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3 minutes ago, GroundHoppingBear said:

They were welcome by some obviously, but to say they were welcomed by everyone is simply not true. He was booed off the park quite early on.

The current board have spent fortunes of their own money, so they aren't exactly raking it in.


If you think there is an altruistic motive for anything connected to Rangers then good luck to you in the future. You're going to need it.

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I'd probably say that over the years I've probably been one of the more tolerable on here while obviously still seeing the glaring faults. For me, I doubt it will ever get to the point where I stop attending games. I've missed a handful over the course of the last 4 seasons and witnessed some absolute shite for my troubles but I'd much rather voice my concerns at a game en masse than simply not show up.

That being said after having had the chance to watch the Q&A this morning, it was an absolute shambles with little positives to quell the anger. There is so much to take away from it within the first 15/20 minute alone it's ridiculous. Right from the off with Deans creating an us against them mentality to his quite frankly laughable initial response to the very first question of the night. Both of those moments nicely sandwiching whatever the f**k Colburn's bit was.

As others have said before, while it is utterly embarrassing that it's happening in the first place, I'm very much glad that clips of this are gaining traction across various platforms hopefully raising attention to what we as supporters are witnessing. If for some reason those on the board cannot see from supporters reactions that the job they are doing is entirely insufficient then hopefully some public ridicule will nail it through. In an ideal world it will result in a review of the whole situation but we'll be lucky to get an apology.

Rawlins and strangely Holt (possibly more down to the utter disaster that everyone else on the board had more than anything) are the only two that leave the Q&A with pass marks. The infrastructure changes which have been implemented since the Rawlins appointment are ones that should stand us in good stead providing we get the correct people to fill those roles.

I like Sheerin as a bloke and the football was very enjoyable at the beginning of the season but at the moment he looks like a boy lost without a clue of how to change the team for the better. Opposing teams very quickly sussed out that sticking a man on both midfielders during out build up completely nullified our ability to pass through the lines which, couple this up with the injury to Morrison who often provided an outball for the occasions in which the opposition did go man to man and it was always a recipe for disaster. It could be seen from the minute Morrison was subbed off. If he is to be the man given time to turn it around then he better get his arse in gear or we will be marooned in this league for yet another year.

I've not seen much mention of anything being organised for either this weekend up in Peterhead or the next home game but if something does happen I will be right behind it.


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Predictably there are simpletons on the Happy Clapper Facebook pages claiming to be “reassured” by the performance of Deans and Co at the meeting.

Also a fair few coming out with the “I’ll never boo a Falkirk player” , “ let’s get right behind the boys” stuff.


Edited by Reggie Perrin
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40 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

I agree and I actually think for once the majority of other clubs fans aren't ripping the pish out of us fans. On the whole most have shown sympathy for the fact our board are so out of touch with our feelings and treating us with utter contempt.

I was surprised when a Livi fan a few pages back found it "banterful" after his own clubs failings at board room level in previous years. The way Deans and Colburn treated the fans there last night was nothing short of a disgrace. Brilliant turn out on a champions league night.

You could tell Holt was loving the dancing comment. If Carrie had asked him for a twirl he would 100% have obliged. 

The structure in place is great for a higher level but if you don't have the right personnel in position and have a poor product on the park, you are pissing money away.

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4 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Predictably there are simpletons on the Happy Clapper Facebook pages claiming to be “reassured” by the performance of Deans and Co at the meeting.

Also a fair few coming out with the “I’ll never boo a Falkirk player” , “ let’s get right behind the boys” stuff.


Guaranteed they think Boris is also reassuring 

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On 19/10/2021 at 21:21, LatapyBairn. said:

Gordon Colborn made an absolute tit of himself and further alienated the fans with this. In a nut shell he said the players aren’t performing because fans have been booing them and they are scared to make mistakes. Then went on to claim people have stoped coming to the stadium because certain fans have been using loud swear words to abuse him and his fellow board members. Couldn’t have started the night any worse if he’d tried!….If your reading this Gordon the reason our last couple of home games have been poorly attended is because the product you have provided on the park is woefully punching beneath where we should be! Not one person has stopped coming because they heard you or somebody else on the board be shouted at, the way to stop angry fans shouting at you is to sort out the mess, not by abusing them back and blaming the clubs shortcomings on the fans/the life blood of the club. Without the fans there is no club, remember that! You’d honestly think these people had never been to a football match, fans get angry when said club is a mess and team is shite! It’s not a new phenomena! 

