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The stage has been set up since at least yesterday. Apparently PCL had been let down by the firm who were providing the PA. That photo, which has since been locked, was from one of Rancid's crew. Regardless, it has nothing to do with the "adverse weather conditions", and there have been several massive f**k-ups. 

Had a ticket but personally quite pleased it's been cancelled as I could be doing with the cash, and was only really going because my mates fancied it. Feel sorry for those who have travelled though. Absolute f**k that.

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How likely is it that I will be turned away from a gig if the ticket I have doesn't have my details on it? 

The reason I'm asking is because I purchased a ticket from GetMeIn, a subsidiary, and official company owned by Ticketmaster. Upon receiving the ticket, I noticed that the original purchaser name and address had been tip-exed out, but it obviously was not my name or my address; the card that was used to buy the ticket originally wasn't mine either. I have the GetMeIn receipt which proves that I did purchase this ticket from the site, but obviously, that may not matter in the strictest terms. 

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3 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

How likely is it that I will be turned away from a gig if the ticket I have doesn't have my details on it?

I'd have a look about and see if there's anything about ID needed, but for the vast majority of gigs you'd be fine. If ID is needed it'll be easy to find out.

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