings at Starks Park and carry out a dirty protest.
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I'd be helluva chuffed if it was Handling. One of the few players towards the end of the season that I thought deserved some pass marks. As most have alluded to it's probably Lennox, which I'd be ok with. 

On the point of Coustrain. I'll admit I didn't really mind him during the short time we saw him get some first team action but kinda thought there must be something going on in the back ground for him to get dropped.

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I doubt we'll see Danny Handling any time soon. I'm sure if a former player does return then it'll be Lennox, but if we were to also get a former player from Hibs for next season we could do worse than bring back Sean Mackie. If he was to do as well at left back as Calum Booth did with us I'd be well chuffed. Despite my preferences against loan players I wonder if Dundee have have a young LB or winger (but not Wighton please) who could do a turn for us.


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3 hours ago, CALDERON said:

It was the Raith TV guys who mentioned it. Something like Hughes told him under no circumstances should he go back beyond the half way line, and within minutes of going on ended up back in the 6 yard box.

Hughes was wanting him right up on Devlin in the Ayr game at somerset, and spent the whole of his appearance roaring at him to stay up the park, but he kept dropping back.

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