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If Granny Danger was a teacher he'd offer some cheeky 15 year old a square go and then get a chair round his coupon. It'd be brilliant.

One time in a tech class someone asked the teacher what he would do if someone tried to attack him with a chisel, his exact words were: "if we're being attacked we're authorised to use whatever force we deem necessary to protect ourselves, in that situation the force I'd deem necessary would be to batter him round the head with a chair"

Which was surprising, he never struck you as the violent type.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many teachers have let schoolchildren turn them absolutely mental.

I loved teaching. And just got an offer today to go back to a school I taught at in 2012 here, DELIGHTED!

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They probably look around at Alloa on their way to and from school and think 'By f**k this place is grim - Must stick in and escape this dump'

Location: Falkirk <_<

One time in a tech class someone asked the teacher what he would do if someone tried to attack him with a chisel, his exact words were: "if we're being attacked we're authorised to use whatever force we deem necessary to protect ourselves, in that situation the force I'd deem necessary would be to batter him round the head with a chair"

Which was surprising, he never struck you as the violent type.

Quite restrained IMO. I'm guessing he thought "take it off him and shove it up his arse" might be misconstrued.

I loved teaching. And just got an offer today to go back to a school I taught at in 2012 here, DELIGHTED!

Good news. Is this a different place to the one you were waiting for clearance to go back to?

Lunatic, and she tries to justify it too. Hopefully a long stint in prison to follow.

Sends-saucy-messages-from-his-wife's-phone-type post IMO.

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I grew up wit this guy who was in all my primary school classes. Chilling when you find out your old school mate has been charged with murdering his mum / your old neighbour a few doors up.


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Trying to change my diet and improve my health. So far I'm living off 2 slices of toast, a bowl of soup, one belvita biscuit, a proper meal and a bag of crisps at night.

This is hellish

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Trying to change my diet and improve my health. So far I'm living off 2 slices of toast, a bowl of soup, one belvita biscuit, a proper meal and a bag of crisps at night.

This is hellish

Difference between weight loss and healthy seeing as crash diets are generally frowned upon. That said, acting normal for two days of the week rather than dieting for all 7 should make it easier to carry on.

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Difference between weight loss and healthy seeing as crash diets are generally frowned upon. That said, acting normal for two days of the week rather than dieting for all 7 should make it easier to carry on.

I've been doing this since the second of the month and been walking every night, I'm waiting until February to go to the gym when the january chaos is over.

More surprising I've not touched alcohol since New Year's Day, a record for me

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I've been doing this since the second of the month and been walking every night, I'm waiting until February to go to the gym when the january chaos is over.

More surprising I've not touched alcohol since New Year's Day, a record for me

Exercise is the key if you're a bloke IMO. I try eat about 1800 calories a day (that can be anything doesn't matter how that's made up) and do my insanity/go on a run. It's the exercise that's the key.

Worst attempt at parking I've seen in a while, person in the silver cars, total heads gone. Made it hard for me to get out... Notice the yes sticker on the van by the way. Dundece.

The cars parked the whole length of the road.


Edited by 1320Lichtie
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Worst attempt at parking I've seen in a while, person in the silver cars, total heads gone. Made it hard for me to get out... Notice the yes sticker on the van by the way. Dundece.

The cars parked the whole length of the road.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1421251194.304565.jpg


Let's be charitable and say that their handbrake's fucked and it rolled back onto the road.

Best I've seen was a car parked completely across the sole entryway to a local car park. Absolutely no way for other cars to get in or out. Never seen a traffic warden look so perplexed.

Best I've been told about was at a place I worked at years ago. They had a garage next door and apparently the mechanics used to be b*****ds for parking vehicles across our driveway when they had a backlog. Despite being asked nicely, it kept happening. So, after a particularly stressful day, one of our drivers returned to base to find a car blocking his path. He stomped into the garage, only to be told the car would be moved "when we're ready". Said driver comes back out fuming, and angrily tries to tip the car over! The rest of the staff watch him for a minute before thinking "aye, fair enough", and help him get the job done. Everyone then gets finished up and scarpers quick before the mechanics come out and find their customer's car spinning on its roof in the middle of the street :P

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I have been watching the office (UK version) back to back for about 3 months now

Christ, and I thought 24-hour Metallica bombardment at Guantanamo was bad enough.

Free the Throbbing 1!

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