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3 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


One thing was 100% inaccurate about the statement was that all the Board are Falkirk supporters.

They may all want the best for the club however KK for example does not hide from the fact he is a fan of Celtic. CC is a Hibs supporter.


And Lex is/was a Sellick fan. 100%

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Friday at last. Just one more day before we are either served up another Hartley/Mitch shitfest, or our new manager finally brings about the first steps of our Raynaissance.......do you see what I did there?

Every game is welcomed just to get the thoughts of the previous one out of the memory banks (although I will be hard pushed to forget or forgive the QotS game, or last week’s Muirhead Harrison and Fasan 45 minute comedy special). 

Be interesting to see if “bearable” will extend beyond one half of a game.

Edited by Duncan Freemason
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22 hours ago, EdiBairn said:

People expecting our chair to come out and say the players we've signed are rubbish and the season's doomed are deluded. Clown shoes tried that tactic last year which resulted in them downing tools for 3 months.

Also, people calling for Lang, this person and that person to resign. Who's going to replace them? We can't even get fans to give £10 a month to Bairn for life. Do you really think we're going to get them to launch an ownership bid?

Craig should be shown the door pronto. He's a paid employee and has made a right cant of things. As long as she keeps him on the books she's going to be up against it.

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18 hours ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I for one appreciate the Lang statement. Surprised and pleased it was so frank.   When will we learn that a house divided will not stand.   I hate this vandetta against the board.  We should all get behind the team (as hard as it is with these current players), behind McKinnon AND behind the board.   This may not be popular but Falkirk FC is not only a team but a business.  Sometimes the board have to take unpopular decisions (academy) to keep the team on the pitch viable.

I didn't realise our finances were so precarious.  If the board were to take the advice of some on this thread we would probably be in administration within a couple of years.

The team are in a difficult position right now.  If the board do what they say and give us a steady financial footing where extra funds can be pumped into the team without having to rely on selling income we will be in a good position to improve on the pitch. COYB.

vandetta? This gang have had us stuck down in the championship now for ten years whilst the like of Hamilton, St Mirren and Livi have managed to by pass us.  Teams with half our support  like St Johnstone are constantly hitting top 6 in the premiership due to good management from the top.  The one constant over that period has been the clowns in the board room. 

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13 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Hee wouldnt try to goad us in the media anyway, but having seen and enjoyed all of his WUM patter, I would genuinely be pretty amused if he started calling us journeymen or something like that.

Mon Houstie, teach these fucking mutants through there a bit of decent bantz

For most of our gang journeymen would be a massive upgrade in status.

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From that list of free transfers the other day I'd love one (or more of) Andy Driver, Gary Irvine Paul Quinn, Nick Ross or Martin Woods.

Not sure how realistic any of them are but it's the middle of September and they don't have clubs so hopefully we've got our eyes on somebody, anybody.

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