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1 hour ago, throbber said:

US fighter jet crashed into North Sea:


This came up as a notification on my phone earlier although it’s hardly a top story with everything else going on. I just hope the pilot ejaculated in time.

Must have made quite a splash.

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10 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Discovered, or rather confirmed, that my flatmate is a manky b*****d last week. She had to go up to her family's empty place in Fife to get it ready for estate agents, and left her window open to air out the bedroom.

Her room backs onto a wee mews so she asked me to close it before I went to bed. Now I go into her room every so often anyway, the boiler is in there, and the smell can be pretty manky. Add to this the fact that in the year I've been there I've had to buy packs of cutlery (albeit cheap ones) 3 times, and I already had my suspicions, and had tried to casually bring it up but she denied having dishes or anything in her room.

So cut to this weekend I go in, close her window, turn around and just see a mountain of fast food containers under her bed. I couldn't resist the temptation to look and without even digging around found a pair of pint glasses which I've never even seen before so must have been there for ages, and a plate with cutlery and some dried curry sauce on it. I hate to think what was behind the rest of it. Again, I sort of mentioned it in passing about how I'd aired it out but her room was still a little niffy, could something have fallen down the back of her bed maybe? sort of way. She brought through 2 spoons.

I'm a bit at a loss what to do at this point. For one thing, she's pretty sound in most other ways - pretty tidy in the common areas, a good laugh, works late shifts so we're not under each other's noses all the time, and sorts me out for the odd bit of the devil's lettuce. 

Something needs doing though, as to quote Archer that's how you get ants (or in this case more likely mice or rats). It honestly boggles my mind how she can sleep on top of what's basically a rubbish dump. And I'm fed up of having to replace stuff that hasn't even gone missing. 

Any advice from P+B? Honest conversation to get her to sort it? Do it myself when she's away for the day and never mention it again? Boot in the pie? All ideas welcome

10 hours and no one has said get her pumped. Lockdown is really taking its toll on this place. 

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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
14 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:
Now that I'm working in the field of mortgages I am finally beginning to truly understand the level and scale of financial control abuse women face from partners and it's truly horrifying.

How are you getting into that?

I'm on the arrears side of things so the amount of women (it's always women) who explain that the fella's fucked off years ago and left them with a mortgage they can't afford is unreal. Same story each time: wummin has job, usually a decent job, get mortgage, fella pressures woman into giving up career to have weans, a coupla years later the guy fucks off and leaves wummin with huge mortgage, no job and a coupla weans. Mad superhero single maw does two jobs or sells stuff or does anything and everything they can to stop arrears increasing and getting a decent enough payment history that the mortgage provider can offer things to help them. Changing mortgage product, consolidating arrears, agreeing to a term extension, moving to interest only payments, etc. Loads of options for these folk. Most of the time it doesn't need both people named on the mortgage to agree to it, only one, but if one named person says "naw" it's fucked. This happens fairly regularly as it is. 

Recently, tho, amount of men who have not paid a penny to a mortgage in years suddenly calling up demanding we cancel the payment holiday their partner has got put onto the mortgage during the COVID19 outbreak out of nothing but spite is extraordinary. Women who've spent years fixing the financial mess their arsehole partner left them and the kids in are now falling back into debt because the arsehole ex-partner wants them to.

Edited by AsimButtHitsASix
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6 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

If you're not too well up-to-speed with international drug cartels and the world of heavyweight boxing, this may have gone over your head. A two fight deal was announced the other day between 6ft 6 Anthony Joshua and 6 ft 9 Tyson Fury. A big deal in the world of big boys hitting each other. BT & Sky's two big lads getting it on. Then someone revealed that the deal was brokered by a chap called Daniel Kinahan. If you're still reading this blankly, take a moment to google Daniel Kinahan. 

You reckon this fight will go ahead? Fury will knock that chump out in one round.

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4 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

You reckon this fight will go ahead? Fury will knock that chump out in one round.

Could see the press conference being lively, given that Kinahan’s last one ended up with folk in drag machine gunning people. That and drug dealing being a capital offence in Bahrain. 

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7 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

If you're not too well up-to-speed with international drug cartels and the world of heavyweight boxing, this may have gone over your head. A two fight deal was announced the other day between 6ft 6 Anthony Joshua and 6 ft 9 Tyson Fury. A big deal in the world of big boys hitting each other. BT & Sky's two big lads getting it on. Then someone revealed that the deal was brokered by a chap called Daniel Kinahan. If you're still reading this blankly, take a moment to google Daniel Kinahan. 

At the risk of upsetting the P&B massive, I'm going to say it: boxing is fucking ghastly.

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At the risk of upsetting the P&B massive, I'm going to say it: boxing is fucking ghastly.

Boxing itself it’s brilliant. Some of the people involved, or getting involved, are ghastly.
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16 minutes ago, Bold Rover said:

At the risk of upsetting the P&B massive, I'm going to say it: boxing is fucking ghastly.

You won’t be alone in that assertion and if your experience is the top end stuff on TV where it can be quite gruesome then it’s understandable.

Amateur boxing clubs though can literally be lifesavers for so many people. Last week’s 5 Live boxing podcast covered this subject (first half hour or so). 


There’s racist boxing fans, crooked promoters etc but at a club/recreation level it’s a terrific sport for discipline and respect and mixing up different colours and social strata. 

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I acknowledge that I'm in a minority here. But a sport where the object is to injure your opponent's brain, abhors me.
So what is your opinion on other contact sports rugby, hockey or American football for example.
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20 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

You won’t be alone in that assertion and if your experience is the top end stuff on TV where it can be quite gruesome then it’s understandable.

Amateur boxing clubs though can literally be lifesavers for so many people. Last week’s 5 Live boxing podcast covered this subject (first half hour or so). 


There’s racist boxing fans, crooked promoters etc but at a club/recreation level it’s a terrific sport for discipline and respect and mixing up different colours and social strata. 

I've been to amateur boxing events, and I understand your point, SP. Still, there are other things young people can do other than punch each other on the head. Sorry if that sounds wimpish or pacifist, P&B.

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I acknowledge that I'm in a minority here. But a sport where the object is to injure your opponent's brain, abhors me.

That’s not the objective though and the reason the wear gloves, not allowed to headbutt, elbow or knee in the head
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