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The Falkirk FC Thread

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40 minutes ago, AGPar said:

Sheerin's comments with regard to tomorrow's game are as downbeat and uninspiring as ever. As ever, all about the opposition. Fair enough, Peterhead are in form and have scored nine in their last two - whilst we "cannot be expected to score two or three to win a game" - but something a little bit more positive than "this is the worst possible time to play them" really would not go amiss in the present climate. He appears to think Peterhead will be set up to frustrate us then in the very next sentence says that Peterhead will take confidence from us conceding too many goals?! Which is it? I'd be amazed, in view of the current form of both, if McInally hasn't got them on the front foot from the first whistle.

Little faith remaining in this guy I'm afraid. Suspect defeat at Balmoor tomorrow will be entirely in line with his expectations. Absolutely anything more than that to be treated as a welcome and completely unexpected bonus. Depressing.

Every interview of Sheerin's is worse than the one before. If you offered him a point now he'd bite your hand off. That's how far we've sunk. He might actually take a narrow defeat given his incompetence.

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1 hour ago, Sainteepip said:

Yes, there's little doubt this was the best possible outcome. The board have, on a national scale, outed themselves as arrogant, self serving, pompous wankers. I was merely commenting on the blowhards on this thread who were either cowering silently at the back or 'too busy' to attend. 


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37 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

Every interview of Sheerin's is worse than the one before. If you offered him a point now he'd bite your hand off. That's how far we've sunk. He might actually take a narrow defeat given his incompetence.

Aye him clinging on to his 2 each draw with Montrose as a good result/performance was quite frankly laughable.  His reply to the boy that said a few years ago we were beating Montroses 5 or 6 nothing by saying we'll after being two nil down 2 each wisnar bad basically. Was excruciating. Montrose should've been out of sight and were probably furious at losing a two goal lead to us.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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2 hours ago, Sainteepip said:

There's really no need for that reaction.

So you wished to attend and managed to attend? That's kind of proving my point. There's a post from a Falkirk fan who managed to secure a ticket through the normal channels the morning before the event so anyone who had any realistic intention of attending to 'hound the board' could quite clearly have done so. Fortunately for the good of the club the angry mob on here decided they had other things to do.

WTF are you on about? If a guy on P&B hadn't posted that he had a ticket that he couldn't use I wouldn't have been there. I was just lucky that I happened to be on the thread when he posted.

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2 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

Every interview of Sheerin's is worse than the one before. If you offered him a point now he'd bite your hand off. That's how far we've sunk. He might actually take a narrow defeat given his incompetence.

That's a bit unfair. He was talking about being 2-0 down at the time and conceding the second with only about 15 minutes left. It's a phrase that's used by loads of managers under similar circumstances.

It's a bit like some of the posters that are slagging the board, no point in looking for faults when they're providing loads by themselves. 

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So outcome of the event is past decisions weren't acceptable, player recruitment is/was poor, club has been ran shambolically and its the fans fault, that's a special kind of special to come out with that logic.

I can't help but think whatever is going on behind the scenes Holt is partially to blame for it once he was in the door M and M results dropped dramatically and we are still no better off.

As much as Deans wants to right the wrongs of the past or his failing for last season, he isn't going to redeem himself to the fans and needs to go.  I would say Holt, Deans and Colburn all need to go for any sort of progress as the 3 of them are doing more damage than repairing it.

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1 hour ago, Sainteepip said:


According to a poster on this thread he/she managed to purchase a ticket the day before the event so anyone who wished to attend could have done so. Would have made for a more entertaining video for the neutral if the 'hang 'em high' and 'hound them for the entire event' brigade had actually followed through with their threats, if they even bothered to attend the event that is. For the long term benefit of the club it was clearly preferential that the loud mouths on here decided to take the cowards route out. 

I was there, I have been vocal on here - even if my posts are not as regular as some. 

If I voiced my disagreement in a civil manner. If I screamed and prevented discussion from going ahead then what is the point in a Q&A? 

It was by no means a happy atmosphere and the discontent in the room was still evident but you have to let both sides speak and in since the who thing had to happen within a 2 hour window, I'd much rather we heard as much as we possibly could from the board. In the end that is the best thing that could have happened but it has really highlighted their incompetence far more than a rabble for 2 hours would have.

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1 hour ago, Sainteepip said:

There's really no need for that reaction.

So you wished to attend and managed to attend? That's kind of proving my point. There's a post from a Falkirk fan who managed to secure a ticket through the normal channels the morning before the event so anyone who had any realistic intention of attending to 'hound the board' could quite clearly have done so. Fortunately for the good of the club the angry mob on here decided they had other things to do.

I feel I may be on the cusp of the angry mob that you refer to. I very rarely post on here, I go every week home and way have done for years but tend to give my abuse on match days only having a fleeting glance on here and a cursory one of the boardroom handling. 

