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I wish I was one of those people that don't need much sleep to function. Had to get up at 7 this morning which is usually not a problem because Ill go to bed around half 10 and try get 8 hours. Last night I stayed up a bit later as I wasn't tired then the next thing I know, its 4 in the morning. I Think I have managed just over 2 hours kip and I am shattered. Actually feeling ill because of it.

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Having a mental breakdown over my dissertation. Spent all morning trying to copy a diagram from a PDF to a word document, but can't figure out how to do it. Nobody else knows either, apart from this whole "screenshot" thing on the laptop (my laptop isn't working so need to know how to do it on a computer).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as once I've done this ill have finished the dissertation.

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Having a mental breakdown over my dissertation. Spent all morning trying to copy a diagram from a PDF to a word document, but can't figure out how to do it. Nobody else knows either, apart from this whole "screenshot" thing on the laptop (my laptop isn't working so need to know how to do it on a computer).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as once I've done this ill have finished the dissertation.


There you go bud.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I had a dream last week that I had a rabid parrot in my back garden and it was trying to fly into a wooden shed that was also in my garden but I shut the door in time so it just started pecking viciously at the door. All of a sudden, the rabid parrot turned into two rabid sheep and they juked into my kitchen because my back door was open. They fought amongst themselves whilst I quietly slinked into the living room because I was fucking brickin it at the thought of two rabid sheep scrapping in my kitchen. I viewed the fight through the glass door whilst I impersonated Tommy Wiseau in The Room. I just kept going ''cheeeeep cheeeeeeep cheeeeeeeep cheeeeeeeep.'' in this manner:

I love a good dream.

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Been up since 5. Walked the dog, went for a cycle, helped with the shopping, sorted out college stuff and I'm now watching telly. I hate being off during the week, too boring

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