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14 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Wales/the Welsh/the Welsh national team are fine. I don't get the hate for them. 

I don't get it either. Maybe some folk have known Welsh people who've been annoying about the undeniable fact that their national team has been better than ours for decades. Haven't experienced that myself, so I don't care.

Frankly, they were utter mince and didn't qualify for anything for, what, sixty years? It seems churlish to be bitter because they've done well for once. It's annoying that they've been more successful at multiple tournaments than we ever have, but that's an 'us' problem. Christ, even Northern Ireland have advanced past more tournament groups than we have, although not wanting to see them do well is more understandable.

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I lived in Wales for 2 years and I don't have any problem with Welsh people personally, but I can understand why some would dislike them.

Stereotypes are stereotypes and don't represent everyone, but I found by and large for them to be an accurate enough for a rule of thumb. I don't think I'd choose to live there again although there are places higher up on my list to avoid than Wales.

I liked the accent when I arrived, loathed it when I left and don't really like it to this day. That's just a superficial thing though. Sorry for any Taffs reading this, I don't mean it offensively - it's was just my experience.

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The Welsh have qualified for 3 tournaments in my lifetime, I think you're really, really stretching the definition of "undeniably better" and "much more successful" for "decades". They were better than us for about 3 years in the middle of the last decade, calm down lads.

What's so confusing about wanting your close neighbours to lose? I take great pleasure in seeing England, Wales, North Ireland and Southern Ireland all getting hammered.


Anyway Welsh football is  pathetic. Their national team is not even representative of Wales, given that English clubs bankroll, scout, develop and train a literal 100% of their players for the entirety of their footballing lives. Their future is fully dependant on how English football youth development is going. If it goes tits up, so do Wales. Its a pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.

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Wales are not, by any stretch of the imagination, close neighbours. It takes fucking ages to get there (and if you do drive there make sure you stop off at the pricey but impeccable Gloucester Services).

It is just bitter jealousy. I hate that they're better than us, but celebrated wildly in an unpronounceable bar in Cardiff when they beat Belgium. Stunning result.

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3 minutes ago, velo army said:

Wales are not, by any stretch of the imagination, close neighbours. It takes fucking ages to get there (and if you do drive there make sure you stop off at the pricey but impeccable Gloucester Services).

It is just bitter jealousy. I hate that they're better than us, but celebrated wildly in an unpronounceable bar in Cardiff when they beat Belgium. Stunning result.


We literally share a country with them bud.


Bitter jealousy. 😂 At fucking what? The egg chasing? 

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25 minutes ago, velo army said:

Wales are not, by any stretch of the imagination, close neighbours. It takes fucking ages to get there (and if you do drive there make sure you stop off at the pricey but impeccable Gloucester Services).

It is just bitter jealousy. I hate that they're better than us, but celebrated wildly in an unpronounceable bar in Cardiff when they beat Belgium. Stunning result.

Making it to the semi finals of a major tournament is something I’d be willing to bet I never see Scotland do. I don’t think I’ll ever witness a player as good as Bale play for Scotland. It’s annoying as a fan of a bigger and more traditional football nation that Wales fans have experienced that.

It’s also why a lot of diddy team fans (especially Hibernian) are bitter about St Johnstone Football Club. We’ve been much more successful than nearly every Scottish club of a similar size in recent history and it’s made fans of other clubs very resentful. If we’d been pissing about down in the Championship for the last 15 years then the level of bitterness would be nowhere near the same level.

Edited by Bonksy+HisChristianParade
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1 hour ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

Making it to the semi finals of a major tournament is something I’d be willing to bet I never see Scotland do. I don’t think I’ll ever witness a player as good as Bale play for Scotland. It’s annoying as a fan of a bigger and more traditional football nation that Wales fans have experienced that.

It’s also why a lot of diddy team fans (especially Hibernian) are bitter about St Johnstone Football Club. We’ve been much more successful than nearly every Scottish club of a similar size in recent history and it’s made fans of other clubs very resentful. If we’d been pissing about down in the Championship for the last 15 years then the level of bitterness would be nowhere near the same level.

