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4 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Still honest people going around, got a note and his phone number left on the car from a guy who said he'd damaged it reversing out.

If it was at your bit it's more likely he was menaced by the Smudger into leaving his number 

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Guest Moomintroll
Still honest people going around, got a note and his phone number left on the car from a guy who said he'd damaged it reversing out.
Did he leave you two tickets for a concert?
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On 04/03/2020 at 14:10, Shotgun said:

Have you ever done the exercise where you take your age, and subtract it from your date of birth? Then you think of all the monumental world events that took place in that period of time before you were born. For me, that would everything from 1905 to 1962. Ancient history, right?

Then you consider that a child born today, will look at everything that's happened while you've been alive in exactly the same way. The Cold War, man walking on the moon, the introduction of the Internet, 9/11 and the resulting wars, Britain's time in the EU...all ancient history.

1885 - 1952. 

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:


What would rip a foxes head off out of curiosity?


Depends where. In a field, maybe a farmer’s shotgun. In an urban setting, maybe hit by a car. Or maybe your missus got a bit hungry?

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