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I wouldn't congratulate parenting that involves telling children to "shut the f**k up" tbf. There are better ways to get them 'telt.'

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I checked the temperature of my oven by putting my bare hands on the sides inside the oven. It was fucking stupid and I'm really sore now.

Do you also drink out of bleach bottles to see if it's Dettol or a Capri Sun?

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I checked the temperature of my oven by putting my bare hands on the sides inside the oven. It was fucking stupid and I'm really sore now.

Similarly, I once got out and checked for brake disk damage on my wife's car with my bare hands after she drove me home from the pub and we noticed a nasty noise from the brakes. Not sure how many hundreds of degrees C the disk was but my skin didn't fare too well.

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Going to my sisters tonight as she has bought one of those things to transfer old camcorder tapes - there is a big bag of them in her loft so it will pretty much be stuff from when we were kids, family holidays/day trips etc. Really looking forward to seeing them, especially as my dad passed away some years ago. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that there isn't anything else on those tapes, as I will never be able to unsee anything dodgy...

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Have a look at the feedback for this amazon seller and have a guess at the sort of letter I got this morning: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aag/details/ref=aag_m_fb?ie=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=0&isCBA=&marketplaceID=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&seller=A3J1VK73CSKERX#

French, if you were lucky.

'Tis indeed a sad day when Scotsmen are forced to send away to China for their counterfeit goods. I take it all the local markets have been closed down by our moral guardians :(

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Going to my sisters tonight as she has bought one of those things to transfer old camcorder tapes - there is a big bag of them in her loft so it will pretty much be stuff from when we were kids, family holidays/day trips etc. Really looking forward to seeing them, especially as my dad passed away some years ago. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that there isn't anything else on those tapes, as I will never be able to unsee anything dodgy...

Sounds like a cracking evening in. Hope there's lots of good stuff.

Also, post the redtube links when you're done.

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French, if you were lucky.

'Tis indeed a sad day when Scotsmen are forced to send away to China for their counterfeit goods. I take it all the local markets have been closed down by our moral guardians :(

I think French border forces have enough problems currently, I was stuck with the British version.

You seem to allude to running online selling business of some sort - you got any knockoff PS3 controllers kicking about?

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I think French border forces have enough problems currently, I was stuck with the British version.

You seem to allude to running online selling business of some sort - you got any knockoff PS3 controllers kicking about?

Alas. I could use a new Xbox 360 one myself, actually.

Maybe I'll give those Chinese laddies a try and see if they'll give me a wholesale discount.

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I have an internal job interview on Monday, I took today off work to research and prepare for it and I've sat in my skegs all day watching episodes of Pawn Stars on Discovery and drinking wine. I have a slight feeling, that the programme might be scripted. Just slight though.

Didn't want that job anyway.

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I have an internal job interview on Monday, I took today off work to research and prepare for it and I've sat in my skegs all day watching episodes of Pawn Stars on Discovery and drinking wine. I have a slight feeling, that the programme might be scripted. Just slight though.

Didn't want that job anyway.

I can sometimes stomach the programme, but tbh they are all utter c***s IMO. I understand they need to make a profit but I can remember watching an episode where the bald guy's 'expert' came in and gave an estimation of £2,000 for the item the customer had brought in (and the customer had stated that was it's value in the first place). He then offered the guy £500. A mean c'mon tae f**k! There's being shrewd then there's being a total dick!!

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