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The Falkirk FC Thread

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3 minutes ago, Moutinho said:

Both governments have been a disaster- sending thousands of patients from hospitals into care homes without testing them was unforgivable and was a decision made solely by the Scottish Government. Equally the decision to stop contact tracing in March.

And remember NS was more than happy for the old firm match to go ahead in March and said large gatherings had ‘no significant impact’ on spreading the virus. 

Over 4000 deaths in a country of 5 million is certainly not a good outcome! 

It wasn't just sending untested bed blockers into care homes, it was doing nothing about care homes at all when it became clear that the old were the most vulnerable, like supplying PPE, banning visiting and establishing proper distancing and isolation procedures. They were either incredibly stupid or they thought there was nothing they could do so might as well let it run rampant well away from the hospitals.

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5 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

The SG have by no means been perfect here, for example I am dying to hear what caused JS's sudden turnaround in advice regarding full opening of schools.

Bear in mind it could be reversed at a stroke if things don't improve enough.

Point taken re care homes too, but as most of them are privately owned, and some (think Skye) had previously been warned about bad hygiene by the Care Commission they must bear the brunt themselves. I'd actually criticise the SG for not being tough enough on those profiting wildly from old people's care.

But the point still stands. Mistakes have been made, but in comparison, we're miles ahead. 

The death rate in council-run care homes is not much better. Given that it was the Scottish Government that actually bought up thousands of beds and it was the Scottish Government responsible for the lack of testing of care home staff and residents (why were all staff not being tested regularly- something that was promised over a month ago and is still not happening) and it was the Scottish Government that discharged thousands of people from hospital straight into care homes without testing them, it is them that need to accept responsibility.

Edited by Moutinho
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12 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

I still believe there will be crowds in grounds by October.

If Australia is an example, and I accept it might not be but it's all I've got  , then we currently have  25% capacity and stadiums in Queensland & NSW and 50% in South Australia  (27,000 for the Adelaide Oval) with Western Australia hoping to go beyond that from July 18th.   

October is over 3 months away - unless the UK makes an absolute mess of lifting the restrictions & folks ignore the new rules I cannot see how crowds can't be back by then in some form.

I hope there are crowds as well. However betting the clubs future on belief is inherently dangerous. 

Taking a cautious and prudent budget projection based on a worst case scenario would be the best way forward.

If as we all hope crowds return to the stadium then the increased revenue will be a welcome bonus. Better to under estimate your income than over estimate.


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I was on a bus yesterday, wearing my mask which the Scottish government said on Monday was mandatory.  There were around 20 people on the bus.  Only two people and me were wearing masks.  Made me angry.  While leaving the bus at my stop I said to the driver "I thought masks were mandatory on buses now".  The driver said she was not allowed to confront anyone in case they had a medical reason not to wear a mask.   This is only going to prolong the crisis pandering to those who don't give a damn for other people.  I realise there is a small percentage of people with breathing difficulties (including me) who find a mask hampers their breathing but surely they are not 17 people out of 20.


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19 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I was on a bus yesterday, wearing my mask which the Scottish government said on Monday was mandatory.  There were around 20 people on the bus.  Only two people and me were wearing masks.  Made me angry.  While leaving the bus at my stop I said to the driver "I thought masks were mandatory on buses now".  The driver said she was not allowed to confront anyone in case they had a medical reason not to wear a mask.   This is only going to prolong the crisis pandering to those who don't give a damn for other people.  I realise there is a small percentage of people with breathing difficulties (including me) who find a mask hampers their breathing but surely they are not 17 people out of 20.


Wear a mask was Government code for we don't have a clue and we closed down about a month late but hey it sounds good. 

Take it gloves have been dropped.

