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If you are a little bit short of cash and can pay the money back responsibly for a few quid, than the service is fine. Payday loan companies however lend to people with shite credit (even those unemployed) which isn't very smart. Never going to end well.

And don't forget the massive interest rates. Wonga has something like 4700% APR Representative. Of course it's in tiny writing and when you're desperate you're not going to look at it.

I'd rather be flat broke than have an overdraft, let alone a loan from one of these companies.

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And payday loan companies aren't going to solve the problem.

Of course they aren

So a matter of "it's always been, so meh"?

Not good enough I'm afraid. Having the most vulnerable exploited in the most lecherous way is in no way acceptable and it should most certainly be either heavily regulated or outright banned.

They don't even care what you spend it on, as long as you pay it all back + more.

"What's the loan for, Sir? "

" Just buying some drugs "

" Very well, Sir. "

Folk who need them to buy food and survive day to day are fucked with or without them. Tackling poverty is an issue for the government and something they're very poor at.

What I am all about is personal responsibility. Too many people (not everyone) are quick to blame the government for their problems without taking a look at themselves. Obviously there is a vicious cirlce of poverty from one generation to the next but I've seen countless children from 'bad' families apply themselves incredibly well at school and have all the attributes to do reasonably well for themself after they leave school.

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^^^^ riddled


Matty's posts in this page have cheered me up a bit :lol: :lol:

that'll be £24.99

Matty if it turns out you are riddled, just turn it round on her, blame her ex.

nah i'd be well proud

Awkward if she was a virgin before she met Matty. :P

she wasn't

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Of course they aren




Folk who need them to buy food and survive day to day are fucked with or without them. Tackling poverty is an issue for the government and something they're very poor at.


What I am all about is personal responsibility. Too many people (not everyone) are quick to blame the government for their problems without taking a look at themselves. Obviously there is a vicious cirlce of poverty from one generation to the next but I've seen countless children from 'bad' families apply themselves incredibly well at school and have all the attributes to do reasonably well for themself after they leave school.

You're all for personal responsibility fair enough, but of all the children you've seen who have done well at school have came from bad families, how many of the children have you seen that haven't done well, and suffered as a result due to the wider failings of society? They are the ones who have literally f**k all and are living on the streets.

We are all humans, and we all have an equal responsibility to look after each other. To condemn someone to the scrapheap and say "you should have had more responsibility" is not the right attitude.

Why did the person who got into that situation not take responsibility? I'm sure if he had the choice he wouldn't be in that situation, but due to his personal circumstances, choices and external influences from society, he is in that situation. We need to stop people getting into the situation, and that begins with addressing problems in society as a whole.

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The fact that these payday loan companies target specific demographics (single parents with X amount of children) points to a failing in society. Why the hell is this certain demographic so vulnerable to these sharks? They should be amongst the ones most looked after.

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You're all for personal responsibility fair enough, but of all the children you've seen who have done well at school have came from bad families, how many of the children have you seen that haven't done well, and suffered as a result due to the wider failings of society? They are the ones who have literally f**k all and are living on the streets.

We are all humans, and we all have an equal responsibility to look after each other. To condemn someone to the scrapheap and say "you should have had more responsibility" is not the right attitude.

Why did the person who got into that situation not take responsibility? I'm sure if he had the choice he wouldn't be in that situation, but due to his personal circumstances, choices and external influences from society, he is in that situation. We need to stop people getting into the situation, and that begins with addressing problems in society as a whole.

I ask myself 'why have they not done well?'. You spend 11 years at school learning everything from basic routines , to reading, writing and all the other skills and knowledge. The've been sitting next to people who will go onto get 5A's for the majority of it. They've been taught by the same teachers.

A failure to to 'well' (and I don't just mean grades wise, for many pupils coming out of school with basical manners and social skills which will enable them to get a minimum wage job is brilliant) is very often due to poor personal choices and lack of effort.

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I ask myself 'why have they not done well?'. You spend 11 years at school learning everything from basic routines , to reading, writing and all the other skills and knowledge. The've been sitting next to people who will go onto get 5A's for the majority of it. They've been taught by the same teachers.


A failure to to 'well' (and I don't just mean grades wise, for many pupils coming out of school with basical manners and social skills which will enable them to get a minimum wage job is brilliant) is very often due to poor personal choices and lack of effort.

Going home to junkie parents/lack of food and energy/abusive parents/etc will not allow for the acquiring of basic skills most of the time.

Are you not accounting for the psychological damage that coming from a broken home can induce?

I came from a broken home, quite a bad one at that and yes I applied myself to make sure I had the best chances possible. I would say I've done the best I can for myself but the cost psychologically probably wasn't worth it.

There are a lot of people in this world who just don't get a fair hand or a decent go at a life, and regardless of all the people who say they have ultimate control of their life, it's clear that vast swathes are victims of social circumstance.

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You show me the success story of a child who rose against the odds and got a decent life in the background of a poor upbringing and I'll show you ten that couldn't do it due to their upbringing and poor social circumstance.

Face it, society is broken and it needs fixed.

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Re. payday loan companies, Fudge is pretty much spot on.

The targeting of these companies distracts from the real issue here: not enough people know about credit unions, and the fact that credit unions are underfunded and should be expanded. Payday loan companies have exploited a gap in the market. (In fact, I'm pretty sure Wonga offer short-term loans to small and medium sized businesses since they find it very difficult to secure funding from the banks.)

The expansion of credit unions will provide competition in this market; people will obviously plump for credit unions since they offer much better rates of interest. The market share of payday loan companies will shrink, and they'll have to lower their rates of interest significantly if they want to survive.

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Coming from a 'bad home' makes things more difficult, but should never be used as an excuse. You spend 7 hours a day for 11 plus years in a realtively stimulating and nurturing envioronment. Enough time is provided to encourage you to make positive choices.

Some folk get dealt a bad hand and things can be tough. I work with some people who will have it much worse at home than almost anyone on P&B has suffered and many of them have shown the dedication to apply themselves and do very, very well. I really can't be arsed saying any more on the matter. I'm just sick fed up of the woe is me, everything is someone else's fault attitude that many people have.

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Coming from a 'bad home' makes things more difficult, but should never be used as an excuse. You spend 7 hours a day for 11 plus years in a realtively stimulating and nurturing envioronment. Enough time is provided to encourage you to make positive choices.


Some folk get dealt a bad hand and things can be tough. I work with some people who will have it much worse at home than almost anyone on P&B has suffered and many of them have shown the dedication to apply themselves and do very, very well. I really can't be arsed saying any more on the matter. I'm just sick fed up of the woe is me, everything is someone else's fault attitude that many people have.

Yes, because schools are often the best places in the world for children from broken homes. It's not like they are ones who are most often bullied eh? Christ.

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I came from a broken home and I done shite at school. Mostly cos I couldn't be arsed trying.

Broken homes are the way forward anyway.

Edited by mattydfc
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