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I just met a lassie whose entire family was on Jeremy Kyle disputing custody over her when she was a wean. Apparently they did the whole hurling abuse and threatening violence thing. Unsurprisingly, she ended up in care.

I must admit, I've always had it at the back of my head that the people on that show are actors in some way. Now that I've learned this isn't (always) true, I must admit to having tendrils of fear spreading across my brain. It's like peeling back the wallpaper and discovering that Zalgo really does wait behind the wall :shutup

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I just met a lassie whose entire family was on Jeremy Kyle disputing custody over her when she was a wean. Apparently they did the whole hurling abuse and threatening violence thing. Unsurprisingly, she ended up in care.

I must admit, I've always had it at the back of my head that the people on that show are actors in some way. Now that I've learned this isn't (always) true, I must admit to having tendrils of fear spreading across my brain. It's like peeling back the wallpaper and discovering that Zalgo really does wait behind the wall :shutup

When I was on Fifteen to One, some of the production company had worked on the Jeremy Kyle show previously. Apparently they had to hire security to stand outside their hotel doors all night incase they either did a runner or went out at night and got pissed.

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Additionally, I think I've just seen Michael Stewart in an advert for a pyramid scheme

I had to google him to see who he was when he first came on the telly. Had never noticed him as a player.
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I had to google him to see who he was when he first came on the telly. Had never noticed him as a player.

I just went to upload the video of his amazing attempt to kick the bottle but make a c**t of it fail at Accies but it is nowhere to be seen. Not available on YouTube anymore. Has Michael insisted his minterrific vid be removed?

I want answers.

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Just out of curiosity, why is Bigmouth called a grass?

Someone went nuts and changed the 'box office' posters' titles. Biggie got saddled with the epithet of 'GRASS', apropos of nowt.

Fully expecting that I'll end up with 'PAEDO' when I graduate into the big boys' league, or something equally amusing.


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Someone went nuts and changed the 'box office' posters' titles. Biggie got saddled with the epithet of 'GRASS', apropos of nowt.

I always thought there must have been something in it given how angry he got about it, the fucking grass.

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