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I did it on my phone, private browsing etc, I'll be fine.... 8) well I hope. If I get into shit I'm taking you down with me Matty!!

I liked this photo when I had Facebook by the way... :lol:

Wish I had seen her with her shorts off and legs spread first

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1427136747.013157.jpg

what would happen to me? I didn't click the link..

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I did it on my phone, private browsing etc, I'll be fine.... 8) well I hope. If I get into shit I'm taking you down with me Matty!!

I liked this photo when I had Facebook by the way... :lol:

Wish I had seen her with her shorts off and legs spread first

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1427136747.013157.jpg

She could always get a pussy tuck.....

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A Muslim has opened kebab shop in Swindon called Halal Qaeda and has a childrens toy called the Talibanana which recites verses from the Koran when it's chord is pulled and is causing massive amounts of seethe for Tory councillor Barry Morgan, who starts this speech with (you guessed it)...

"Nobody can call me a racist...but the name of Mr Bin Mehmet’s shop is incredibly insensitive, and his banana speaks verses from the Koran when you pull on the cord. They’re not even in English. Children must be protected. I support anyone trying to start a business, now the Conservative government has got the economy back on track, but not like this.

”The children of Swindon need to understand that while we are very accommodating to visitors from overseas, the Talibanana is not a toy and Halal Qaeda is not a joke,”

“It is the thin end of a wedge that, if it continues on its current course, could see Sharia Law imposed in short order. It’s all well and good Swindon residents being exposed to other cultures, but they must not lose sight of their own. Bacon sandwiches and sausage rolls are as much a part of Swindon’s culture as the railway. Sharia Law would take them away.”

Nigel Farage said "UKIP will fix this when they're in power in May"


Edited by The Moonster
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A Muslim has opened kebab shop in Swindon called Halal Qaeda and has a childrens toy called the Talibanana which recites verses from the Koran when it's chord is pulled and is causing massive amounts of seethe for Tory councillor Barry Morgan, who starts this speech with (you guessed it)...

"Nobody can call me a racist...but the name of Mr Bin Mehmet’s shop is incredibly insensitive, and his banana speaks verses from the Koran when you pull on the cord. They’re not even in English. Children must be protected. I support anyone trying to start a business, now the Conservative government has got the economy back on track, but not like this.

”The children of Swindon need to understand that while we are very accommodating to visitors from overseas, the Talibanana is not a toy and Halal Qaeda is not a joke,”

“It is the thin end of a wedge that, if it continues on its current course, could see Sharia Law imposed in short order. It’s all well and good Swindon residents being exposed to other cultures, but they must not lose sight of their own. Bacon sandwiches and sausage rolls are as much a part of Swindon’s culture as the railway. Sharia Law would take them away.”

Nigel Farage said "UKIP will fix this when they're in power in May"


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A Muslim has opened kebab shop in Swindon called Halal Qaeda and has a childrens toy called the Talibanana which recites verses from the Koran when it's chord is pulled and is causing massive amounts of seethe for Tory councillor Barry Morgan, who starts this speech with (you guessed it)...

"Nobody can call me a racist...but the name of Mr Bin Mehmet’s shop is incredibly insensitive, and his banana speaks verses from the Koran when you pull on the cord. They’re not even in English. Children must be protected. I support anyone trying to start a business, now the Conservative government has got the economy back on track, but not like this.

”The children of Swindon need to understand that while we are very accommodating to visitors from overseas, the Talibanana is not a toy and Halal Qaeda is not a joke,”

“It is the thin end of a wedge that, if it continues on its current course, could see Sharia Law imposed in short order. It’s all well and good Swindon residents being exposed to other cultures, but they must not lose sight of their own. Bacon sandwiches and sausage rolls are as much a part of Swindon’s culture as the railway. Sharia Law would take them away.”

Nigel Farage said "UKIP will fix this when they're in power in May"


Chris Morris isn't as sharp as he used to be.

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