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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Were you at the game sir?  Did you witness our no6, Ray Grant dictate all of the play in the midfield?  We were far from what you describe.  Were any team sh1te, it would have been the one with no width, relying on hopeless LB and RBs to provide the width that you lacked in midfield, and do that hopelessly.  Clyde were not the rubbish that you suggest.  We were way better than you were on the day.  I get it that you are a sore loser.  But don't put us down for our good performance.  

Sorry but overall you were pretty poor though with a couple of exceptions.
Falkirk were appalling on Saturday, Clyde took advantage and got their reward but I genuinely don’t think you were particularly good.
I hope that you have a decent season though.
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1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Sorry but overall you were pretty poor though with a couple of exceptions.
Falkirk were appalling on Saturday, Clyde took advantage and got their reward but I genuinely don’t think you were particularly good.
I hope that you have a decent season though.

Our no6 had you well outplayed.  Still, good to see you guys gracious in defeat.  No doubt Airdrie will be pretty poor if they beat you on Saturday.

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Were you at the game sir?  Did you witness our no6, Ray Grant dictate all of the play in the midfield?  We were far from what you describe.  Were any team sh1te, it would have been the one with no width, relying on hopeless LB and RBs to provide the width that you lacked in midfield, and do that hopelessly.  Clyde were not the rubbish that you suggest.  We were way better than you were on the day.  I get it that you are a sore loser.  But don't put us down for our good performance.  

Who’s this bitch?
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We should hear tomorrow or the next about the buy out.   I think MC is probably a bad idea but then again the status quo is a bad idea too.  Squeaky bum time. 

Board Meeting Thursday announcement Friday would be my bet.
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12 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

Campbell to get the keys. Roll on Friday.

Dont joke about stuff like that as the beginning of the end if/when he takes over we are on a low just now that will drag us even lower.

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Were you at the game sir?  Did you witness our no6, Ray Grant dictate all of the play in the midfield?  We were far from what you describe.  Were any team sh1te, it would have been the one with no width, relying on hopeless LB and RBs to provide the width that you lacked in midfield, and do that hopelessly.  Clyde were not the rubbish that you suggest.  We were way better than you were on the day.  I get it that you are a sore loser.  But don't put us down for our good performance.  

I said you were pretty shite but had more spirit than us . If you take the EPL as pretty good the champion ship as good it doesn’t take long to get down to Scottish league one where all the teams are pretty shite. In general the standard is pish and players who hoof it ,can’t control it , and think wasting time is entertainment ( usually under instruction ) are not worth watching. This sir is why you have 600 people turn up in a 8000 capacity stadium . So I’m afraid the facts speak for themselves and you are unquestionably pretty shite.
Yet you beat us with total effort and commitment -yes and if I were a Clyde fan I would be happy with the three points ( even your ball boys were wasting time ) but in footballing terms it was pretty shite!
Our problem you see is in the not too distant past we had some great players real entertainers class acts who would get you up from your seat and I’m afraid would run rings round your No 6 .That is why despite us being beaten by you on Saturday we still turn up in numbers expecting things to get better . Once we get to your level where a few old men and a bunch of kids turn up to watch part time players coached by a dinasour I will have given up . Enjoy you first three points you won’t get many more fans or points by setting up to defend at home and taking 5 minutes over every throw in .
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17 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

Once we get to your level where a few old men and a bunch of kids turn up to watch part time players coached by a dinasour I will have given up .

A minor point but I actually think you’re being pretty harsh on Danny Lennon. I actually think he’s a decent manager with a good record in Scottish football terms. He was absolutely shafted at St. Mirren after winning those diddies the League Cup and to be honest, I’d swap him for McKinnon tomorrow.

Edited by Relegator Ritchie
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44 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

A minor point but I actually think you’re being pretty harsh on Danny Lennon. I actually think he’s a decent manager with a good record in Scottish football terms. He was absolutely shafted at St. Mirren after winning those diddies the League Cup and to be honest, I’d swap him for McKinnon tomorrow.

Agreed, they had a clear and obvious gameplan which worked really well, whereas we looked completely clueless.

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1 hour ago, AL-FFC said:

Dont joke about stuff like that as the beginning of the end if/when he takes over we are on a low just now that will drag us even lower.

I wasn’t joking...

I’ve read everything there is to read on this forum about MC and his failed business ventures, but I’ve also spoken in detail to people I trust who have reason to believe he has been discredited by certain people and deserves a chance. I’ve never been as angry or frustrated or felt as detached from the Club as I do now, and that’s solely down to the current imposters and their shameful mismanagement over the past few years. I’m so fucking sickened by the whole charade that I’m prepared to roll the dice in the hope of landing a double 6, because the status quo isn’t an option.

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36 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

I wasn’t joking...

I’ve read everything there is to read on this forum about MC and his failed business ventures, but I’ve also spoken in detail to people I trust who have reason to believe he has been discredited by certain people and deserves a chance. I’ve never been as angry or frustrated or felt as detached from the Club as I do now, and that’s solely down to the current imposters and their shameful mismanagement over the past few years. I’m so fucking sickened by the whole charade that I’m prepared to roll the dice in the hope of landing a double 6, because the status quo isn’t an option.

Your not alone in the way your feeling towards the club. i dont recall our support being or felt so detached from the club as it does just now. 

I really cant make up my mind about MC tbf, we have been shafted in the past by Deans and Fulston, the current levels of mismanagement are actually astounding and i think the past is down more to luck favouring us than them actually being competent and that luck has finally run out.  There may be some people out there to discredit the guy but i think for a  lot of us the fear is actually the past repeating itself in regards to MC (typically Scottish fashion we fear the worst or expect it) as if this does go wrong its the future of the club and i dont want us to be the next Sevco, (Gretna 2008), Airdrie, Clydebank.

I really hope the guy is genuine, but i have seen more for us to be cautious about his motifs than there is to say f**k it.  I think IF it does go ahead there will be a lot of supporters wary from the get go and how he gains that trust i dont know.  Then again i wouldn't put it past the MSG to be using this as a ploy to get fans onside with the look at what we saved you from.

As you say the status quo is unacceptable.

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13 hours ago, Stainrod said:

Hartley is proving that given some latitude he can build a winning mentality - but it only works if it’s his gig completely.

Nonsense. Cove have comfortably the biggest budget in that league; of course they should be pissing it.

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2 hours ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

A minor point but I actually think you’re being pretty harsh on Danny Lennon. I actually think he’s a decent manager with a good record in Scottish football terms. He was absolutely shafted at St. Mirren after winning those diddies the League Cup and to be honest, I’d swap him for McKinnon tomorrow.

Why wait that long?

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