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I think it’s now progressed to being a staffing issue rather than the fact a ballot wasn’t possible (which we all know to be the case when numerous other clubs with similar ST bases are conducting one for their games). 

If it’s a staffing issue then fair enough - hopefully they are able to get their heads together and get something fairer organised for the next home game.

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33 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

Just read Jamie Swinney on Twitter saying the PS cup ballot was done on the first 1000 to buy season tickets then the next 1000. If we have 2300 and they have that information then surely continue with the last 300 and then back to the first 80 or just start over with the first 380? 

Would save folk queuing in the rain or is this a cynical way to get more footfall through the shop for Christmas? 

Just don’t understand why there wasn’t a better option at hand. 

Makes sense to me CP !

Maybe just trying to make sure that all tickets are snapped up. I was at the last game where the ballot was used. Unbelievable the number that didn't turn up. We estimated around a third at that match.

Edited by Zbairn
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Guest Caractacus Potts
9 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

Makes sense to me CP !

Maybe just trying to make sure that all tickets are snapped up. I was at the last game where the ballot was used. Unbelievable the number that didn't turn up. We estimated around a third at that match.

I understand there is more chance of those who turn up today attending than a ballot but it’s no guarantee. That shouldn’t be a priority for the club. If fans don’t turn up then it’s on them. The club should prioritise fairness and do it’s best to try to prevent anyone gathering. 

Anyway it’s not something I’m deeply concerned about but do think it deserves questioning. 

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Absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine passport, it's about stopping illness.

The emergency services are at crisis point due to staff illness/absence and this is set to get potentially worse over the next month. Not just people contracting Covid but staff displaying symptoms, this can remove an ambulance crew or police unit for 2 days (if the test returns negative). This applies to the control rooms as well!

Imagine phoning 999 because your Gran fallen and has broken her hip behind a locked door. There is a huge risk this year your going to be told "Sorry, phone a locksmith and take her to A&E yourself". 

I love Falkirk but I can wait to see us play again.

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I'd venture one of the main issues which has prevented a reasonable outcome is a lack of data or understanding of what data the club holds about season ticket holders.

It would seem other clubs using a similar provider haven't had an issue using a ballot. That indicates the platform can accommodate such a thing but ultimately requires good data practices (data quality) or good configuration (data capture).

As a data geek I'd have hoped that the club was using all sources available to them (TicketHour, FalkirkTV, hospitality, Junior bairns etc) to influence decision making so when these issues are flung up it's not a shot-in-the-dark.

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2 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

I'd venture one of the main issues which has prevented a reasonable outcome is a lack of data or understanding of what data the club holds about season ticket holders.

It would seem other clubs using a similar provider haven't had an issue using a ballot. That indicates the platform can accommodate such a thing but ultimately requires good data practices (data quality) or good configuration (data capture).

As a data geek I'd have hoped that the club was using all sources available to them (TicketHour, FalkirkTV, hospitality, Junior bairns etc) to influence decision making so when these issues are flung up it's not a shot-in-the-dark.

Which part of the data would you put at the top of the list to receive a ticket ?

For me there is no fair way to dish out the tickets given the numbers they have to play with.

The easiest way would be making all games closed doors, it's decisions like this that will make the public revolt 

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21 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

I'd venture one of the main issues which has prevented a reasonable outcome is a lack of data or understanding of what data the club holds about season ticket holders.

It would seem other clubs using a similar provider haven't had an issue using a ballot. That indicates the platform can accommodate such a thing but ultimately requires good data practices (data quality) or good configuration (data capture).

As a data geek I'd have hoped that the club was using all sources available to them (TicketHour, FalkirkTV, hospitality, Junior bairns etc) to influence decision making so when these issues are flung up it's not a shot-in-the-dark.

You should consider volunteering your expertise.

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8 minutes ago, MrDust said:

Which part of the data would you put at the top of the list to receive a ticket ?


I think Jamie Swinney made mention of "family bubbles/parents and kids/carers" - That is a straightforward query of ticket types and I'd hope the necessary referential integrity is in place to give a number of season ticket holders who fall into those categories mentioned.

From there it then becomes how you want to slice those datasets. As everyone is saying, 500 isn't a huge amount and 380 is smaller still so it can't be unreasonable to select a subset.

Once you add in contacting those who are in your 1st cut - discounting those who don't answer or forego there ticket once notified - you can then quickly cover off that number because you will have factored in that a parent(s) + U12(s) are so many from one set and so on.

If the data isn't accurate or doesn't support what I've outlined above you then resort to asking fans to queue in miserable weather, to enter an enclosed space where a more transmissible virus thrives to get a ticket on a first served basis increasing exposure for everyone. 

The governments criteria is unfathomable and we can criticise them for that but equally the club is open to criticism for it's implementation of a system to adhere to them.

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Jesus wept folk moaning about not getting to a game FFS.  To be honest if there's only going to be 380 fans there you're as well watching it in the bloody house as the atmosphere at the game will be zero and at least you won't have to sit with a fecking mask on for 90 mins.  Add to that it's only bloody Clyde and I'm more than happy that I'll be able to sit in my own home and watch it in comfort.

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18 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

You should consider volunteering your expertise.

How about the club invest in in this area and stop relying on the goodwill of volunteers for a lot of skilled work that should be paid.

Falkirk are a £M+ organisation and events company they'd have you believe so they could start acting like one 😒

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2 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

How about the club invest in in this area and stop relying on the goodwill of volunteers for a lot of skilled work that should be paid.

Falkirk are a £M+ organisation and events company they'd have you believe so they could start acting like one 😒

What's the going rate for such skilled work?

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3 minutes ago, Bula Bairn said:

Not that you, or anyone else who has liked this, would utter that in the queue. 

Always the same with online trolls. 

Online troll 🤣 I'd happily say it on Boxing day, I'll be easy to spot come and see me, I'll be one of the few under bloody 60 years old that managed to get a ticket today. 


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How about the club invest in in this area and stop relying on the goodwill of volunteers for a lot of skilled work that should be paid.
Falkirk are a £M+ organisation and events company they'd have you believe so they could start acting like one [emoji19]

It would probably cost a 4 or 5 digit sum to put this in place.
Given that we are talking minimal income it probably makes poor business sense at the moment.
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Easiest solution would have been to have season ticket holders e-mail/call in by say 3pm today to register interest in attending and then a random ballot of those attending with those picked being notified and their cards activated tomorrow. Very simple and straight forward.

If that means some admin staff doing a bit of overtime to manage it tonight then so be it but it would a lot fairer on a big number of fans who have full time jobs and cant afford to stand in the pishing rain on a Thursday morning for a ticket.

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2 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

Easiest solution would have been to have season ticket holders e-mail/call in by say 3pm today to register interest in attending and then a random ballot of those attending with those picked being notified and their cards activated tomorrow. Very simple and straight forward.

If that means some admin staff doing a bit of overtime to manage it tonight then so be it but it would a lot fairer on a big number of fans who have full time jobs and cant afford to stand in the pishing rain on a Thursday morning for a ticket.

How many admin staff do we employ?

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4 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

How many admin staff do we employ?

Probably not many but I doubt you'd get more than 75% of ST holders applying in the current climate. As others have said, its hardly appealing to sit in the freezing cold in an empty ground.

The process really wouldn't take long. Do it the right way and it would take a few hours tops.

Edited by latapythelegend
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