One of the best going off at a tangent posts I've seen in a while. Have a greenie.

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Need to be a bit careful here lads.

A workmate of mine was with me at a "customer service" type training course, and as usual with these sorts of things, we were asked about strengths and weaknesses.

My pal caused a bit of outrage when he announced to the startled group that he had "an unreasonable but firm indifference to the Welsh" and said that he regarded it as both a strength and a weakness. I understand that the course leader "had a word" with him at lunch.

Racial stereotyping is a bit off, but I confess that I find myself somewhat lacking in support for the other "home nations.". I suppose its probably because we share a "national" broadcaster, so if the others do well, we are forced fed it in "our" news.

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8 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

^^ Recites names of cup-winning squad whilst 'pleasuring' himself.

Reminds me of acid house and the old boy getting pegged reciting the cup winning team.

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6 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

^^ Recites names of cup-winning squad whilst 'pleasuring' himself.

Reminds me of the time I rather ill-advisedly attempted to teach a guy with learning disabilities the East Fife Scottish Cup winning team. Not particularly proud of this, although it was years ago.

Anyway, we got as far as the first four.

"Milton, Laird, Tait, Russell...."

"....What comes after Russell?"



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3 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

The Welsh have qualified for 3 tournaments in my lifetime, I think you're really, really stretching the definition of "undeniably better" and "much more successful" for "decades". They were better than us for about 3 years in the middle of the last decade, calm down lads.

What's so confusing about wanting your close neighbours to lose? I take great pleasure in seeing England, Wales, North Ireland and Southern Ireland all getting hammered.


Anyway Welsh football is  pathetic. Their national team is not even representative of Wales, given that English clubs bankroll, scout, develop and train a literal 100% of their players for the entirety of their footballing lives. Their future is fully dependant on how English football youth development is going. If it goes tits up, so do Wales. Its a pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.

IIRC, they've beaten us almost every time we've played them over the past few decades, and we haven't beaten them in almost forty years. They've also qualified for more tournaments. Their national side can quite comfortably lay claim to being the #2 British national side of the 21st century if they like, although we might be catching up now.

The real question is whether the Norn can say they're #3. Probably not now, but it was looking dicey there for a while. It's a slapheid comb fight either way.

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7 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Reminds me of the time I rather ill-advisedly attempted to teach a guy with learning disabilities the East Fife Scottish Cup winning team. Not particularly proud of this, although it was years ago.

Anyway, we got as far as the first four.

"Milton, Laird, Tait, Russell...."

"....What comes after Russell?"



This is actually bringing back memories now. The guy in question had autism on quite an extreme scale. He was built like a shithouse door but was completely harmless. He had this thing about shoes when they weren't on someone's feet. They had to be placed together.

Anyway, we stayed in this posh part of Bristol and I supported this guy during the day gardening and building fences and teaching him East Fife teams etc.

Unfortunately he used to keek into neighbouring houses and see shoes all over the place. At night he would sneak out, break in and try to remedy things.

Absolute havoc. It didn't help that he was a person of colour.

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22 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Wales/the Welsh/the Welsh national team are fine. I don't get the hate for them. 

I find their supporters exceptionally irritating, and am in the unfortunate position of knowing quite a few of them.

However, I support Scotland and also find an awful lot of Scotland fans exceptionally irritating, to the point where I've gone from being a regular Scotland attender to being unlikely to ever go to a Scotland game again, even though I still watch the team whenever I can and earnestly hope they win. So, what can you do?

Wales fans aren't bad people in any way, but they're really, really annoying and I have long found a lot of their players very hard to like. Enjoyed their pain the other night.

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I'm still bitter at Cluggers Quay Gonads kicking Edinburgh City off the pitch in a Challenge Cup Semi-Final with tactics that would have shamed an Ayrshire Junior team. 

And they were from North Wales where the proper Taffs come from. 

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