I think this bit is my favourite. 

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8 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Predictably there are simpletons on the Happy Clapper Facebook pages claiming to be “reassured” by the performance of Deans and Co at the meeting.

Also a fair few coming out with the “I’ll never boo a Falkirk player” , “ let’s get right behind the boys” stuff.


What do u think booing a player achieves. It won't get any better if fans don't get behind the team. You need to remember the league you are in and theirs no devine right to win it

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6 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

These clowns actually think they've slickened things up. Made recruitment more 'professional '. 

That's borne out of course by signing Jaime Wilson, Ruth, Ompreon, Hetherington, Ross, McKay etcetera 

A 'Who's He?' of Scottish football. 

'Wuv goat a fitba man in charge noo'. Aye  but it's Gary Fucking Holt. 

He hasn't been mentioned too much but Colin McFarlane came across woefully too. Clueless. No idea why he's at the club.

I’m very happy to say that Gary Holt is clueless. He gets by on coming across as a nice guy. Somehow he’s managed to turn that into arrogance at Falkirk. 


He’ll have known exactly what Robinson’s wages were at Livi, and given he couldn’t afford Gavin Reilly’s wages he’s throwing out names and saying ‘ah almost’ and hoping you’re all okay with it. 

He talks about the recruitment but it was him that signed De Vita knowing he was coming back from a career threatening 22 month injury and saw his struggles every day in training. 

Holt’s success with us came from Martindale giving him players to fit a system from a stats based recruitment. Holt’s learning experience from that has somehow been, ‘ah that lad scored 3 goals last season? We can sell him for profit in 2 seasons!’


No idea why he’s looking at boys for the future and selling them on when you’re in League 1 ffs. We went down and we signed guys who were regulars at this level, some were a bit younger.


You’ll have more cash than we do, and we signed Liam Buchanan (about 25 goals that season), Alan Lithgow, Sean Crichton, Nicky Cadden, Liam Kelly, Sean Byrne. It was around then we brought back De Vita and Keaghan Jacobs who had a few hundred appearances at this level between them and won multiple league titles. Guys that were (by large) mid 20s on average and that have either won this league before or have showed great quality at this level. 

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1 hour ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

It's always easy to play the 'well you don't know what threats we've had' card as well. 

Didn't a previous BoD get the police involved because someone joked online about wanting them to get in the sea or something? 

I once got a visit from the police because of something I posted on One F back in the day.

It was around 2004/05 I think, and IIRC there was some political shenanigans going on with the council.  People were chatting about boycotts of councillor's businesses etc and it was all getting a bit silly.  With tongue firmly in cheek, I said that we should all stand up, point and boo at them.  Then if that wasn't enough we should kick over their bovril and stab them with pie crusts.

A couple of weeks later, the local CID were at the door asking me exactly what I meant by "stabbing with pie crusts".  I could see the despair in the officers eyes as they had to ask me inane question after inane question - "did i really intend to kick over anyone's bovril?".

As they left I said I was sorry that they'd wasted their time, they just said "we have to investigate what we're told to Sir".

Pretty sure it was a board member back then who made the complaint and told them who i was.  They also asked me if i knew Olaf Thom but i said no... i'm no a grass.  😄

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10 minutes ago, dave_binos said:

I was surprised when a Livi fan a few pages back found it "banterful" after his own clubs failings at board room level in previous years. 

Mainly because we’ve had our fair share of charlatan directors/owners etc. For the first time in a long time, it isn’t us. We’re stable and in a solid place. 

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12 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

What do u think booing a player achieves. It won't get any better if fans don't get behind the team. You need to remember the league you are in and theirs no devine right to win it

Footballers get off lightly. If any of us performed so badly in our jobs we'd be sacked on the spot and not simply subjected to some pantomime booing. Due to contracts and transfer windows that doesn't happen to players anywhere near enough. If you can't as a footballer put up with a bit of booing you are in the wrong job I'm afraid.

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10 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

I’m very happy to say that Gary Holt is clueless. He gets by on coming across as a nice guy. Somehow he’s managed to turn that into arrogance at Falkirk. 


