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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.

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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.

That's just your body's way of telling you to go back to Ibiza.

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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.


We've all been stuck here the past week :P

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I was visiting a property in a fairly rough part of Edinburgh the other day to check the progress of some renovations. I was accosted by a female neighbour wanting to find out about who would be living in the property. She said she had not much cared for the previous occupants.

"I'm no bein' racist or nothin.." she started, "but see they black b*******..."

Left me a bit hollow - it's been rattling about in my head ever since.

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May it was Ian Black and his family who were the previous tenants. .

In which case, its entirely understandable.

Ha! Sadly, it was a nice, if a bit nutty African family. I'd been to visit them before they moved and after a bit of yakking to each other in their native tongue, the man of the house said "My mother says you are the nicest white man she has ever met". Beats my degree or any other crappy qualifications I've picked up over the years.

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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.

You do know you're still fast asleep in the club toilet covered in vomit?

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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.


Knows how to holiday.

I've probably told this story before, but last year I went for a weekend in Benidorm. Basically a weekend of drinking and drugs with a couple of friends. Came back at 2am on the Monday morning and had to start my new job at 9am that day.

Without doubt the worst day of my life. Was paranoid as f**k, probably reeked of drink even though I hadn't touched a drop on the Sunday, and was seriously struggling to keep my eyes open after spending the vast majority of the previous 72 hours awake and buzzing out my tits.

Ever since this day, whenever I've had a hangover/comedown/the fear, I look back and realise things could be much worse.

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I managed to twist around being asked to do overtime tonight into getting the day off work. :lol:

Don't ask how because I don't know either :lol:?

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I got back last night from Ibiza, and I have a serious case of the fear. Woke up several times through the night, after having nightmares and thinking someone was in my room. I have an emergency Xanax in my drawer that I might take, and shut myself off from the outside world for another 24 hours.

This happened to me after a week with the lads in Tenerife in 1995.

After two days of nightmares, The Fear and peeking out of the curtains while trying to stop sobbing one of my mates picked me up to go for a debrief on the holiday in our local.

I asked for a pint and then realised when looking at it on the bar that I physically couldn't pick it up because my shakes were that bad.

The barmaid took it to a table for me and I sat looking at wondering if I could drink it without lifting it, eventually I drunk a pint of Heavy through a straw, I felt much better and half pissed after one pint.

I took these few days as a sign that I was more comfortable in Tenerife so I moved there.

Things improved after a while so I moved back to the UK in 2013.

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Pluto's moons have chaotic orbits. I find that absolutely terrifying to be honest, what if they just decide to f**k off from Pluto and hurtle towards us? :thumbsdown

Nae wonder they voted Pluto out of the big boy planet club.

Pluto - the belligerent drunk of the Solar System :thumbsdown

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