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5 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:
5 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
You would have maybe got away with this statement were it not for the fact we have seen footage of you attempting football.

Sadly they have taken the cameras away. Tennants stopped this 😞

Just as well I saved the best bits...

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2 hours ago, Muzza81 said:

In my experience people far more frequently bore me to death about their political views or running habits than any vegan or gym goer.

If Internet posts are to be believed, my life appears to be exceptional in that I have never once had a vegan or vegetarian try to impose their dietary habits on me. Never...once. In my experience, when it comes to the topic of vegetarianism, meat-eaters are far and away the most tiresome of the two sides.

I can't say I've been bothered by too many gym-bores either. Religious evangelists and sports obsessives always seem to seek me out though. 

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8 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Perfectly able bodied?


Hidden illnesses have that name for a reason.


I think you're being generous to the general population.

Same goes for people who stride along the street and then stand still on the escalator.

People look for ways to make life 'convenient' without realising that convenience is not always good for us.

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I think you're being generous to the general population.
Same goes for people who stride along the street and then stand still on the escalator.
People look for ways to make life 'convenient' without realising that convenience is not always good for us.
I know there are plenty of lazy c***s in society. I honestly do.

But some people forget that lots of hidden illnesses exist - it's a genuine thing. I have Crohn's disease (and a particularly bad dose of it) but if you didn't know (and around half the folk I work with don't) then I'd look like a pretty normal, lazy b*****d. I'm thin and you wouldn't have a clue that my ability to absorb nutrition is fucked. I don't have the energy to spare to climb stairs at the moment, and if I did I'd lose more weight and struggle to get into work. And yet I look reasonable ok on the surface.

The are plenty of other similar conditions as well. You just never know what's going on with folk (unless you do - and that they're one of the many, many lazy b*****d out there).
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21 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

I know there are plenty of lazy c***s in society. I honestly do.

But some people forget that lots of hidden illnesses exist - it's a genuine thing. I have Crohn's disease (and a particularly bad dose of it) but if you didn't know (and around half the folk I work with don't) then I'd look like a pretty normal, lazy b*****d. I'm thin and you wouldn't have a clue that my ability to absorb nutrition is fucked. I don't have the energy to spare to climb stairs at the moment, and if I did I'd lose more weight and struggle to get into work. And yet I look reasonable ok on the surface.

The are plenty of other similar conditions as well. You just never know what's going on with folk (unless you do - and that they're one of the many, many lazy b*****d out there).

I don't doubt what you're saying. However the proportion of people in their twenties and thirties (even forties) who are genuinely incapable of walking up a flight of stairs is very small indeed, and therefore I have no problem labelling  the majority of lift-users and escalator-standers as lazy b*****ds.

The very small number of exceptions do not mean the lazy majority get a free pass. I'm happy with that view.

In Korea (a society utterly addicted to convenience) they have lifts at pedestrian bridges so that old people or those with mobility issues can cross the road safely. Yet it was routine to see huge groups of people waiting to use the lift to go up and then to go down again even though it usually took longer than just scooting over the bridge on foot. I do not believe all of these people had mobility issues. I do not believe even a large minority of them did. They were just lazy p***ks whose brains have been trained to believe that all convenience is good.

The place I worked was on the second and third floor of a building. There were dozens of people in the office. I hardly ever passed another person on the stairs. I do not believe all of, or even a large minority of, these colleagues and customers were laid low by some debilitating illness. They were lazy p***ks.

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Fat lassies with a decent haircut and caked in makeup are still mingers.
Slugs for eyebrows fake tan and an attitude. The media celebrates being lazy and unfit as beautiful and healthy so clothing and fashion lines can sell stuff to them.
Can you imagine the reaction if wee fat guys starting acting like brad Pitt?
Sorry if this seems sexist or misogynistic but it's not equality and not good for the health system. Stop celebrating and encouraging unhealthy behaviour.

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Fat lassies with a decent haircut and caked in makeup are still mingers.
Slugs for eyebrows fake tan and an attitude. The media celebrates being lazy and unfit as beautiful and healthy so clothing and fashion lines can sell stuff to them.
Can you imagine the reaction if wee fat guys starting acting like brad Pitt?
Sorry if this seems sexist or misogynistic but it's not equality and not good for the health system. Stop celebrating and encouraging unhealthy behaviour.

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40 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Fat lassies with a decent haircut and caked in makeup are still mingers.
Slugs for eyebrows fake tan and an attitude. The media celebrates being lazy and unfit as beautiful and healthy so clothing and fashion lines can sell stuff to them.
Can you imagine the reaction if wee fat guys starting acting like brad Pitt?
Sorry if this seems sexist or misogynistic but it's not equality and not good for the health system. Stop celebrating and encouraging unhealthy behaviour.

Not an unpopular opinion, nor one that reflects the world we live in.

Certainly sounds like you've got a problem with women you don't personally find attractive, though. Might want to see someone about that.

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Not an unpopular opinion, nor one that reflects the world we live in.
Certainly sounds like you've got a problem with women you don't personally find attractive, though. Might want to see someone about that.
I dont like fatties with attitude. Social media and the fashion industry encourages them to act this way along with insecurity.
Scotland and the uk is full of duck face make up covered girls who think copying a celebrity is a good thing.
Maybe I have a problem with media and celebrity culture?
Reverse it as if it was short fat men wearing muscle suits and girdles plus wigs and fake tan. Sounds bonkers?
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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

Fat lassies with a decent haircut and caked in makeup are still mingers.
Slugs for eyebrows fake tan and an attitude. The media celebrates being lazy and unfit as beautiful and healthy so clothing and fashion lines can sell stuff to them.
Can you imagine the reaction if wee fat guys starting acting like brad Pitt?
Sorry if this seems sexist or misogynistic but it's not equality and not good for the health system. Stop celebrating and encouraging unhealthy behaviour.

The anorexic look is just a temporary fad and hopefully over.


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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

I dont like fatties with attitude. Social media and the fashion industry encourages them to act this way along with insecurity.
Scotland and the uk is full of duck face make up covered girls who think copying a celebrity is a good thing.
Maybe I have a problem with media and celebrity culture?
Reverse it as if it was short fat men wearing muscle suits and girdles plus wigs and fake tan. Sounds bonkers?

Literally no idea what you're talking about. None of these things seem particular to fat women.

Also, these digs at Bairnardo are totally uncalled for.

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