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1 hour ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I was on a bus yesterday, wearing my mask which the Scottish government said on Monday was mandatory.  There were around 20 people on the bus.  Only two people and me were wearing masks.  Made me angry.  While leaving the bus at my stop I said to the driver "I thought masks were mandatory on buses now".  The driver said she was not allowed to confront anyone in case they had a medical reason not to wear a mask.   This is only going to prolong the crisis pandering to those who don't give a damn for other people.  I realise there is a small percentage of people with breathing difficulties (including me) who find a mask hampers their breathing but surely they are not 17 people out of 20.


Sounds as if there 17 independent minded people on your bus.

Quite encouraging.

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I was on a bus yesterday, wearing my mask which the Scottish government said on Monday was mandatory.  There were around 20 people on the bus.  Only two people and me were wearing masks.  Made me angry.  While leaving the bus at my stop I said to the driver "I thought masks were mandatory on buses now".  The driver said she was not allowed to confront anyone in case they had a medical reason not to wear a mask.   This is only going to prolong the crisis pandering to those who don't give a damn for other people.  I realise there is a small percentage of people with breathing difficulties (including me) who find a mask hampers their breathing but surely they are not 17 people out of 20.

Mask thread for this
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3 hours ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I was on a bus yesterday, wearing my mask which the Scottish government said on Monday was mandatory.  There were around 20 people on the bus.  Only two people and me were wearing masks.  Made me angry.  While leaving the bus at my stop I said to the driver "I thought masks were mandatory on buses now".  The driver said she was not allowed to confront anyone in case they had a medical reason not to wear a mask.   This is only going to prolong the crisis pandering to those who don't give a damn for other people.  I realise there is a small percentage of people with breathing difficulties (including me) who find a mask hampers their breathing but surely they are not 17 people out of 20.


Its not just limited to the masks though its meant to be travel no further than 5km from your home yet the mountain rescue have been called out to Ben Arthur, Conic Hill and there was another place that escapes me to help folk who have got lost or had to evacuated of the hills for one reason or another.

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3 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sounds as if there 17 independent minded people on your bus.

Quite encouraging.

Look at the figures on cases in Arizona, Texas and Florida. All have Governors who declined to mandate masks, and in most cases prevented local authorities from requiring them...all have cases doubling in less than 10 days now...all have hospitals warning they are at capacity...if that’s encouraging to you, you’re a moron too.

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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

Look at the figures on cases in Arizona, Texas and Florida. All have Governors who declined to mandate masks, and in most cases prevented local authorities from requiring them...all have cases doubling in less than 10 days now...all have hospitals warning they are at capacity...if that’s encouraging to you, you’re a moron too.

Spoke to a colleague yesterday in Houston  , he told me it's extremely grim there with everything going backwards and new cases of 4000-5000 each day.

In my opinion a direct consequence of a President only interested in his re-election and his state governor buddies trying to please him by re-opening when it was clearly not safe to do so.

Best of luck America as you are going to need it. 

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12 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Shes a good communicator but our results are just as bad unfortunately as the clowns down south. Far too many errors made north and south of the border. Anyway enough politics.

Scottish football has been extremely political of late.

Politicians currently control what can and cannot happen in football.

And everything to do with football is related to how well the virus is contained and eliminated by our Government. 

You cannot escape politics right now when it comes to football - the two are directly linked & intertwined. 

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14 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

I’m sure there must be a Covid thread on P&B for people to air their opinions but some of the anti precautions comments on here are as dangerous as they are stupid.

While many posters have political opinions, only one person has made an anti-precautions post. And I doubt the name of the poster will surprise anyone. I'm sure he'll wear the red dots and negative responses as a badge of pride. 

Going back to football, todays news is encouraging. Hopefully the announcements will increase the chances of L1 & L2 voting for a restart in October. 

If that happens, then teams usually start preseason about a month and a half before kick off. So if the vote on Friday is positive then the players could be reporting back to TFS in mid August. If the club staff return a month before that to begin player recruitment and marketing (such as selling season tickets), then we might only be a couple of weeks away  from having football news to discuss again. 