He’ll have known exactly what Robinson’s wages were at Livi, and given he couldn’t afford Gavin Reilly’s wages he’s throwing out names and saying ‘ah almost’ and hoping you’re all okay with it. 

He talks about the recruitment but it was him that signed De Vita knowing he was coming back from a career threatening 22 month injury and saw his struggles every day in training. 

Holt’s success with us came from Martindale giving him players to fit a system from a stats based recruitment. Holt’s learning experience from that has somehow been, ‘ah that lad scored 3 goals last season? We can sell him for profit in 2 seasons!’


No idea why he’s looking at boys for the future and selling them on when you’re in League 1 ffs. We went down and we signed guys who were regulars at this level, some were a bit younger.


You’ll have more cash than we do, and we signed Liam Buchanan (about 25 goals that season), Alan Lithgow, Sean Crichton, Nicky Cadden, Liam Kelly, Sean Byrne. It was around then we brought back De Vita and Keaghan Jacobs who had a few hundred appearances at this level between them and won multiple league titles. Guys that were (by large) mid 20s on average and that have either won this league before or have showed great quality at this level. 

The youth development side has been probably the only positive so far this season. Already uncovered a couple of excellent prospects that have been promoted from the development team. I have no complaints about that side of things whatsoever.

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3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Footballers get off lightly. If any of us performed so badly in our jobs we'd be sacked on the spot and not simply subjected to some pantomime booing. Due to contracts and transfer windows that doesn't happen to players anywhere near enough. If you can't as a footballer put up with a bit of booing you are in the wrong job I'm afraid.

In you're job. If people start putting pressure on you negatively do you perform better.

I fully expect falkirk to be where They are for the foreseeable future and its nothing to do with the board.

I see all these people complain day in day out. If these people leave who replaces them. Had the same thing at my own club. Committee go who comes in? 

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I've only just watched an hour of the meeting and wow....

Laughable the recruitment is better with only two players mentioned, one who has been injured and one who hasn't turned up last two games. 

Holt trying to defend Wilson and throwing two current players under a bus whilst suggesting Wilson scored more goals but sends him to 2nd bottom Elgin a league below to improve 😁 honestly couldn't write it. I am hoping he was suggesting the youth players in regard to signing some players that may make the club money,if not he is deluded. Holt obviously still loves the panto villan role he had as a player and I suppose it's one of these roles that's aok if it's going well, when it's not he is a dick.

A few people saying Rawlins came across well but his words were just a cut and paste job from all his spoken words to the fans since his investment,it was like watching something on Dave.

I can be swayed into believing Dean's  claim nothing will change if he does leave as he is just a puppet but he has chosen dick mode to be that puppet.

As for the accountant Colburn blaming the vast majority of fans for their behaviour....double wow. He has just triggered a level or two up going ahead and he obviously has never been to Brockville, another one employing dick mode as his default.

44 mins to go but the restriction of 1hr 30mins for the meeting has shown they had no intention of fixing any issues, it was a case them telling us what it is in dick mode and you can like it or lump it. A good few I know have taken lump it and done with the club now.

The whole thing has been a PR disaster, especially with it being open for everyone to see, a stream of it live would've been their best bet, shown live then gone but they were obviously too scared to do it live, still it's the norm of our board to make things worse

As for Sheerin the common word used is likeable guy, no successful manager has that tag. He is inexperienced, enthusiastic and he needed to start well and ride on that wave, falling of that wave with zero experience is the problem. The downfall started with putting all his eggs on Ruth, since that Alloa game it's been downhill.




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In you're job. If people start putting pressure on you negatively do you perform better.
I fully expect falkirk to be where They are for the foreseeable future and its nothing to do with the board.
I see all these people complain day in day out. If these people leave who replaces them. Had the same thing at my own club. Committee go who comes in? 

The place the club finds itself is nothing to do with the board, the people whose job it is to run the club? Is that what you're saying here?
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1 hour ago, GroundHoppingBear said:

Did you have the same thoughts when Rangers fans were fighting the board? I doubt it.

It's an absolute disgrace what boards can get away with. This Q&A is a masterclass in avoiding questions.


And I think everyone here can clearly understand why.

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11 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

In you're job. If people start putting pressure on you negatively do you perform better.

I’d probably find it a bit perplexing if a few thousand people were “getting behind” me whilst I was sending an email. I don’t think booing would be any less off putting to be honest with you. 

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