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4 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Absolutely massive tits (especially so when they’re only because the women is question is the size of a house) are distinctly unattractive. A large number of the nurse pictures that are routinely posted in the COVID thread are absolutely howling.

I’m expecting a raft of red dots from the forum da’s/over 60s who seem to absolutely revel in said pictures.

The tits have nothing to do with them being howling. The standards are seriously low.

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Absolutely massive tits (especially so when they’re only because the women is question is the size of a house) are distinctly unattractive. A large number of the nurse pictures that are routinely posted in the COVID thread are absolutely howling.
I’m expecting a raft of red dots from the forum da’s/over 60s who seem to absolutely revel in said pictures.
Fully agree.

I'd also add too much make-up, and pretty much any fake tan or fake eyelashes to my list of things that aren't in the slightest bit sexy.

Actually when i think about it sexiness had much less to do with looks than most folk realise.

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7 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

The fact D'acampo is portrayed as a cheeky chappy when he's actually a convicted burglar pisses me off. Just because it was Paul Youngs house he burgled doesn't make it less of a crime.

I thought you were referring to the former pirate radio DJ and distinguished Scottish actor Paul Young there. If D'acampo had broken into that gaffe he could have nicked Young's fishing gear and gone angling for compliments

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I thought those posting and ‘approving’ such pictures were younger posters.


Thats a whole new thread o content, I thought it was the older da types posting them. 

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Thats a whole new thread o content, I thought it was the older da types posting them. 

Albert’s the main culprit; don’t think he’s old.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Albert’s the main culprit; don’t think he’s old.

@albert are you an old duffer or a young whipper snapper?

Edited by 101
wrong Albert, granny which one is it?
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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Margaret Thatcher said:

Most NHS employees aren't heroes. They are averagey no marks enjoying their moment in the sun, often with little class, and using sunbathers as proxies for their pent up rage from that time a boy in S6 pumped them at a party and never text back.

Are you confusing the actual people that work in the NHS with their gammony champions? 

Or did you once pump a female who became a nurse, which is preying on your mind for some reason? 

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On 30 August 2010 at 09:08, Law Stud said:

I think the NHS is a monumental waste of money, it's grossly inefficient and ineffective and that a private sector healthcare system would be much better value for money


Claps every Thursday night.

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The NHS obsession is a strange, unique aspect of British politics and society. The British state has become, for a lot of political people, a health care service with a few ancillary wings. This isn’t the case in other comparable countries, where elections and politics aren’t dominated by healthcare the way the UKs are.

Post Covid, this tendency will only increase and regressive controlling policies will be justified by reference to the NHS. The upcoming war on obesity is one.

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On 03/05/2020 at 10:34, Bert Raccoon said:

I'm just annoyed he burgled a shite 80s pop stars house rather than a trigger happy farmers.

I’d applaud him and buy one of his cool books if he’d tanned Geldof’s house tbh.

On 03/05/2020 at 15:29, Honest_Man#1 said:

Absolutely massive tits (especially so when they’re only because the women is question is the size of a house) are distinctly unattractive. A large number of the nurse pictures that are routinely posted in the COVID thread are absolutely howling.

I’m expecting a raft of red dots from the forum da’s/over 60s who seem to absolutely revel in said pictures.

Once my dot allowance refreshes, I’ll probably come back and red dot this post. Starting a post with those 3 words only not to post any is absolutely disgusting VL behaviour.

Edited by 8MileBU
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the phrase "chippy tea" is of the same gratingly childish ilk as the use of defining what period of time remains before a given event by the number of "sleeps"

anyone who has "three sleeps until my next chippy tea" needs smothering with their blanky (unless they are four years old)

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