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2 minutes ago, Shotgun said:


Agreed. Although admittedly, I didn’t read any of it.


Let me summise, it was basically the A-Z to do list for any cancer patient.


Written by someone that's not a medical professional and never had cancer.


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1 hour ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

We'll see.

Here is her cancer "cure" advice...


hi i have some good news for you. ever word i am about to send you is a GOLD MINE of information. each detail is important. please read this and i think you will silence your blood cancer. cancer is caused by acidic blood. a change in diet with special herbs and supplements can bring your body back into harmony. Optimizing healthcare- I really think it may be possible to help humans live forever. With healthy vegan raw food lifestyle (cures systemic inflammation!!- the raw foods contain the digestive enzymes needed to fully digest the meal, each meal must contain each of the four food groups including vitamin C rich food to silence the phytic acid in the nuts seeds and beans so that minerals can be properly absorbed, this is VERY VERY VERY important),, herbal remedies, healing meditation, and then, if necessary, organ renewing gene therapies and stem cell therapies we are able to renew dying organs. This optimal healthcare approach needs to be taught and administered to all members of society. A society without equal care is a society without love. Lack of love is no fun and also ages humans. space will become an issue if we continue to have children. but we can live in space pods or houses on the ocean until we inhabit other planets. if we live forever, we will not need to procreate. then space will not be an issue. Young adults perhaps should not have children until they are 34 to ensure we are not overpopulated. optimized healthcare MUST reach every person on earth in order for the love of GOD to be fulfilled. only then will we experience true joy and our highest potential. There is a scourge of autoimmune issues plaguing the world. Thankfully they can be healed. It is happening due to multiple factors that can all be remedied, then you can begin the healing process. Antibiotics causes a candida infection, this cause leaky gut. Leaky gut causes the contents of your gut to leaky into your blood stream. Leaky gut causes further food allergies. This can trigger autoimmune reaction that can attack any organ system of your body. It can cause brain fog, alzheimers (from candida toxin), MS, fibromyalgia, arthritis, alcholism epilepsy, asthma (candida and leaky gut), acid reflux, COPD (candida and leaky gut), food allergies. To clear the autoimmune issues you must: 1. Clear the candida (candizolv but not their probiotic they sell because it contains e. faecalis which is dangerous. Consider your doctors anticandida, untifungal, medication) 2. Repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria (90 billion count live probiotic with 7-9 strains, no s. thermophilus) 3. Remove food allergens caused by the leaky gut response (there are so many foods (gluten, dairy, nightshades, soy, corn) and ADDITIVES that become or are inherently allergens, modified food starch, which goes by many names so know them all, microcrystalline cellulose, inulin!!) 4. Remove environmental toxins (diet, herbs, eco friendly products) 5. Heal your gut lining (supplements and herbs, greater plantain leaf found in yard) 6. Nutrify your body (healthy diet, herbs and supplements) 7. Heal your immune system (diet herbs and supplements, licorice, astragulus, etc.) 8. take Cannabis THC and cannabidiol, they eliminates the amyloid plaques that form on your nerves to protect the body from candida toxin. THIS WILL HEAL YOUR BODY, MIND and SPIRIT!!!!! Dr. ax. Dr. jockers, johnathan otto, amy myers are four dotors addressing this epidemic with online tutorials. There are many more as well. Find the practicioner that suits your needs ( dr.s in functional medicine and naturpathic are particularly knowledgable about the AI issues). Good luck. Allergy to Modified cellulose in vegetarian capsules- destroys nutritional value of supplements disease cure diet- don’t eat animal protein. Animal fats raise your blood sugar level and cause cancer. Fats must be from UNREFINED plant oils refrigerated immediately after production. eat 1/3 your weight in plant protein, b vitamins from anthonys nutritional yeast, choline, zinc, selenium, iodine. eat kale or spinache and lentils and chick peas daily, citrus daily, nuts and seeds. Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds daily for essential proline and guanine. Eat one of each food group at each meal to allow the enzymes to aide digestion. Eat omega 3 DHA from algae oil. Healthy plant fats (coconut oil, olive oil). and all the rest of the fresh fruits (lots of organic berries, blend whole lemon with water) and veggies (carrots etc) as plentifully as you wish. juice carrot, apple ginger (smoothie). kale banana ginger (smoothie). cure any leaky gut (causes major autoimmune issues that can cause depression and many neurological diseases and cancer). leaky gut is caused by candida (google anti-candida diet online) and also by food allergies (see dr. ax website about food allergies and leaky gut). strengthen your immune system with herbs (google it). BLACK SEED (must be heated first to break shell) is AMAZING!!! IT CURED MY PRE-CANCEROUS LESIONS ALMOST IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (like 1/3 of us have cancer causing HPV) discover any nutritional deficiencies that you may have. Magnesium oil, calcium. you need healthy fats (algae oil DHA), astazanthins. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! !!!!!!! YOU CAN CURE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's caused by toxicity and malnutrition. YOU CAN CURE IT!!!! GOOD LUCK. So many herbs kill cancer. Nigella sativa is amazing. Turmeric (curcumin) with black pepper (bioperidin), quercitin, resveratrol. And the THC from marijuana dissolves the plaque your body secretes to prevent damage from candida toxin. Be sure to treat the candida infection and the amyloid plague. Cerule brand algal product claim to be quite healing as well. Please try to avoid any blue green algae with DMAA in it. DMAA causes neurological damage Detoxification is essential for healing any illness. Our bodies are INUNDATED with toxins in today’s culture. They must be cleared from the body. Jonbarron.org guides the 5 step process of healing each organ system for maximum cleaning effect. For heavy metals triphala (only take a tiny bit. I use 1/32-1/18 tsp) followed by spirulina chelate snad binds heavy metals an escorts them safely from the body. Garlic and cilantro are also good chelators to follow with spirulina. Anitinflammatory diet and herbs and supplements are so important for healing. Vegan raw foods, cucumber, melon, glutathione, turmeric, blue berries, berries, DHA. Matric building proteins from sunsflower seeds sesame seeds are important. Parasite detoxification can be done with mimosa pudica and other ESSENTIAL herbs recommended by jonathan otto. Please see his information on that extremely important topic. Many of us have parasites and aren’t aware of it. They drain the body of nutrients and the power to heal. Lifewave glutathione patches are placed on the skin and sidestep the stomach where it gets broken down so it can be fully absorbed by the body. Glutathione is a majorly essential antioxidant that the body fails to make as we get older due to faulty genetic expression. They also make many other patches like the x39 patches which accelerate healing. Walter filtration is also a very important component to healing. Cheaper Water filters employ 10 different materials to ensure a sustainable product that can be sold at a cheaper cost to all. Clean water. An air purifier can also be helpful. Detoxifying ones home by using ecofriendly shampoos and dishwashing detergents like baking soda for washing and vinegar for rinsing. All VOC emitting materials should be removed from one’s home, clothes, rugs, paints, shower curtains, laundry detergents. . Spiritual healing may be an essential component of our individual and community health and well being. Ensuring that everyone does their fair share of labor is an essential first step to creating the peace necessary for spiritual union within any community. They each person can be taught the blessing of becoming a spiritual healer. It is every person’s birthright to develop this ability. It may even be an essential part of our human expression that we can’t live without. The energy of life within us feels so wonderful and beautiful. Is it meant to heal others?? Some think so. Perhaps it can reactivate organs such as the thymus which start involuting at age 40. We need the federal government to create a centralized healthcare database that charts: 1. Symptoms, 2. Diagnosis, 3. Causes, 4. Allopathic Cures, 5. Naturopathic cures, 6. Efficacy rating. 7. Stage of safety and efficacy testing. It would also discuss common and uncommon allergens to warn individuals of what to be thoroughly aware. Dietary guidelines, for each diet, must also be listed to ensure proper nutrition. Any diet done improperly can be very detrimental to one’s health. The vegan raw food diet IS the most healthy. So that should be encourage by all medical practicioners. Please see Dr. Geigers video’s to learn more about this essential topic. Good luck all!!!!!!!!! If you would like to discuss any of this with me. Please contact me on facebook. Elizabeth Deanna grot Or email. elizabethgrot@gmail.com. Good luck!!! PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. I WROTE THIS. PLEASE RUN YOUR LEG OF THE RELAY AND CONVINCE THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT TO TEACH THIS TO EVERY CITIZEN. We need a comprehensive government run Symptoms, diagnosis and treatments database chart for all naturopathic and allopathic cures and their rated efficacy and state of evidence (anecdotal or clinical trial). This will ensure that no one is given misinformation and everyone gets the same thorough opportunities for healing.

