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I always thought the Dundee murder house on the Perth road, would make an unbelievably cool house. I'm sure someone told me a while back its being renovated just now.

It's back on the market I think. The guy selling it was going to turn it into a restaurant but ran out of cash

Ffs. Matty beat me too it

Edited by MuckleMoo
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Has there been any interaction yet Kev?

Very minimal. I asked if he was the boy on the left or right of his profile picture and when he told me I said I was glad. He said I was good looking but seemed pretty cautious. I had 5s so said I was away to work but he messaged me later on in the night for some general chat like what I do and that. When I went to bed he asked if it was ok if he spoke to me again and I said I'd love it. Small steps.

Just to clarify, the boy in question is an arsehole.

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Unless the killer hasn't been caught, I really don't get why people are so bothered by the idea of living in a house that somebody's died in. As time goes by, it's almost certain to have happened in everyone's place at some time or another. Don't know about any deaths, but I'm pretty sure our place was being used as a brothel before we moved in; can't say I've ever given a damn. It's just bricks and mortar.

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Very minimal. I asked if he was the boy on the left or right of his profile picture and when he told me I said I was glad. He said I was good looking but seemed pretty cautious. I had 5s so said I was away to work but he messaged me later on in the night for some general chat like what I do and that. When I went to bed he asked if it was ok if he spoke to me again and I said I'd love it. Small steps.

Just to clarify, the boy in question is an arsehole.

I'm looking forward to the big reveal at the end.

He's known it was you all along, and has been telling your pals you've been trying to get into his boxers :o

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I don't think it would bother me a while down the line to have it broken to me that something like that occurred in my house a few years ago, the problem would the high profile of the case and how recent it was. People don't know how to deal with death and the idea that a young lady's body was lying there for a couple of days while the killer tried to think of ways to dispose of it can be very off putting.

I'm certainly struggling to rattle one out thinking about it.

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Fred and Rose West's house on Cromwell Street was demolished and everyone on the site was taken to an RAF base and ground into dust to stop souvenir hunters.

There was a case just around the corner from me a few years ago where an Edinburgh woman killed her two children and then tried to commit suicide. That flat was empty for a long time but I think it's got someone there now.

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Seen a horse lying down in a field as i was driving past.Not rolling around but just lying there and i thought it was dead but when i drove past about half n hour later it was up running about

I honestly cant remember ever seeing a horse lying down and having a nap before

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Was out walking my dog earlier and seen some wee bairn come flying down a hill on the bike. Stood back with the dog incase they cycled into us.

Instead they misjudged the lamppost at the bottom of the hill, cracked it and went flying off.

Am I a bad guy for pissing myself laughing at this? They were fine got up and cycled away. Probably rather sheepish.

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