I never really felt like these board meetings changed anything. It felt like it was all just a bit of virtue signalling. Hence my reluctance to attend this or any event my club holds other than that at 3pm on a Saturday. Having now watched, what can only be described as a car crash I now feel almost fucking 'woke' at the shambles running our club. From the utterly cringe-worthy introductions, to baseless accusations of fans threatening behaviour and the utter contempt to a fan who delivered a concise, articulate and factual question/'statement' that even the Yanks wife looked impressed with. 

To ask fans to rally behind a team and stop booing them is one thing if its worthy. But the bar is now set so low its on the floor for Falkirk. A 3-0 home defeat against Airdrie, with one shot on target (a shit one at that). A manager who has lost his best attacking option and now reeks of desperation by playing a conservative, possession based style as he has no faith in his front line in League 1 despite having the biggest budget against part time players. Celebrating a 2-2 draw against Montrose when we are 'challenging' for the title. At what point do you turn around and go NO. Enough is enough. I get they had to save face the other night, but at what point do they evaluate their performance, be it management, players or board members and start to feel ashamed at their performance. 

So if the plan of this meeting was to unite us again its worked. I've seen a likeable side to Sheerin, he looks like he's really trying but just not fit for it. I will no longer direct my entire abuse to him on match-days.  It'll be entirely focused at Deans a Co from now on. This whole shambles now has shone a spotlight on them for a guy like me who was almost ignorant and only interested in seeing his team on a Saturday. 



Edited by moanthebairns
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I'm sure I attended that Q&A at Firhill circa 2010. 

An angry Frustrated Fanbase v Defensive Board of Directors. 

Pools Panel Verdict: Carnage.

Even if Falkirk do recover sufficiently to win promotion, either automatically or via the play-offs, as I suspect they will the relationship between fan base and BoD has broken down irretrievably. 

I've only heard snippets but the comment from the Chair about how it makes little difference who sits in that position is an interesting one. 

I suspect that he is largely correct and if so therein lies a solution to the distrust that clearly exists between the Falkirk BoDs and their fanbase. 

He stands down. 

The process of recovery from a decade of decline can continue as before but with hopefully someone sitting in the position of Chair that can establish a degree of trust between Club and Fans and rebuild a relationship that is vital to the future of Falkirk FC. 


Edited by John MacLean
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1 hour ago, Sainteepip said:


Or you could've secured a ticket through the official channels like a previous poster. None of this is really the point though, any Falkirk fan who had any realistic intention of following through with their threats had ample opportunity to do so. Fortunately for the good of the club they didn't have the bottle to do so and the board made a monumental tit of themselves without being goaded into doing so. Win win for the fans who weren't too busy to attend. 

Eh, I did try to secure a ticket through the official channels as I've already explained, but I couldn't because they were SOLD OUT! How the other poster managed to get one through the website is a mystery (if that's how he got it) because I'd tried to get one the previous day as well but couldn't because they were SOLD OUT!! I can only imagine that it was a glitch in the system or something?

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Just now, ShaggerG said:

Eh, I did try to secure a ticket through the official channels as I've already explained, but I couldn't because they were SOLD OUT! How the other poster managed to get one through the website is a mystery (if that's how he got it) because I'd tried to get one the previous day as well but couldn't because they were SOLD OUT!! I can only imagine that it was a glitch in the system or something?

I think I can help here.  You're talking to a St Johnstone fan.  They may well be the very model of a well-run provincial Scottish football club, and have been for many years, but the concept of something selling out isn't a thing they have to worry about very often.

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1 hour ago, joozy said:

I think I can help here.  You're talking to a St Johnstone fan.  They may well be the very model of a well-run provincial Scottish football club, and have been for many years, but the concept of something selling out isn't a thing they have to worry about very often.


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1 hour ago, Sainteepip said:


You're detracting from the point. Any of the angry mob, of which there were plenty on here, had ample opportunity to purchase a ticket to vent their spleen if they genuinely wished to do so. It's great for guys like you that they bottled it. 

No, the point that you made to me was that I could get a ticket through official channels, I'm telling you I couldn't. I'm not talking about anything else.

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19 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Their all pals of deans FFS. They are all his chums and his link to getting on the board was Colin Liddell. I'm in the real world your the one in cloud cukoo land if you think creating a board with all the same skill sets is a great idea. Any chairman worth his salt brings people on board with a vast array of skills . People with backgrounds in PR, marketing, finance and dare I say it even football etc not just a pile of pals from the finance sector. Deans has brought every one of these clowns on board and the club has gone backwards and is now in its worst state for over 40 years but your happy to say keep going boys your doing a damn fine job.

If deans wants to run the club he should put his money where his mouth is and invest a decent amount of money then he can waste his own money  instead of wasting everyone else's.



Deans has 25000 shares at 40p each, Colburn 75000 at 40p each,Liddell zero shares as per the last confirmation statement 


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