Thanks for posting that. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it all.

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My son likes to point at cars and shout what colour they are, his favourites are yellow and red cars. I took him out for a walk today and he pointed to the car parked across the road from us and shouting “BLACK”.... just as a black guy was walking past 🤦‍♂️

Can’t be long until my son gets cancelled.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

My son likes to point at cars and shout what colour they are, his favourites are yellow and red cars. I took him out for a walk today and he pointed to the car parked across the road from us and shouting “BLACK”.... just as a black guy was walking past 🤦‍♂️

And that, m'Lud, concludes the case for the defence.

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Like I've said a few times, ex-squaddies love to tell everyone. The following comment is from someone asking for recommendations for a helicopter ride as a gift. The mention of "tactical ops" is definitely relevant to the question IMO.


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7 hours ago, ICTChris said:

My son likes to point at cars and shout what colour they are, his favourites are yellow and red cars. I took him out for a walk today and he pointed to the car parked across the road from us and shouting “BLACK”.... just as a black guy was walking past 🤦‍♂️

Can’t be long until my son gets cancelled.

I said to a guy last night wearing an Afro “thought blacking up wasn’t allowed any more”!

turned out he was Asian 🙈


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58 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I just tore my Star Wars lounge pants in the right undercarriage area.

Displeased by this. They'll have to be chucked out now. Sad times.

Just get your maw to stitch them up. Nobody's going to be looking at your crotch anyway.

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