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6 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I haven’t watched a game in years outside of the semi’s or final, but assumed it was still watched in big numbers throughout.

You would think that from the marketing, yes. But it's simply not true.

Same goes for the Premier League. If you look at the actual viewing figures you'll see that paywall football simply doesn't draw a crowd.

The claims about viewing figures made by these competitions don't stand up to the merest scrutiny. Especially when it comes to the international viewing figures. They're basically making those figures up.

But the UK figures are very modest compared to the size of the UK footballing public. Put simply, the vast majority of us are not watching. Yet we all think everybody else is.

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Quick comparison.

Look at this page on the Premier League's website. https://www.premierleague.com/news/1225124

You'll notice that despite its positive tone, it's rather light on detail.

  • Audiences up by 12%. From what to what? The lack of figures tells us they are modest indeed.
  • MotD drew it's highest individual audience since 2016. Which was ...? No detail. Also, why only mention the individual audience and not the total or average one? Again, we can assume they are nothing to boast about, or they'd be boasting.
  • Record numbers watching on mobile devices. Of course, mobile devices are becoming more and more common and more and more powerful. Yet, still they give us no numbers. Why not?
  • 70% of the UK population watched the Premier League last season. Pure bullshit. You can only get to this figure if you include people who leave on MotD when they're asleep and count people like my mum who have the telly on when they're pottering about the house. How did they arrive at this figure? Again, no detail.

Match figures for Sky and BT are often between 250,000 and 400,000, with really big games (last season 16) getting more than 2 million.

For comparison, look at these figures for the World Cup.


Games pulling in 21 million, 17 million, 17 million, 16 million etc.

The Premier League and Champions League have an Emperor's New Clothes quality about their popularity. They insist they are popular and behave as if they are popular. But the figures don't back it up.

Edited by JTS98
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6 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

But the UK figures are very modest compared to the size of the UK footballing public. Put simply, the vast majority of us are not watching. Yet we all think everybody else is.

the days of folk breathlessly turning up at work on a Monday banging on about "the fantastic Spurs v West Ham game that was on yesterday" (in spite of them supporting Ipswich Town or whoever) are long gone; it's shirley just a case of over-exposure (leave it) as no-one's going to tune in to another turgid mid-week, mid-table encounter just for the sake of it; plenty of watchers for the big derbies, top of the table matches and cup finals, but that has always been the case and has nothing to do with the English game being 'the best in the world' (sic).

intrigued to know if this is just an age-related demographic thing, with just the older sorts (ie me) having had enough of mundane, wall to wall  non-events week in and week out - do younger folk still believe the hype, get the buzz and watch anything and everything, having set aside part of their meagre living wage to subscribe to 'the footie' along with contracts for the latest iPhone, Netflix, beard ointments and hipster gin - being compelled to watch the lot to get perceived value for money ???

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4 minutes ago, Herman Hessian said:

the days of folk breathlessly turning up at work on a Monday banging on about "the fantastic Spurs v West Ham game that was on yesterday" (in spite of them supporting Ipswich Town or whoever) are long gone; it's shirley just a case of over-exposure (leave it) as no-one's going to tune in to another turgid mid-week, mid-table encounter just for the sake of it; plenty of watchers for the big derbies, top of the table matches and cup finals, but that has always been the case and has nothing to do with the English game being 'the best in the world' (sic).

intrigued to know if this is just an age-related demographic thing, with just the older sorts (ie me) having had enough of mundane, wall to wall  non-events week in and week out - do younger folk still believe the hype, get the buzz and watch anything and everything, having set aside part of their meagre living wage to subscribe to 'the footie' along with contracts for the latest iPhone, Netflix, beard ointments and hipster gin - being compelled to watch the lot to get perceived value for money ???

I think there are a few things at work.

The novelty of the Premier League is long gone and I think it's lost a lot of its charm due to the avalanche of cash and the heavy-handedness of its marketing. People eventually get tired of that and I think we're seeing that.

Also, you can only go so far with fooling people into thinking they're watching quality. Like any other football competition in the world, the Premier League has some great games, some terrible games and lots of ok games. People notice that and eventually it seems a bit of a stretch to give up doing something else on a Sunday to watch two teams you don't care about play each other in what will probably be an ok game.

I think as well that it's now pretty easy to consider yourself a football fan despite never watching games. You can listen to a whole host of podcasts to keep up to date as well as seeing goals etc on youtube. A lot of people now are used to short, sharp bursts of entertainment and maybe don't fancy watching 90 minutes of football when they can just see the goals, listen to some podcasts and be totally up to date.

Whatever the reason, we know people aren't watching.

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I've probably only watched a handful of Champions League games over the past 5 years. And those would all have been semi-finals or finals. A few years ago I would have definitely have watched any matches involving Scottish teams, would definitely have made sure to watch the semis and final and would maybe watch a random game if I wasn't doing anything else.

Now I'll only watch a final / semi if someone I'm with wants to watch it.

I appreciate that the level of football is probably the highest you'll find but for me, it's so uncompetitive and samey from year to year, it's boring as f**k.

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2 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I've probably only watched a handful of Champions League games over the past 5 years. And those would all have been semi-finals or finals. A few years ago I would have definitely have watched any matches involving Scottish teams, would definitely have made sure to watch the semis and final and would maybe watch a random game if I wasn't doing anything else.

Now I'll only watch a final / semi if someone I'm with wants to watch it.

I appreciate that the level of football is probably the highest you'll find but for me, it's so uncompetitive and samey from year to year, it's boring as f**k.

I think most people probably fall into the same category as you.

I rarely watch Champions League games either unless it's to be sociable (I've got mates who support Champions League teams). And like I said, the numbers show that most people are like us.

I think it's a great falsehood that people want to see 'good' football. Most people want to see exciting football and they want to see their team win. Quality doesn't really come into it, especially if what you're watching is a walkover or simply dull. It switches people off.

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4 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

I think most people probably fall into the same category as you.

I rarely watch Champions League games either unless it's to be sociable (I've got mates who support Champions League teams). And like I said, the numbers show that most people are like us.

I think it's a great falsehood that people want to see 'good' football. Most people want to see exciting football and they want to see their team win. Quality doesn't really come into it, especially if what you're watching is a walkover or simply dull. It switches people off.

Aye. I don't even look out for the scores now to be honest. I'll only know them when I chance upon them.

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3 hours ago, Herman Hessian said:

how 'bout if it's a cheese toastie, where the melted internal dairy-based comestible takes on the form of the radioactive sludge at the bottom of the chernobyl reactor core and exists at a temperature in excess of four billion degrees centigrade, and will dissolve your fingers if it comes in to contact with them ?

is it not acceptable to cut bits off with a knife and/or fork and blow them a bit, spreading crumbs, incandescent cheese micro-particles and germs around the place, before burning your mouth ?

or has a toastie ceased to be a sandwich and taken on a (half) life of its own, thereby being governed by an entirely different set of rules ?

asking for a friend...

Tell your friend that would be acceptable, but only if they are a paedo. Which itself, of course, is not acceptable.

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13 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Air travel is the worst form of travel.
I hate everything about it.

Look at this utter Jeremy Hunt of a flight-

Not much to go on there if you don't tell us the flight duration or even the time difference for us to work with.

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On the topic of eating etiquette , I often use a spoon for meals like Chilli con Carne or a curry rather than a knife and fork. Basically anything where the main part of the meal doesn’t require much , if any, effort to be cut and mashed tattles , rice or most types of pasta is the principal accompaniment is easier eaten with a spoon. 

I  hasten to add that I would bow to convention and use a knife and fork if I was in polite company .

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