Fingers crossed. 🤞


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10 hours ago, Moutinho said:

Both governments have been a disaster- sending thousands of patients from hospitals into care homes without testing them was unforgivable and was a decision made solely by the Scottish Government. Equally the decision to stop contact tracing in March.

And remember NS was more than happy for the old firm match to go ahead in March and said large gatherings had ‘no significant impact’ on spreading the virus. 

Over 4000 deaths in a country of 5 million is certainly not a good outcome! 

That is certainly a shocking & tragic outcome - no amount of spin should try to skim over this.

Queensland also has a population of 5 million - our figures are 1050 cases and 6 deaths. We haven't had a new case for over a week now & only 8 in the whole month who were returning travelers in quarantine. 

I put a lot of that down to good leadership, closing the international and state borders early & everyone following the rules.  


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11 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


Dont get me started.


Well, don't then!

6 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sounds as if there 17 independent minded people on your bus.

Quite encouraging.

Ah f**k, too late!!

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10 minutes ago, Hank von Hell said:

That is certainly a shocking & tragic outcome - no amount of spin should try to skim over this.

Queensland also has a population of 5 million - our figures are 1050 cases and 6 deaths. We haven't had a new case for over a week now & only 8 in the whole month who were returning travelers in quarantine. 

I put a lot of that down to good leadership, closing the international and state borders early & everyone following the rules.  


I don't know about what measures Queensland took and don't doubt they may have been effective but I'm not sure that just comparing population shows much. Scotland has a land mass of 80,000 km2. Queensland's land mass is 1.8 million km2! Population density and people movements have a big effect. (That said, I appreciate that Brisbane holds about half of the number of inhabitants as Scotland though! ) 

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47 minutes ago, Hank von Hell said:

Spoke to a colleague yesterday in Houston  , he told me it's extremely grim there with everything going backwards and new cases of 4000-5000 each day.

In my opinion a direct consequence of a President only interested in his re-election and his state governor buddies trying to please him by re-opening when it was clearly not safe to do so.

Best of luck America as you are going to need it. 

97% of ICU beds are occupied in Houston. In Dallas, the Children’s Hospital is admitting adults to their ICU because we’re that short of beds. 

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45 minutes ago, Sputnik said:

I don't know about what measures Queensland took and don't doubt they may have been effective but I'm not sure that just comparing population shows much. Scotland has a land mass of 80,000 km2. Queensland's land mass is 1.8 million km2! Population density and people movements have a big effect. (That said, I appreciate that Brisbane holds about half of the number of inhabitants as Scotland though! ) 

Yes Brisbane has 2M+ citizens and is densely populated which is like having the people from all Scotland's major cities living together ,  and the Gold Coast has the same population as Glasgow.

QLD is huge with lots of remote areas but you could say parts of the Scottish Highlands are remote so I don't really accept the geographical argument. 

Having said that we've had cases and deaths in the Darling Downs which is very remote - and therefore not immune. 

The main measure QLD & Australia took was closing all international borders early ,this saved us but even then two thirds of our cases have come from overseas travelers . Boris and co went down the herd immunity road I'm told then panicked and changed their mind but it was already too late to stem the tide, and bizarrely only closed borders a few weeks ago.  

Still at least you are getting it right now and things are getting better, unfortunately it cost too many avoidable deaths.   

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3 hours ago, TxRover said:

97% of ICU beds are occupied in Houston. In Dallas, the Children’s Hospital is admitting adults to their ICU because we’re that short of beds. 

The US has broken it's own record for the number of new  COVID-19 cases in one day , over 36,000, and your idiot "President" is tweeting about lobster fishing in Maine.

I'm actually scared for you.

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12 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sounds as if there 17 independent minded people on your bus.

Quite encouraging.

Oh dear. Presumably you'll be equally encouraged that positive test results have been confirmed for such a supremely-fit, super healthy athlete as Novak Djokovic, and his super privileged wife, a '5G Masts controlled by aliens' conspiracy theorist living aboard the good ship lollipop... Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth...

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