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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Goldie called him Rob in the interview so he could well have been referring to Robin Gunningham. 

Someone called Rob was hanging about Leith a few months back, claiming to be Banksy. Some Banksy-esque murals appeared at the same time. 

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3 hours ago, BawWatchin said:

I hate feminists and their misguided shouty emotional rants. You try to address their bullshit with logic, stats and actual facts and all you get back is a temper tantrum.

Wtf, it's a wild take that you are actually for Men and Women to be treated differently.


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I hate feminists and their misguided shouty emotional rants. You try to address their bullshit with logic, stats and actual facts and all you get back is a temper tantrum.
Feminism in its true and meant form is absolutely fine, and each and every one of us on the planet, male or female, would do well to live by it.

However, Neo-Feminism, as a vehicle for manhate and general Misandry, not so much.
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It would be great if everyone was treated fairly and without judgement and have equal opportunities for everything.

What annoys me is when if all of this is happening but then a group still moans and says that because something is one group then it must be unfair.

Women and men will naturally do different things and do them as good, worse or better than either sex. Equality of outcome is a total nonsense and is actually patronising and sexist/racist. I realise that also saying that if suddenly an entire tv show or company is now a different gender or race then that’s must be down to some pc  or equal opportunities policy can also be hard to prove and is down to unconscious bias.

I do see that the bbc is notorious for this type of policy and they don’t try to hide it. Radio one, match of the day and lots of mainstream programs have been filled with more diverse people over the last decade or so. It seems like a blunt method of speeding things up but I’m not sure it’s entirely correct. You could say that because you were a male white middle class presenter then you’ve got less of a chance if they have to fill quotas.  Before anyone goes daft this is their actual policy. You can find it online.

Imo I’d rather see Alex Scott than lawrenson any day, and not because she’s nice to look at. She’s a great pundit.

Edited by D.A.F.C
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4 hours ago, 101 said:

Wtf, it's a wild take that you are actually for Men and Women to be treated differently.


Women and men are treated differently, because they behave differently. Men take more risks, they demand higher wages from their employers and they generally have no issue getting their hands dirty if the situation calls for it. Women on the other hand are more passive and avoidant of uncomfortable confrontations. The only thing stopping women from being just as successful on a whole as men are on a whole is themselves and their own feminine behaviours. Feminists know this, but they still expect success to be handed out to them. They don't want equality, they want women to have it easier than men.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

If we all handed our CVs into a Very Objective Computer and it doled.out jobs to men and women according to how they get doled out now, then fine. But that isn't what happens, is it?

No, but the outcome is clearly the same in the real world. There are jobs more suited for men and jobs more suited for women. That's indisputable. Still, it's amusing hearing feminists screech on about there not being enough women in certain jobs that they don't even want to do anyway.

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7 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

No, but the outcome is clearly the same in the real world. There are jobs more suited for men and jobs more suited for women. That's indisputable. Still, it's amusing hearing feminists screech on about there not being enough women in certain jobs that they don't even want to do anyway.

Are you on some sort of sad trolling spree or are you genuinely a total bag of shit?

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